Is it normal for your gf to be insanely warm?

I have the same dynamic as the other couples. I'm the heater and she's always cold. I'm 5'8 244 lbs and she's 5'4 360 lbs and the fact that she has a cooler body temp makes me jealous in the summer. It sucks because it doesn't take much for me to sweat in the hot months and I'll normally have to have an extra dress shirt with me. If I'm working in the yard, I'll need to change my shirt multiple times because they become drenched. Hope that wasn't TMI.
12 years

Female feeders

Barbie wrote:
wow so I am one of the few female who actualy prefer to be the feeder?

Man, I wish you were in Ohio.
12 years

Say something good about the..

She is be*you*tiful and her spunk shines through in her pics!
12 years

Gainers package is free

Please sign me up too!
12 years

Problems getting it up

I actually working through this issue myself. For me I think it involves some of the medications I'm taking. I'm concerned that in the end they'll say you need to lose weight, which of course I don't want to do...I want to gain more. So, if I may, I'd like to ask a few questions of my own. Did the problem get worse as you gained more weight? Did your family doctor send you off to see a never ending list of specialists? If you are taking the "blue pill" do you need to take more than an average sized individual? If you have experience with the "blue pill" and others like it, which do you prefer? Thanks.
13 years

Sandwiches - wierd, wonderful, whatever works.

shazzy wrote
I would rather have my eyes poked my hot needles than have a normal cold sandwich smiley even the thought of one makes me slightly gag.. Yes I am that wierd lol

I'm right there with you!
13 years

Thanksgiving fantasies!

Reese & Bradypig,

What you guys are planning reminded my of an entry from my all time favorite blog. Sadly she hasn't made an update in a few years, but I still love to go back and re-read her entries. I never get tired of reading the below entry.

Here's the link:

To be stuffed like a pig before, during, and after Thanksgiving is my fantasy. Reese, your living the dream! Hope you outgrow your entire wardrobe!!! And if it's not to much, I hope you share the details of this grand stuffing. Enquiring minds want to know. smileysmileysmiley
13 years

Ssbbw & surroundings

Royal wrote
I hear the floor creak all the time, but as far as the floor shaking, I don't really feel it. It must though because every time I walk by a certain department everyone looks up, and there is a woman who is much smaller than me who sits right by me and the floor shakes when she walks. I think it's because I'm moving and the floor is moving I don't feel the vibrations.

Sometimes I'm aware and sometimes I'm not. It depends. Im more likely to be overly courteous if there are a ton of people around, but if there are very few, or Im surrounded by people I know, I don't think anything of it.

I also have broken stairs. Yep. Broken them. They were cheaply made wood ones, pretty much just a slab of wood. And that was in high school, so about 100 lbs ago. When I fell and completely busted my ass, the guy who helped me up was so nice, and said "oh that could have happened to anybody." I guess it could have, but that's impressive. I also used to break desks all the time and did break a chair once. And I was just a BBW then.

Now at SSBBW level, it's a whole other story.

I'm all ears!! smiley
13 years


QueenOfDenmark wrote
smiley onley atracted to aliens or blue men

I'm wearing a blue shirt and a "I love NASA" hat...does this count? smiley
14 years
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