Bit of fun

Well it was a disappointing 7lb gain I was gutted it felt like so much more. The seat felt very very narrow on the flight home.

Still, sounds like you had fun! So, I would argue it wasn't a complete loss.

For only a week, that actually seems impressive. 1 lb a day is actually pretty fast! Even 1 lb a week would be 52 lbs in a year.

Some also report residual effects. As in, the expanded appetite wants to be satisfied, so you eat larger meals and more dessert for awhile afterwards, which causes even more weight gain.
4 years

Coke and mentos help?

It's true there's the soda and Mentos experiments (there's many on YouTube) with varying degrees of volume based on the soda used (Sprite, Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, etc.). Haven't seen any experiments to compare the Mentos flavor used.

However, I've read that when you eat Mentos, the coating on the outside wears and burns off before it enters your stomach, which makes sense. But, it's the ingredients that consist of that coating that causes this reaction, so there's no way for it to really occur inside the stomach.

So the effect you may have would be similar to just drinking a lot of fizzy, carbonated soda without Mentos.

So thus, I might suggest skipping the Mentos unless you actually like them.
4 years

Immobile/almost immobile/ssi benefits

Sorry, but simply being "obese" is insufficient.

I suggest just forgetting about this idea entirely, unless it's literally the only option you have.

I'm answering this question as it relates to the U.S., since that's where I live and where you seem to live. This answer may or may not be applicable elsewhere.

Disability payments are often very hard to qualify for, with the typical outcome of many who in fact probably should get it, won't.

Even if the application is successful, it will take many months, and the amount is not particularly generous. You can't support yourself on it, although you would be covered under Medicare.

Heard of one kid who I guess might have some sort of very major mental disorder of some sort? He gets $800/mo., that's it. I guess he stays with family.

The most generous benefit I've heard of is around $1,000, which is similarly insufficient.

One case I've heard of, this old lady got a $750ish check, of which HALF of it went to rent on what was basically a toolshed. This was in very rural, highly depressing West Virginia, and she had to work illegally, while undergoing horrendous pain. Illegal in the sense that taking the job is taken as evidence that you are able to work and thus, not so disabled as to need the payment.

Basically, the standards are such that you'd have to very far up shit creek without a paddle before you could even dream of qualifying, and even then you might not get it.

I don't know what assistance you might be able to get if money problems make it a challenge to obtain special equipment but those programs should be out there. For example, how a low wage worker who can't walk could obtain a wheelchair and thus, be able to be a functional member of society.
4 years

Bit of fun

It's for a week been here 3 days and everything is starting to get snug

That sounds hot and really enjoyable! I predict everything is gonna be tight at the end.

I bet you'll need to go clothes shopping at the end of it.
4 years

Bit of fun

I started my all inclusive holiday at 225 pounds what will I end it as?

What has everyone else gained on all inclusive holidays?

How long is it for?

I've heard of some who were able to gain 1-2 lbs a day, but YMMV.

One of these days, I think I may like to go on a 2 week cruise, perhaps with a sexy BBW who loves eating.

I'd train and prepare for it by overeating every day for hopefully at least a week before it starts to stretch out my stomach and increase capacity. Oh and to bring some larger clothes in the luggage, just in case.

I've also heard of some experiencing residual effects after such a vacation, where for weeks the additional eating, and more weight gain has become the new normal. Of course, you could turn that into months or even years if you want to.
4 years


But why did you lose the weight, or want to? This is important in trying to figure out what to do.

Concerned about fitting in? Or that you may be too much larger than the average? I know a lot of folks feel like they have to lose weight because they're "supposed to" but their heart isn't in it.

But why do you want to gain again? Do you want to have a big appetite and be able to eat much more delicious food? Or do you like the feel of the extra mass?

I've had misgivings during the process and I think many others have had it too.

I don't know how helpful I'll be. For me it's been hard for me to get to a nearly "regular" weight. Sometimes I wonder what I've done to myself, but so far I like the changes. However, I'm only about 151 lbs as of this writing. I have a ways to go before I'm overweight and a long ways to go to obesity. So it's pretty clear that I would like to have some more weight. I know I wish I had a larger appetite so I could eat more delicious food, and of course in North America, at least if you're a man, it's better to be overweight than skinny.

But enough about me. What about you? If you're like most here, I suspect you'd rather be able to eat larger portions of delicious food.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

So I’m starting a HC diet for the next month or so. Question though — for the last week I gained 2 pounds and just added it in my cooking but didn’t make any shakes or drink it.

Today I tried to make a relatively small shake with ice cream, heavy cream, peanut butter and bannanas and it upset my stomach pretty bad.

