Cookies are nommy yummy yum

Nothing beats old fashioned choc chip and a glass of ice cold milk. smiley
13 years

The dating part

Can I ask what proof you have that they are fake?

I understand where you are coming from, but its not something that I can see being easily enforced. I know i've come across profiles that don't sound real, but what should we do as mods? Ask them to prove they are as fat/short/tall/into stuff as they say they are?

I'm of course speaking about the Dating Profile only, as pictures and videos can be proven to be fake when they are either clearly morphed (which isn't so bad, as long as they aren't trying to pass it off as not morphed) or they clearly belong to someone else. These things we can and do moderate and try our best to ensure they don't taint the great variety of real pics and vids.

Also, as was said, there is a Dating Package for those looking for a more serious dating experience on the site.
13 years

Does NO ONE understand online jargon around here? smiley
13 years

Abundancy and well-being

I don't get it lol.

Are you trying to say this is a before and after in the exact same pose wearing the exact same clothes in the exact same place despite showing a gain that clearly would have taken months, if not years.

Or are you just showing off your morphing talents? smiley
13 years


collegeguy2514 wrote
i would say get a variety of foods, way more than you think you could eat. get plenty of your favorite foods. get stuff you don't have to cook. eat at a steady pace. that's what i'd do.

I think you pretty much summed it up. smiley
13 years

Marriage proposals..

I agree with all the anit-marriage advice lol. Not because of your age, but because I personally believe marriage is a significant decision that both people need to know they will be able to commit completely to, lest they become just another divorce statistic.

If you want to marry this guy, you have to be certain that you will do anything and sacrifice everything to make it work. It will not be some romantic fantasy of undying love for the rest of your life, it will be a hard slog full of arguments, disagreements, anger, confusion and misunderstandings. Love is just the spark that gets it started, everything else is old fashioned hard work.

If you can confidently say you understand and embrace this idea, along with your bf also feeling the same, by all means, go for it and have fun, just don't divorce at the first sign of trouble as some people seem to do these days.

I hope it works out for you. smiley
13 years

Favorite bands :)

13 years

Computersaysno wrote
canadianenglish wrote
And yes, I realise the bitterness in that sentiment.

Your bitterness is not without sound reason.

13 years

Ny dilemma

Maybe i'm just thinking too much like a feeder, but to me, that sounded like her giving you permission to fatten her up lol.

I know as a gainer, there is some guilt that comes from overeating and trying to gain, having someone like a feeder to direct or control this aspect of it and as a result making it no longer "my fault" has always sounded like a good excuse.

I'd discuss it with her again, from what I read here it really seems like she wants to lose due to society but would be happy to relinquish control of her food and her weight to you so she could be happy eating what she wants, not worrying about her weight and being secure in the fact that its not her fault and that you will love it and her regardless.

Of course though it could backfire and she could reach a size where the satisfaction of eating no longer outweighs her body image concerns. Then the whole "your fault" thing could be used to take her anger and frustration out on you and it may get nasty...

lol, talk to her about it, that's my advice, and maybe focus less on the idea of weight gain and more on her eating what she wants. smiley
13 years