Little changes, big gains!

wretty222 wrote:
so... i don't know if any of you read those silly magazines like cosmo/elle/marie claire that have diet tips?? i usually don't (diet? PLEASE) but i was flipping through one the other day and noticed their section on how to lose weight... they talk about making SMALL changes to get BIG results. such as cutting out chocolate, switching to diet soda, etc etc.

well... i thought... why can't i apply that philosophy to getting FATTER??? though i love a good ~3000 calorie binge and i love stuffing myself, i've been trying some tactics that are so easy i can do them every day.. and almost forget about them, at least until my next weigh-in smiley

for example- i take the bus to work, so every day this week, i've eaten a normal, small breakfast at home (2 eggs, 2 pieces of buttered toast) and then as i walk to the bus stop i pick up 1-2 donuts at the convenience store- maple glazed fried donuts usuallysmiley i eat them in about twenty seconds flat, and it feels like i didn't even eat ANYTHING. it's a small change with a big impact, considering it averages about 350-700 calories (depending if i eat 1 or 2).

it's almost scared me how easy it's been to slip small, fattening things into my daily schedule.

i use cream instead of skim milk in my tea...

i use full fat cheese on my eggs, and butter instead of margarine...

my little secret donut habit smiley of course - which is fun, because i can eat as much as i like at home but the person at the shop of course has no idea that i've already had breakfast.. i think i might try getting 3 doughnuts soon! i love when doughnuts are light and fluffy and fried so they just feel like sweet air- i feel like i could chow down a half dozen if i was told to smiley

i've tried to stop at a fast food place on the way home most days just to pick up even a side dish- such as cheesy potatoes from taco bell or french fries. even if i don't feel up to eating a full burger meal, i get the sides to pack in extra calories.. plus, they're yummy!

do you guys do this- small changes in your diet/activity to make sure the pounds start to pack on??? i think it's working, considering i'm ALMOST to 250 pounds - i'm becoming quite the porker smiley that'll be almost a 100 pound gain in 2 years!

tell me more tips if ya got em smiley

thanks for this tip lol even if it´s easy i have never tried this

i will see what happens if itry this for some weeks^^
11 years

How to encourage weight gain

WitchyLaRoux wrote:
oh FFS why is there no damn report post button in these forums yet? it has been stated over and over here that such topics as this are not allowed *wanders off to PM the mods*

what exactly is not allowed ???????????
11 years

How to encourage weight gain

Hmmm..i wonder why it is such a taboo ?
You are responsible for what you eat is my opinion.

I would so love a gf to try to make me eat more or secretely fattening me with all things she might think of ;-)

if i gain it´s my fault and her pleasure maybe perhaps even mine ^^ when i realize how a girl could like this ^^.

And if i really would get to fat over a certain point i don´t like ...well i can do sports and diet or have the willpower to make myself comfortably enough again.

Where is the problem ?

I woudl enjoy such a witty tricky girl who tries to fatten me up it´s even a kind of hmm... nice sexy game for me .
And for every other one who don´t like gaining don´t EAT so much !!!

Wow is all we learned as a race over 5 million years that we blame others for our doing !!!well done humanity !

11 years

Weight gain progress photos?

i have only a few ;-) i gues i need a gf who is like you two ^^
11 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

really no Female feeders here who are into that kind of play ?^^ i can´t believe it ^^
11 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

Circe wrote:
Funnel feeding is a lot of fun, I've only done it a handful of times but each time was quite amazing. I just kept pouring fattening shakes and they kept swallowing, each time resulting in an extremely stuffed belly. Even better if you're sitting on top of them pinning them down ;] Though eventually their overstuffed gut pins them down, haha.

Not to mention grabbing someone by the hair and forcing their face into a creamy cake, with hands tied behind their back. Messy, greedy pigs are always hot!

Oh i love the idea of a session beeing tied up and kind of helpless and beeing stuffed so that my feeder girl shows me how much i can eat but until she really got me really fat i don´t think a weak girl could force me into a cake ;-) hehe
11 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

such an interesting topic ^^ wished there were more girls commenting ;-)
11 years

Really tiny wanting to get fat

reverseanorexic wrote:
So... would anyone here actually be interested in a really REALLY "dangerously/disgustingly" skinny girl wanting to get chubby? Like noticably chubby. Not just gaining "the weight she needed to gain to be normal" but actaully getting undeniably fat to the average person. So that nobody would dare call her skinny anymore. Think like the girl the doctors have been worried is anorexic her whole life (but has secretly been trying to get fat her whole life, sneaking in extra food here and there, a little secret stuffing.)

Oh i would love to see that happening and sure would encourage it to a certain point ^^

So have fun enjoying this journey got alittle belly for myself over the ladt years not much but was always very toned in my life...
12 years

Obesity study will pay you!!

oh i would love to do that haha i would even come to the usa for this time to do this haha but would be sure nice to have annice female encourager at hand when attending this ;-)
waw but i´m from germany so far away ....:-)

but a really nice idea lol
12 years

Belly classification system

Oh so i´m still a starter i guess and it will be like this until a nice grils takes up the challenge to make me have a brusher belly^^ lol

and a very cute system this is lol^^
12 years