Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Nothing better than to get those disapproving stares, knowing full well that they only inspire you to get even bigger!
7 years

How many donuts can you eat?

By all means buy MORE donuts. Remember the economy of scale!!
7 years

Magical pregnancy

Teen Age girl gets unexpectedly pregnant and pregnancy advances WAY faster than normal, this happening when her parents are out of town
7 years

Turning out like my mother

Could it be that in the back of your mind, ending up looking like your mother was the WORST thing that could happen to you? The fact that it is happening and the fact that you're doing it to yourself may be a big part of the turn on!
7 years

Turning out like my mother

i guess this is something i have been thinking about lately... as i look at my new body and my new shape, and see it sort of morphing into almost an exact replica of my mum's.

its very weird, as i always thought ofher as different to me, by far, so its an odd feeling, and realisation, but i suppose, something i want to explore.

i always kinda tried to be "anti" her in a way, now i look back... but the idea of going down that route is exciting, almost like a downward spiral, kidna like throwing my "looks" away, sort of

maybe ditching the punky look, and more goign down this chunky, short haired and kinda frumpy path.
Frumpy can be sexy!!
who knows.
7 years

Filling a void

No question but that the extra weight has a very tactile effect. For one thing, I've noticed that women in particular seem to NOTICE their bodies more as they gain weight. There is an added softness and pliability that is hard to avoid. So, I can see where you might become infatuated with your "chub".

As far as your attraction appeal, it's true that some guys aren't into, let's be honest about it, FAT girls. On the other hand, since you've been in Fantasy Feeder for a while, you MUST have noticed that there are a LOT of guys who are much more attracted to women of substance than they are to super model types.

I'm not one to tell you what to do with your gain. After all, YOU have to live with the consequences, not the least of which is having to replace an entire wardrobe that no longer fits. This is a decision you alone have to make. They only thing I would say is that in making your decision, don't take anyone else's point of view into consideration. Do what feels best for you. If that means you get bigger and fatter, wonderful. Just remember that there IS a guy out there who would PREFER you bigger and fatter, the trick will just be to FIND him!
7 years

Anyone else taking summer clothes out of storage and finding they don't fit?

Yes, it seems as if, in the blink of an eye, voila, much bigger boobs, belly, butt and various assorted other body parts, lol
7 years

Thoughts on dd munchkins

Amazing how those calories can creep up on you! Fortunately, in YOUR case they look MARVELOUS!!!
7 years

Filling a void

Eating to fill an emotional "hole" is quite common. The difficulty comes when you lose your self-control and let the binge eating sort of take over, which then leads to the next issue, namely, how do you react to the inevitable consequences of all those extra pounds and inches.

Hopefully, it'll all work out for you before you pass the point of no return, gaining-wise!
7 years

Five guys experience.

There's something quite exhilarating about a fat girl stuffing herself with the public looking on in jaw-dropping amazement. I'm sure you were blown away by the experience!
7 years
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