I'm still here just a lot fatter than when I joined.
6 months
I have seen where testosterone has caused weight gain on FtM trans people so a change in hormones may likely cause a weight change.
MtF I have known did gain 20 lbs or so and that fat will eventually will end up in the hips and butt as well as thighs.
I'm no expert just an observation I made working at medical center that dealt with trans people that were seeing doctors.
6 months
Dimensions magazine's site and forum were fun back then.
I made lots of friends over there.
6 months
Feel that. I had to put the fact that I am in a closed relationship just to stem the sheer number of men begging me to cheat on my partner. And even then I still get messages telling me that they will pay me to feed them.
One guy even said he can give me the money without knowing any of my banking details. You know ... like a creep.[/quote]
The begging me to cheat on my BF shows me they are jerks and someone I wouldn't want to be around.
Super sleazy.
6 months
I have some message me expecting that I need a feeder and they want to make me immobile.
That shows me they never read my profile in the first place.
Guys please read a girls profile before you make yourself sounds like a jerk.
6 months
Just block them and be done with it.
6 months
Learn to let go and add some weight and see how you like it.
Do it for yourself.
20 or 30 more lbs isn't the end of the world and you just might find out you feel a lot stronger and healthier.
If others have said you should put on some weight maybe you should.
6 months
I was skinny growing up and I always hated my body.
No figure or curves was really demoralizing for me.
100 lbs maybe soaking wet.
A bad marriage that never worked out.
I decided to gain weight when I hit my late 20s.
I loved gaining but really didn't know about this site or feedism.
Sure I I doubted myself and why I was gaining and finally realized I don't care what others think.
Went back to college finished my education.
all the while still gaining slowly.
I would rather be fat and happy than skinny and hating my body.
I pretty much overdid the gaining thing and really happy I did.
6 months
I've been stuck in my old Camry after a major weight gain, a Hyundai (Uber), and a bathroom stall. I also once had to change hotel rooms because I was too fat to fit in the shower.
Oh yeah if I take an Uber I let them know a really small car is very hard to get in or out of for me.
6 months
Stuck is totally a thing. I love it cos it makes me feel absolutely massive
My stuck in the booth incident happened having a night out with some girlfriends none of which you could call slim.
We all ate until we were all stuffed.
My friend Becky and I both got stuck on opposite sides of the booth it was so funny.
The waiter helped us get out and was laughing along with us.
6 months