Finding people irl with this fetish

Realistically, I don't think it's possible. If you insist upon this, you'll likely remain single forever.

If you are, or ever have been in such a relationship, you have already beaten the odds. You're probably more likely to win the lottery, then get struck by lightening on the same day, which just so happens to be clear, bright, and sunny. Perhaps I exaggerated somewhat, and it sounds negative, but I'm being pragmatic.

No one will ever admit to this in person, ever.

I live in one of the largest metros of the U.S. In spite of this, I don't see many female users within a suitable age range. Some may even list a false location, so it's hardly scientific. I can't even be sure if they are single, or even if they are, if they would be into me in particular.

Even if I may be willing to be more flexible on some things, there's other things that are set in stone. For example, I'm looking for someone to be the future mother to my future kids, so if you're a single mother who doesn't want more, but you only want a serious relationship, then we have nothing to talk about.

I once met someone in college who admitted she gained 50 lbs in the past year and apparently didn't have a problem with it, probably even liked it since I still saw a lot of Jack's frozen pizza in the fridge. But a near instant personality clash meant there was simply no way at all.

Point is, there's simply too many ways for it to go wrong, even if you did find someone who was explicitly into this.

The best middle ground is to find someone big who loves eating and doesn't care about being or getting fat. Someone big knows it, and is likely aware of eating a lot. This is vastly easier to find.

There's also some other general things. A lot of positive trends have happened in just the past decade, and it's a pretty exciting time to be an FA. A decade ago, stores almost never had plus-size mannequins and there were more women's clothing brands that stopped at size 10 or 12. Now I'm not aware of any that don't offer at least size 18 or 20. Sizes above 24 remain a niche space, but I think it's only a matter of time until this changes.

You see all of this "body positivity" stuff too, which you didn't see before. More often I see women online with screen names that basically say they're proud to BBW and aren't ashamed of it.

Ever watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" It was released, and set in the 90s in rural Iowa. When his mother went to the police station to demand the release of her younger son, everyone in the town stared, pointed, and laughed at her which was horrible. Thing is, while most folks aren't that big, they're so common nowadays that if you see any while running errands, you don't take note of it anymore. No one cares anymore.

I see so many plump women who dress more stylishly now, wearing heeled shoes and in ways that show off their curves. The other day in an indoor shopping mall, I saw this upper middle aged lady in a dress, like she could have went to work. It didn't show off her midriff, but it was obvious she was busty and you could see much of her legs, which jiggled with every step. I saw her slight cankles wedged into her heeled shoes. Then I thought man, her husband is such a lucky man, getting to play with that every day. But, I digress and I'm starting to ramble.

Another point I'd like to make is this. I think a LOT more folks out there want to be fat or even obese than will admit it to anyone, even to themselves. They might think "perhaps I should spend more time at the gym" but then it's "perhaps later" (which turns into never). They might think they shouldn't have this food, but realize it just tastes SO good so they do. Then it's easier to just accept this.

My point is, I'm not going to get my hopes up, as to do so is madness and will lead to disappointment. But while it's unlikely I'll meet anyone in person who's explicitly into this, with a specific goal to gain weight or to make others overeat and gain, I think it's easier than ever to get most of what I may want, outside of the fetish community.

I don't see how anyone else who is able to think pragmatically, could think otherwise. I'm not going to hold out for what seems like a 1 in 1 million chance, any more than I would expect to actually win the lottery jackpot (and that's if I were to purchase tickets every day).
4 years


Does anyone measure belly/waist/chest, legs?

Just wondering if I'm the only one who is measurement conscious as to set goals or mark progress.

Not at all. I do that too! I'll even explain in depth what I like to do.

I maintain a spreadsheet where row titles are the type of measurement, and column titles are dates.

For all measurements, I hold the tape measure as loose as I possibly can before it almost falls off.

What I mean by "type of measurement" is the following:

Weight - This one is mostly obvious. However, I typically like to do this in the morning, almost naked or just very light underwear, before I eat anything but after #2 (sorry if TMI, but that can throw off the number slightly so it's worth noting this distinction).

