Trust and surrender

Oh thanks that was very nice to read AvoirdupoisHa

so for me it´s only that trust what will make it possible to gain over a certain amount of chubbiness on me ^^.
I would need a partner really liking and encouraging me to gain until i will get to the pint ppl noticing my gain and making comments.
And i don´t think i would gain that much until i meet that nice girl who would make it easier to indulge in those tempting fantasies for real.
12 years

Subtle domination/manipulation

Thais3000 wrote:
I most agree that my greatest fantasies as a dominant feeder are ones of subtle manipulation and dominance…at first smiley

I think that my fantasies start out slow. Maybe at first few dates or encounters casual discussions of food might come up, I’d make sure to hide it behind polite desire to go to a restraunt she’d like or a desire to know her better. Unlike cruel society I’d show interest and react kindly to her desires, goading out details and drawing out her descriptions. If I’m lucky she’ll indulge as result. I like to think she might even just munch subconsciously if not directly indulge her desire.

First times out together I’d make sure eating would be involved and through intitially neutral responses to warming ones I’d make indulgence around me comfortable to pleasurable. I’d nurture her growing appetites and food based desire. Help her feel ok with dessert, help her let her own desires lead her to eat the whole plate load. I’d then try to get her to assiociate food with pleasantness and pleasure. Try to fill each of her happy moments with a bit of food. Perhaps take her to a desired movie, but have dinner after so she’s hungry for snacks and afterwards take her to her favorite (but fattening ☺smiley restraunt. I think she might have had a chance at first but by the end of this stage hopefully not only is eating pleasurable for her but it’s keyed to her favorite activities and guilt free.

The next evil step would be to introduce her to eating in more and more mundane settings. Using her beloved foods I’d leave the more impulse eating ones around my own place and oh perhaps at semi-random points leave some around her place. Favorite MM like candies, easy to eat in one pop, but high on the fattening to filling/time it takes to eat ratio. The calories don’t have to be massive but high enough per bite to add up. By then she’ll be helplessly primed to let pleasurable indulgence over take her. Trained to feel no guilt, body used to taking in massive loads of calories, and trained to see food as pleasurable she’d be lucky if only 75% of food she’s around ends up in her belly that she sees.

I kinda would like to play out that fantasy with someone willing to go along and pretend it was an accident. I think the other side of this deliocious arrangement would be later as she grew fatter teasing her more and more. Pointing out poking out skin, rolls, bulges, fat etc with an evil pinch or poke. Catching her indulging and poking her big tummy and telling her “Eating like that is why your fat” or “You’re becoming all belly” in a scolding but secretly encouraging way. I kinda love the idea of starting out the kind encouraging feeder/dom and then just tirning on them.

Like suddenly punishing and mocking them for their indulgence. Of course in nearly all of these scenes it involves calling them names they love and squeezing, pinching, poking slapping, etc their fatty bits in ways they love. Strangely as well the end punishment contains an element of being fed or forcefed massive amounts of beloved food to “get it out of their system”. I did a little of the encouraging and then mocking stuff with my ex and there is something so fun about spending the day as her kinda feeder who just wants her to eat and be happy and then when she’s hooked let out the evil side of a being dom and feeder. She could never resist the combo.

Wow ^^
that was nice to read and it were nearly totally my thought about all that ....but one addition i would make for me :.....

Se absolute hotness for me would be to make all that with a nice slim girl to some extent until she got slightly chubby and then she realize what i did only to be much better in mind tricks and seducting me to eat more and let go until i really got chubby enough for her to tease me and she realizes she likes it so much that it´s getting nearly to hard for me to at least stay under 250 lbs ^^ with all her smart wicked ways to fatten me up nicely and evil ^^.
12 years

Own belly as substitutive?

Yes that would be the perfect situation ;-).
But like crescit_eundo81 it seems that waiting so long for the right girl it takes some toll on my waist as well^^.

Must really be something to do with substituting something ^^ .....:-)

But nevertheless it´s such a turn on to see achubbier belly on oneself^^ isn´t it?
12 years

Heavy cream a bad idea? :p

fat apple wrote:
When I was kicking off my gain, my metabolism seemed in surmountable, despite my age. I suspect my longtime habit of rigourous excercise was the culprit.

Anyway, the thought of chugging heavy cream turned my stomach. My solution - mixing it in small amounts with melted full fat ice cream.

Every night, I mixed a few tablespoons of heavy cream with a pint of melted ice cream. I drank one just before bed and refridgerated the second. I set my alarm for 2:00 AM. When the buzzer sounded, I sleepily made my way to the kitchen and chugged the second pint before returning to bed.

It worked. ;-)

even resetting you alarmclock at 2 am ??
You crazy girl you ^^

but at least for two days i will try that still holidays lol :-)

But i started to drink whole cream (30fat) about 400 to 600ml each night before going to bed .
I will tell you after this week how it worked ok^^.
12 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

yeah! me, too^^.

went up from 88kg to 93 kg this morning in about 2 weeks .....

i will see if this vacation is a chubby one^^.

But i nver would mind some nice help (btw) :-)
12 years

My boyfriends gain!!

SexyCurvy7 wrote:
fantasygrl1133 wrote:
So, about 3 months ago, when I told my boyfriend I was into..bigger guys...He decided he wanted to put on a few pounds for me. Of course I was surprised and super happy since he doesn't share this interest, or at least I thought he didn't. He was around 172lbs and Now he's about 192lbs, he was originally going to stop at 185. I think he might even keep gaining as long as he stays a couple pounds under 200lbs. He looks amazing.
Ahhhhh I am sooooooo jealous. I WISH my bf would put on a few pounds!!! Seriously. You are so lucky to have a man who is willing to indulge your fantasy. Just incredible. Is there anything sexier than a manly man with a belly???? My hands LOVE LOVE LOVE lightly rubbing over a belly (especially with hair on it....i know, i know... call me a weirdo) Anyway, don't ask questions. Just enjoy it! you are fortunate smiley

Haha that´s so absolutely not funny here the some just opposite side of the game^^.
I would love to have a gf like you SexyCurvy7 ^^ who would love to see me fatten up and tease and love my flab hehe and see where it goes.
hach ^^

but nice and sexy to read that this actually happens somewhere in a nice form.
a happy easter to you all (btw)
12 years

Female feeders

so nice to hear ^^

but they only seem to flourish in the UK and USA.
12 years

Experimental gain questions

1.I have once tried for a longer period of time stuffing with calories ;-) and tasty food.
And gained about 9kg from 89kg-98kg.

2.Oh yes did i liked it :-).
But if i not eat more than normal i loose my weight just like that again.

3. No ;-). But i just want to do it again with a nice girl to my side that would be so interesting to see if i loose my gained pounds again ^^
12 years

Platonic feeding

Oh sounds very addictive ^^

And thanks for beeing so very open and informative about your interesting relationship .

Hmm...hard to say but as writing alone about that topic is sucha turn on and very stimulatiing for calory rich eating habits for me.
It would really be hard to find the person very nice and interesting sharing such a rare Desire and never going to live it since it´s so hard to find likeminded nice girls .

But perhaps....who knows^^
12 years

The wall test

oh that will take a while and an ffa Girl with feeding tendencies ^^
but nose toes and belly are even ;-)
12 years