Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

Thats always been such a sexy romantic thing/fantasy for me.I would love to do that again but fatten up a slender girl to my size.
3 years

Soft foods?

Avacados are very soft and very fattening
3 years

Too rude people on this site...

I think being ignored in chat is pretty common.
I know I have gone in there and had no one respond.
The main thing is don't take it too personal because you can't force people to chat with you.
3 years

Too rude people on this site...

The chat area is fine for the most part but there are some real jerks in there too just like you find in real life.
If I run into one of them in the chat room I just leave and come back later because I don't have the time to argue with people.
3 years

Too rude people on this site...

You generally get what you put into public sites like this.
Random food pics are kind of hard to relate to a person so maybe a face pic would help.
The saying its nice to match a face to a personality does have merit.
I have been here 13 years or so and have made some friends from here and other fat related sites.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

In total probably 13 years
3 years

Can i like guys for the right reasons?

Sounds like you are having problems separating fantasy from reality.
You being attracted to guys is OK but only attracted to their fat ??
What about their personality doesn't that count?
That would be like being attracted to a woman just because she has big boobs.
3 years

At the crossroads

That is so common I would say 75% of the members here have felt the same way.
I felt that way in my 20s and didn't know what I wanted.
3 years

What are you wearing? what's your fav item of clothing?


Would maternity jeans be out of the question for wearing in public?


Why exactly ?
Jeans are jeans so if they fit wear them.
3 years