Pop tarts

Use them to make ice cream sandwiches.
6 years

Consensual brainwashing.

I'd like to find hypnosis audio files for gaining and stuffing spoken by a woman.
6 years

Anyone else feel like they don't quite fit in here?

It does no good to call people with whom you disagree "Nazis". It cheapens and trivializes the word. If you feel the need to call someone a Nazi, you're probably wrong.
6 years

What can i add to heavy cream to make it not taste like shit?

Add a shot of some sort of flavoring syrup like Torani or Grenadine.
6 years

Belly belt

I thought OP was talking about a sort of sling for carrying a fat or pregnant belly.
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

I'll try diphemhydramine for a week and report back.
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

I'll try diphemhydramine for a week and report back.
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

So, it would seem then that cyproheptadine is better for fattening up than diphemhydramine?
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

What does H2 control?
6 years

Soylent for gaining?

Has anyone looked into using Soylent for maintaining a high enough calorie intake to start or maintain a consistent gain? It looks generally like Ensure for everyday use, not just for sick people. The inventor of it had the idea of using just this stuff for food and dispensing with the hassle of preparing regular food.

See www.soylent.com/
6 years