Should i gain weight??

You have to go with your gut smiley I also struggle with worrying about what others think, but have let myself get up around 250 lbs to enjoy food and fattening without reaching a size that would be very concerning to some of my family. I have dieted down (like right now) but usually just get fat again... it would probably be better to just stay fat... certainly more fun. Maybe try gaining a bit more and see how you like it. Usually others are not thinking about your weight nearly as much as we imagine. Plus they have already seen you chubby.
6 years

Explaining my gain to family

I have never tried explaining my gain, despite transforming from very fit to obese, lazy and over 250 lbs haha. Personally, I would not be able to handle that conversation with my parents and it is one of the things that has always made me apprehensive about gaining. I believe you will find that others here have had those conversations with their parents to different ends...
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When I was gaining and getting fat the first time (I am not fat right now but gaining some back), I had a few moments. The first was the first time I noticed my belly wobbling around when I drove. I had never really felt that couldn't believe how much it wobbled from every little bump.

Shortly after that when I was taking the bus home from work one night and I noticed the seats were feeling small. I looked up and saw my reflection in the window and was shocked how big I looked and didnt even recognize myself. I had gained 40 lbs in ~3 months, on top of more gradual gaining before that.

Another was when I went couch shopping and I was deciding between a larger and smaller version of similar couches. The larger one had wider, deeper sections. The saleswoman said that I was a big guy and made the smaller couch look tiny, so she just couldn't see me getting comfortable in it, haha.

One last one... I bought bigger size dress clothes for an interview after gaining some, but by the time the interview came they were getting small and I was already bulging out of my dress shirt... that and I popped the button off my jacket just before my first meeting!

I suppose I have many more related to outgrowing my fat clothes, first time feeling out of breath going up a few stairs, seeing pictures of myself...
6 years

Scared of actually getting fat.

I have definitely been scared of getting fat. Initially, it was purely about what others would think... mostly a few close relatives and friends (I actually like reactions from random people and some friends). Then I let go a bit (ok a lot, 80 lbs haha), and the fear subsided a little, but it still prevents me from getting fatter than 250 lbs. I really want to see what another 50 lbs would feel like but I cant get over the fear of others reactions. I also now worry a little more about health as there have been some effects (minor so far). Such a weird conflict because reactions and health (and other) effects turn me on, but also cause fear!

I agree that reactions from strangers would probably be a turn-on for me. Curious to know what kind of reactions you got from family and close friends when you packed on 80 lbs?

Mostly I got a lot of stares, and some shocked looks. Most comments from family and close friends attempted to be polite "Looks like you put on a few pounds", "Do you still exercise?", "Is that your pants size now!?", "Is everything ok?" One close friend did poke my belly and she couldn't believe how far her finger sank in so she repeated several times, exploring the new layer of fat that covered me. I got embarrassed (and excited) so I couldnt brig myself to ask what she thought, but I really wish I had. I am sure I am missing a few other fun encounters... and this doesn't cover the ones with random people. In any case, people have generally been polite but their looks and tone indicate that they are also clearly judging or grossed out.
6 years

Everybody's measurements?

At my fattest....

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 253 lbs

Chest: 48"

Waist: 51"

Hips: 46" (?)

Right now, I am about 50 lbs less though.
6 years

Most gained in a month?

I think it was about 25+ lbs (and maybe 35 lbs in 6 weeks). I had lost weight some months prior and then let go and started stuffing again.
6 years

Reactions from people

I'm still having a lot of problems with this. I started out really thin, and in a short period gotten a bit chubby. It's not much but certainly noticeable. I love the comments from people I'm not really close to asking what have i been eating, they make my day, but the comments and teasing from my close friends and their concerns over my sudden weight are really unbearable. They aren't mean comments, but they still get to me and really making me reluctant to continue gaining

Ive had the same feeling. Comments from random people and certain friends are great, but close family or friends make me uncomfortable.
6 years

Is being out of shape a turn on?

Getting and being out of shape is definitely such a turn on. I used to be extremely fit and as I let myself go and approached my heaviest I would start getting out of breath from one flight of stairs, short walks up an incline, or even an attempt to cross the street quickly. One time I tried to jog as far as I could knowing that I was completely out of shape and I lasted about 30 seconds and had to stop, panting. My fat was wobbling all over to the point it almost hurt, haha. Needless to say this was all very exciting. I think part of the appeal is the shock, shame, and liberation of transforming from fit to fat.

I enjoy when women get out of shape too. Same stuff... out of breath from stairs, short exertions, and especially when trying to put on clothes that they have outgrown. Signs that they have really let go and indulged in gluttony more than most.
6 years

What foods cause the greatest weight gain?

For me it was ice cream (especially Ben & Jerry's) and pizza
6 years

Its january 2nd. how much did you gain this holiday season?

12 lbs without trying. I was actually trying to hold back haha.
6 years
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