Bicep - The circumference of the thickest part of the bicep, while mostly relaxed. For ease of measurement, I hold the left arm horizontal.

Bicep Flex - The same as "bicep" except I flex as hard as I can, which adds a good bit of extra circumference.

Tricep - The circumference of the thickest part of the forearm.

Neck - This is almost exactly like the shirt measurement. Measure around the neck. It doesn't seem to make much difference whether I measure over the Adam's apple or just below it.

Chest - The circumference around the thickest part around chest area, where the tape measure covers the nipples and the tape measure is completely horizontal, level to the floor. Women would likely also wish to measure the "band" measurement as well, which is the circumference just below the breast.

Waist - This is fairly obvious. The circumference around the belly button. Slightly different from the clothing measurement as most trousers and other bottoms sit below the belly button.

Waist High - Similar, but about two inches above the belly button. This number will always be smaller than the waist number.

Thigh - This is the circumference of the thickest part of the thigh. For ease of measurement, I move the left buttock as close to the front edge of the seat as I can, them measure.

Calf - The circumference of the thickest part of the calf, or lower leg. So far I measure by pulling the knee close to my chest, then measure. As I understand this may be a challenge for some folks, an alternative would be to rest your foot on the desk or table in front of you, or have your foot flat on the ground, then measure.

As I'm an American, my preferred measurements are pounds and inches. I typically round to the nearest 1/8th or .1 inches. But Excel (and other spreadsheet programs) have formulas where you can have another row with a conversion, in kilograms and centimeters. This helps if you are talking to someone who lives in a country where that's the prevailing measurements used.

I wish more folks would do this. You can even use the spreadsheet software to create graphs of gains and fattening up over time. I will admit that I don't always conduct these measurement sessions in consistent intervals.

It's also honestly very thrilling to realize that for example, my thighs have expanded past a certain circumference. My near term goal, which doesn't sound like much (but you know, little by little) is 22" thighs. This thrill actually makes gaining even more fun, as there's more ways than just with 10 lb range of weight you fall into.

Now I wonder how much more I'd have to gain to achieve 24" thighs and 12" biceps.
4 years

If you're getting fat, there is no way back? or it's not true?

What seems to be the gravitational pull into becoming heavier is how the weight makes you more tired and lazy. Imagine spending your day with a backpack full of 150lbs in weights. That slothfulness inevitably leads to more weight gain, more bored eating, napping and TV watching.

That's certainly part of it and I get what you're trying to say, but I doubt it's exactly the same.

A backpack only applies pressure to the shoulders, whereas extra weight would be in belly, limbs, and especially for women, the breast area.

The weight gain also wouldn't be overnight, giving a chance for the body to get used to it and it does, to some degree.

It's not scientific but I would guess weighing 150 more may be more similar to.. I don't know, carrying 75-100 lbs more in weights? There's also center of gravity too. Carrying a 25" CRT TV alone is difficult, not due to the weight but because of the center of gravity and difficulty in seeing where the next step on the stairs is.

Over the past year I've gained about 25 lbs. It doesn't feel the same as just always carrying 25 lbs of stuff. You're probably mostly right but I don't think it's a pound for pound comparison.
4 years

If you're getting fat, there is no way back? or it's not true?

I want to become a gainer in the next month and gain about 10-12 lbs as an experiment. But I have doubts about all this. If I will have desire to be thin again? Feedee's lifestyle is very addictive, isn't it?

There was an earlier thread here that was titled something like "warning fat may be permanent."

If you were once super skinny, I don't think that will ever happen again. I looked at your profile and you listed your weight as 171. If you try to gain 10-15 lbs, I doubt you'd look that different and it might be a good amount to try.

After a certain point, it would likely be hard to keep the weight off without a dedicated effort as well as eating much less.

