Anyone else feel their life has been ruined by our fetish?

If one can't find the limit and let the fetish take over,then it Can ruin ones life.
My health can't take any more weight and i have to take Care of body and life is my responsebillity and as long I wish to be big,I must make sure my health is in order...

Regardless of how you actually live your life, the interest will remain. To embrace the gaining life whole heartedly is, of course, an absolute danger and as you approach your 40's, the risks mount exponentially, particularly if you've taken your weight into the 300's or more. I'm an FA and love a gaining girl but understand living out my fetish with a significant other could put her life at risk - so I've never insisted with mine they put on weight. But, I must admit, if they gained, I never pushed them to lose.
7 years

Fattening in films

Anyone seen any good movies with elements of any sort of feeding/fattening or weight gain in them?
I can think of City Island, which had a feeder character. Lucky Stiff was about a guy who unknowingly goes home with a hot cannibal girl who wants to eat him for Christmas dinner, and it's implied that she and her family are all trying to fatten him up. Several Hansel and Gretel movies I've seen have them...any others anyone knows of?

What's needed is a film whose main characters have a mutually exciting feeder/feedee relationship with the female lead the gainer. And the film would focus on all the methods of her over eating, how family, friends, and society individually deal with watching her significantly fatten up, and despite it all the couple fearlessly refuses to give up the ship. Her hundred pound gain during filming along with a hint there might be a sequel would turn the movie into a certain Fantasy Feeder Oscar winner.
7 years

The quickest​ way to fatten up?

Try this:
1. Choose any high calorie foods you like.
2. Eat until you can't eat any more.
3. Repeat.
7 years

Anyone else feel their life has been ruined by our fetish?

You're interested in what you're interested in sexually. It's naturally who we are, deeply intrinsic, and nothing can be done to change it. Given ours isn't illegal, we're better off succumbing to the honest reality because this interest can not be successfully argued with.
7 years

Anyone else feel their life has been ruined by our fetish?

I can't orgasm unless I'm with/fantasizing about someone fat or gaining. Its frustrating because it limits my dating pool, like I might click with someone, but if they aren't fat or going to gain weight, I can't have an enjoyable sex life with them.

I'm in the same boat, it's something I wish I could change. Or at least I wish I had more kinks/fetishes to be interested in 😞
7 years

You know your fat when...

.... every step you take registers at least a 5.6 on the Richter Scale

..... they can't get you out of the house without tearing it down.

...... the open double doors at the China Buffet might as well be a wall.

...... were you to hit the earth at asteroid speed, what happened to the dinosaurs would be considered child's play
7 years

What ideas turn you on?

The idea of a woman thrilled by the act of over eating, visually loving what she's consuming, and unfazed by having just passed the 450 pound mark is a very good start.
7 years

Five guys experience.

It's in the watching you consume all those calories, knowing a few more lovely fat cells are being added to the wonderfully thrilling corpulence you already possess, that really heightens the excitement of the experience for those of us who have this interest, don't you think?
7 years

Stuffers in chicago?

Anna, you are who every single (and perhaps not so single) hetero male who frequents this site is looking for. You are sweet perfection. And you're lucky, Chicago is a big city with a whole lot of food lurking around just about every corner, making running out of something to eat impossible. So when the urge strikes, you can always hit up a buffet, a grocery store, or anyone like-minded you've met fortunate enough to get the opportunity to assist you stuff your hungry growing belly into oblivion.
7 years


When I hit a buffet, I sit as close as I can to where the food is to, as closely as possible, watch all the extra fat women show up make their presence felt. The ones who unashamedly stack their plates heavy with vittles and don't stop at three are my favorites. I saw two girl friends eating together one night, both definitely over 400 pounds, just going back time after time for more - and lots more. They'd clearly been stretching their stomach's for years and had all kinds of room in there engineered for stuffing themselves to the rafters. For them it was all about the food - I think 24/7. And they waddled out many thousands of calories to the good. Exciting to watch.
7 years
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