Planetary weight

Here's a game...

Go through each of the planets, and determine your weight on that planet...

- If the weight is less than your earth weight, determine how many earth pounds you would have to gain to bring your other planet weight up to your current weight. Jot down that number.

If it's more than your current weight, good. Jot down that number.

List the numbers in order.

Set deadlines to gain to those numbers. Repeat.

So if I'm 175 pounds on earth:

I would need to weigh 194 to get up to 175 on Venus.
I would need to weigh 463 to get up to 175 on Mars.
I would need to weigh 465 to get up to 175 on Mercury.
I would need to weigh 198 to get up to 175 on Uranus.
I would weigh 186 on Saturn.
I would weigh 199 on Neptune.
I would weigh 442 on Jupiter.

In theory, a feeder could trick an unsuspecting feedee into this game. "Don't worry, most of the gains are pretty small...

"Let's see... you started at... 175.... you've passed 186... 194, 198, 199... your next goal looks like... 442!"

"Wait... what?!"

"Don't worry though, it only goes up to 463 and then 465 after that."

"Yeah, but..."

"Oh, hmm... you'd need to weigh 1059 pounds to be 175 moon pounds... that's... interesting..."
9 years

Secret starbucks!

Sounds awesome! Any recipes for the summer?
9 years

Gainer appetite changes

1. I'm pretty certain I can eat a good deal more than I used to, but probably not a huge amount. One thing I never seemed to get over is the ability to eat a lot at work. I think the stress of work and being on a limited break kind of kills my appetite.

2. Sometimes, not always. I do find that I absolutely, without question, NEED to eat before bed. Like right before bed. If I eat dinner at 8pm and go to bed at 10pm, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with terrible hunger pangs.

3. I crave things like brownies and cupcakes a lot, especially at night. Sometimes I crave blatantly fattening things like "a quart of whole milk and cake". Seems my cravings tend to be things that are soft, sweet and sit heavy in the tummy. smiley

4. I think it depends on what it is. Chinese food, absolutely - like within an hour. Regular food, maybe an hour or two later I can eat again if I was absolutely stuffed. If I drink a cake shake or something... that tends to keep me full for quite a while. One thing I notice, the more I stuff myself at night, the more ravenous I feel the next morning.

5. It's probably habit now, but I feel the need to eat a lot pretty much every day.
9 years

Question for straight fat men who enjoy being fat

I guess I'm versatile in the whole sub/dom thing when it comes to feeding/weight gain. I find appeal in various aspects of it, though neither is necessarily required.

I derive pleasure from being stuffed and gaining weight, so if a woman feeder sees it as "pleasing her guy" - I'm totally down with that.

On the flip side, if she wants to take charge and tie me up and force me to eat, tease me and call me tubby or piggy or whatever, I'd enjoy that too.

For me, it's more of a mutual enjoyment of the process. And I like the idea of the weight being able to be referred to as "love pounds".
9 years

All you can eat

I remember my first "all you can eat" experience!

I was probably about 9 years old, and was going through a slightly chubby period. I wasn't fat by any means, but I think I had a little bit of a belly. I do recall my doctor telling my mom I was "getting a bit heavy" after a checkup.

Anyway, we went out to an all you can eat place for some sort of occasion, and the concept was totally bizarre for me. I loved the idea of being able to go back for more and more - despite being a kid who never really wanted to clear his plate in restaurants. I loaded up my first plate with a decent amount, and managed to clear off the plate. When I went back for 2nds, my parents were like "are you sure? don't take more if you're not going to eat it."

Then I went back for 3rds and 4ths. I recall thinking I went back for a 9th plate at one point - which I question the authenticity of - but I did go up for several helping of both dinner and dessert. My parents seemed mystified as to where I was putting the food - as I was a mere 4'3" and a hair under 70 pounds. I finished off with an ice cream and a slice of cake.

I remember the car ride home. I was "dressed up" for the dinner, meaning a shirt tucked in with a belt... and I felt absolutely stuffed into those clothes. It was kind of a feeling of both guilt and pleasure.

Sadly, I remember asking several times if we could go back there again, but we never did. smiley
9 years

Want to see her gain

johnxyz wrote:
How does someone whith feeding urges end up with a 130 pound girlfriend? You can't change a non-feedee into a feedee. You have to decide if you want a feedee or you want a 130 pound girlfriend.

Some people want a project? smiley
10 years

Good feeder videos..

I really like this one...

(short version) (LONG version)
10 years

*post all shake recipes here*

Shame this thread's OP is missing... smiley

Anyway, I've been throwing this together when I know my roommate is going to be out of the house!

1 Pint B&J's Vanilla Ice Cream (1000 cal)
1 Pint Half and Half (640 cal)
2 big gobs of peanut butter (?)
2 scoops of protein shake mix (310 cal)

The peanut butter is kinda hard to gauge, but I just take two massive scoops out of the jar with a tea spoon. About 14 servings in a jar, and there's 1/3rd of a jar left after two shakes, so I'll go with 5 servings * 190 calories = 950)

Comes out to roughly 2900 calories, give or take some. Really tasty too.

(I prefer this method over using PB Cup ice cream, because I find the chunky stuff just gets stuck at the bottom)...

I am definitely open to an improvement on this recipe!
10 years

Milkshake stuffing?

I have a funnel with some rubber tubing on it - I like to grab a couple milkshakes from McDonalds, eat a meal while the melt (enough to flow through the tube, rather than sit on top and slowly move down...)

The only negative... a combination of brain freeze, and wanting to keep chugging... and if you stop to take a break, you can't take the tube out of your mouth or you'll have a huge mess. So you kind of sit there with your tongue plugging the hose waiting for the brain freeze to go away.
10 years

Milkshake stuffing?

I have a funnel with some rubber tubing on it - I like to grab a couple milkshakes from McDonalds, eat a meal while the melt (enough to flow through the tube, rather than sit on top and slowly move down...)

The only negative... a combination of brain freeze, and wanting to keep chugging... and if you stop to take a break, you can't take the tube out of your mouth or you'll have a huge mess. So you kind of sit there with your tongue plugging the hose waiting for the brain freeze to go away.
10 years
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