Gaining by circumstance

I wonder then why cyproheptadine is used as an appetite stimulant much more often than is diphenhydramine. Maybe the former is more effective?
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

Zyprexa is an antipsychotic drug, not something one can easily go in an ask for. Is there something a bit easier to get that will cause a similar effect of eating nonstop? It also seems to promote the development of diabetes.

I've been taking fenugreek seed capsules for a while and they seemed to work for a while, but no longer.

You know about Apetamin? Gives you an insane appetite and you can get it online pretty cheap. Just take a little before bed for a few nights and you can put away pretty much anything all day

I've seen it and it doesn't seem cheap. Have you used it? Would some other people chime in on it?
6 years

Gaining by circumstance

Zyprexa is an antipsychotic drug, not something one can easily go in an ask for. Is there something a bit easier to get that will cause a similar effect of eating nonstop? It also seems to promote the development of diabetes.

I've been taking fenugreek seed capsules for a while and they seemed to work for a while, but no longer.
6 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

My soon-to-be wife adores my fatness.
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

450 pounds. Maybe 550 pounds.
6 years

Boyfriend will not admit i’m fat

Maybe it's time to do something in bed like saying "look how fat I am" while you grab his hand and press it against your belly and then do something else that he likes.
6 years

One-ton family

For someone who weighs 820 pounds, she still seems to be decently mobile.
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Have you reached the point where you personally don't know anyone who's fatter than you are?
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I've recently put on 26 pounds in the past five months, and over 50 since September and it's been lovely. There haven't been a lot of comments (I'm a bit of a shut in anyways so) but my bestie knows I'm gaining and she's made little comments here and there about how she has no idea how I eat so much and when I tell her funny feedism stories she giggles.

But I went to see my psychiatrist today and she's extremely against fat and weight gain (which that certainly doesn't bother me, but she has engaged in malpractice with me multiple times and I'm seeking a new doctor anyways). She scolded me for such a rapid weight gain and start quizzing me on "where that belly and all this weight" came from, if I "even do anything", and being upset that medications that suppress appetite don't work on me. She was very rude, but she had no idea how her scolding was making me blush! I went out for a nice stuffing and brought lots of nice treats home to celebrate the gain and joke about her scolding. ^-^

Please get away from that psychiatrist NOW. If you need someone to keep prescribing your meds while you look for a new psychiatrist, talk to your GP and explain what's going on. Usually they can do maintenance.
6 years


Don't hide it. Feel free to say "This is me. I'm fat!".
6 years