Does anyone have advice on getting it down? Is it better to just add a small amount everyday and keep that going for a while or go on gainer shakes?

One tip of course is to possibly take it easier at first with smaller amounts, and work your way up as your belly gets used to digesting all the dairy fat. The last thing you ever want is to throw up. Not only is that not fun, but those are wasted calories that won't contribute to weight gain.

If it's been a very long time since you last had any, or your diet hasn't been rich enough, it could be a shock.

If necessary, even start off with half and half. It tastes like creamier milk, which is basically what it is. Ideally, you should give up regular milk and only have half and half or cream. Half and half should be pretty easy to drink straight and get down, even if you haven't had any cream in a long time.

Eventually, you should be able to get up to a cup every day, even a pint. If you have too much at first, it could potentially spoil your appetite the next day. That's what happened, the last time I somehow managed to chug an entire quart.

Being consistent with having it again and again, is what's most important, so the added calories and fat will add up.

The recipe you described sounds like it would be hard to drink. Peanut butter is solid, you want something you can suck through a straw.

Another tip, where it sounds like you have the right idea, is to mix the cream with something. Heavy cream out of the carton, most folks don't like the taste. When it's whipped, even then it's usually mixed with sugar.

One recipe I've found that works is 1 pint of heavy cream with half a cup of coffee flavoring syrup like Ghirardelli or Torani PureMade. You pick the flavor you like the best, since they're all fattening. The syrup with the least calories is still 110 calories per fl. oz. So that's at least 2,040 calories in only 20 oz., and you can suck it down with a straw almost mindlessly while at the computer, playing video games, or watching TV.

Another tip that works for some, but perhaps not for others is to try Lactaid pills (or the store brand) for lactose intolerance. Most folks don't normally need them, but others seem to report positive results when taken with the cream, or helps reduce gas. So, YMMV and I'm inclined to think it's some sort of placebo effect.

It's true that cream contains large amounts of dairy fat, which of course is what you're counting on.. but it doesn't really have much lactose, so I'd probably skip the Lactaid pills if I were you.
4 years


I have been periodically measuring my partner to see where her size fluctuates. Mostly for the sake of knowing what sizes of clothes to buy when shopping online. It gives me such a thrill to see the numbers go up (though they don't always). However they tend to trend upwards when I'm making sure she is properly fed.

Is that really accurate though?

There's vanity sizing. Even in men's, for some brands I've noticed that advertised waist size +2" = real waist size.

So I'm leery unless I visit a store for that brand first, and I bring a tape measure.
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Ace of spadez:
The reality is that way turns us on is not socially acceptable. It’s socially tolerated. Attitudes of toleration toward fat have grown not an increase in acceptance and desire. The only real hope is the internet and being able to relocate. Most girls u find want to be sexy in spite of being fat , they don’t think they are sexy because they are fat.

There's a lot of tolerance, yes.

But acceptance and even desire? I think there's more of that than before. A man being with a larger woman doesn't have the same embarrassment as before.

Courage is still needed, but I don't think it requires as much courage as before.

In 2030, if current trends continue, and there's little reason to think it won't, a little over 50% of the U.S. will be considered obese (BMI 30+). Some demographic groups are already there, now. The average American man now, already weighs 200 lbs standing at 5'9".

In '30, there will be some demographic groups that aren't at 50% but it's spreading to everyone and will only continue to rise.

There's pretty much no choice but to accept it, and love it. It has become normal. What would have been considered an average weight even 30 years ago seems skinny now.

If the rate continues to rise in a linear fashion, which is far from a foregone conclusion, as any number of things will happen, the U.S. will reach an obesity rate of nearly 100% by the turn of the 22nd century. Of course, it may happen sooner. Or maybe later.

Only thing that seems clear is that in the near term, the obesity rate will rise. Long term planning by some organizations assume this. In the newer NYC subway cars, did you know the new seats are wider than the old ones?

I also almost never see anyone cram 3 into the same side of a booth seat in a restaurant, or 3 in the back seating row of a car, SUV, van, etc.
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Politics, like anything else, I think one good way is to find local groups that are into this.

There's probably a local organization of some sort with meetings and events, whether Republican, Democrat, Green, etc.

Or maybe you only care about certain issues. For example, at a shooting/gun range, I doubt you'd find anyone there, regardless of his overall general political beliefs, that doesn't support the 2nd amendment, CCW, and so on.

Anyway, I think you get the idea. As long as the organization isn't about extreme fitness and exercise, or isn't heavily male oriented, I think it's almost guaranteed that some folks there will be fat women.
4 years