Even individuals featured on "My 600 lb Life" (who often have serious problems and aren't happy with the situation) who get the surgery, are typically still overweight/technically obese even afterward, but are never skinny again. All of them still end up being at least 200-250ish lbs. But it's usually a significant improvement in their lives so they are typically satisfied with the results.

I suspect that once you get over 200, it may be hard to get below that again. The lower the weight, the harder it is to lose. But if you get to that point, I suspect you have to at least like it somewhat.

As others have said in replies, others have succeeded in losing 50+ lbs, and it might be possible, but it's not clear where they started from and where they ended up. 350 -> 300, or even 450 -> 300 is going to be much easier than 250 -> 200, which would be easier than 200 -> 150.

I obviously don't recommend the last one (200 -> 150) and not just because I'm an FA.
4 years

Why do men like soft tummies?

I don't quite understand the question. You mean why some men may find it visually appealing?

It may be biological, but a larger woman implies she has more access to food, so future kids are thus unlikely to go hungry.

Also perhaps just imagining how much yummy food she had to eat to get to that point. Not sure if that's the sort of answer you were looking for. Others may have different opinions and thoughts on the manner.

Also, thicker limbs, larger butts, and larger boobs look kind of funny and not quite proportional if there isn't at least some belly.
4 years

When/why thoughts...

I'm just really curious (maybe because I studied psychology years ago) if anyone can attribute their love for/fantasies/fetishes to anything in their pasts? It would be interesting to know

Interesting for me especially since I really want to know where mine came from.

I made a somewhat long post that touched upon this very thing just now, on page 2 of this thread:
4 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I don't know if there was any one trigger, one key event. Or if there was, I can't identify it and at this point, I don't know if I ever will, because it's been so long.

Back then, I was very little. I do remember when I was maybe 2-3, I was on an aircraft. You know how little kids may fidget or flail around. At one point my hand sank a little deep into a plump flight attendant's forearm, and I remember it felt *so* nice, although I pulled my hand back as quickly as I could.

Fast forward a little bit.. preschool/kindergarten; most adults who seemed nice and kind in my life were either overweight or obese. Who doesn't like kind, nice, considerate, and patient? So maybe I made that connection? Correlation doesn't imply cause, but I didn't know that yet.

But this kindergarten teacher I had, was a total bitch and witch who was mean to me. She was also skinny.

I don't want this post to get too long, so I'll fast forward a little more. One of the favorite teachers I had, was always overweight, probably obese technically with somewhat jiggly limbs and cankles. The secretary at the school was also morbidly obese but seemed nice, and didn't mind that I went to the front office for various office supplies for school.

When puberty was starting to hit, and I started to look at women in another way, it was always the slightly heavier ones who appealed to me. Perhaps because of that loose correlation earlier, or because fat people really do seem more jolly. Or somehow, the really skinny ones just looked like they were starving, weak, and fragile.

But I'm not supposed to like fat women, was I? This was the 90s. The Macarena and Richard Simmons was in full swing, probably a continuation of the fitness crazy from the 80s. The 90s also had Slice Orange soda.. a pity that today's kids will never be able to try it. Americans were also considerably thinner in those days. I tried to check out chubby girls but then I was afraid to get caught. Not because of the regular reasons a teenage boy was afraid, but because they would see that I was looking at the fat one, not the skinny one who I had considerably less physical attraction too.

Of course, I also saw the various magazine and television advertisements about weight loss drugs, diets, programs, and procedures. In most cases, I thought the before looked better. Or would look better if she had styled hair, makeup, etc. like she did in the "after" picture. Ever notice that? They made it even more dramatic.

So one day, I thought to look for the opposite on the World Wide Web, back when everyone used Yahoo! and Excite! Anyone even remember Excite! anymore? It came before AskJeeves, which later became Ebay and Amazon were still new. Google was extremely new and almost no one heard of it yet. No Facebook, YouTube, or MySpace even. Forget about Twitter, SnapChat, et. al. You get the idea, but I digress.

I think the exact phrase I used back then was literally "weight gain before and after" in the hopes I'd find something. A lot of hits were about weight loss.. but finally, I found something! I came across Dimension's Magazine (back when it was more than just a message board) and even the original FatNat's back when that was around. I mostly lurked but was nevertheless glad to have found it.

It was also the first time I saw things like The Weight Room and other weight gain stories, or progression pictures such as SexyMic (CurvyDreamer wouldn't come until later).

Nowadays, I think this is a very exciting time to be an FA. Even as recently as a decade ago, stores almost never had plus size mannequins. Now most stores have them. Certain brand names were forced to offer larger sizes or else likely lose all their sales as they are pushed to the fringes of irrelevancy.

Okay, I think this is one of my longest non-answers I have posted in awhile, and I even rambled in a couple of places.. I don't think it was necessarily any one thing, but a combination of factors over many, many years.

Either way, it's now clear. Do I want a skinny woman who looks like she might die if she loses 20-30 lbs, never enjoys sweets, alcohol, or a big juicy burger/steak, and tortures herself at the gym for hours a day to be rail thin, all of which will probably put her in a constant bad mood?

Or do I want the woman who blisses out on sweets, can really party, eats a big meal and enjoys it all, is far more fun to hug (as well as more well... prurient, sexy things), and won't deny herself, especially after a hard day at work?

I think it's clear which one is the winner to me here.
4 years

Mutual gaining

It's an actual category a user can select on the personal profile, so I'd guess there's a lot of folks in here who are into it.

I used to just be an FA/feeder, and I still am. But I tried gaining some weight. Looked like gainers/feedees were having lots of fun, so I figured I should at least try it, right? Turns out, it's been quite enjoyable and fun. But I think for a long time, I may have always thought I was too thin, but lacked the courage to change this.

I still love big women who loves eating, like before. If she's under 200 lbs, I know I will want, perhaps even need to see her gain, whether on purpose or even by accident/naturally (pregnancy, middle age spread, etc.). After that, it would be more up to her. I'd enjoy it, of course. I still enjoy watching a weight gain like before.

But now, I think I'd like to gain more too. The thought of being with a large lady who loves eating and gaining, who's also obsessed with cooking lots of fattening food sounds divine. If I end up gaining a significant amount of weight because of her cooking or efforts, that would be nice. Just knowing that some of those additional pounds and inches on me are a result of that, that I would always have with me.

I even have this dream and fantasy where for a honeymoon trip, to go on a long cruise (so I can also see some places) where we both make complete gluttons out of ourselves. Just hope I remember to pack some larger clothes for that trip.

Then after the marriage we both end up gaining even more!
4 years

Feedee iso encouragement

Hey there! I’m looking for someone to help me gain. Help me eat a lot and tell me I’m pretty! Lol!!! No I’m not that type that wants money. I have a job. I have my own place. I don’t need that just looking for someone who likes to see women get bigger. I’m open to either male or females who want to chat.
Kik me

It would be nice if I could meet someone somewhat local and in person who's into this.
5 years

Gaining at college

sorry for not giving enough info. im living in a dorm & i have a meal plan for every weekday (since im going back home almost every weekend). theres also a pretty big mall with all sorts of restaurants and fast food places (like Chick Fil A, In n Out, Asian, American, and Mediterranean restaurants). ive got a kitchen in my common room too but im not going to use it all too often.

Do you have a buffet or any chain restaurants in the dining hall? Or on campus? Ideally a buffet with no limit.

I heard of one university that had a Baskin-Robbins and Subway locations. My alma-mater had a Starbucks, a Pizza Hut, a Chick-Fil-A, and a Taco Bell. That was in addition to the regular dining hall and a white table-cloth sit down restaurant. One requirement of the lease for the chain restaurants at my alma-mater was for on-campus students with meal plans to be able to use them as payment. So at least at my alma-mater, you could use the meal plan to get Pizza Hut and Starbucks. Not sure about your university, but this is something to look into.

This is a somewhat more recent trend, and chain restaurants love this so students will get in the habit of going to that chain.
5 years