Error message on photos

Hi folks,

Thanks for posting about the 'like' error message. I have highlighted this with hiccupx who is currently working on this and should be fixed shortly. Cheers!

Again if you spot any errors, we also need the URL of the page you are trying to view. This is because the errors wont be specific to a section, but rather with a specific detail on the actual page or profile.

FF Team
6 months

Profile page link error message


Thanks for highlighting this error message. Hiccupx has been doing some changes to the site code this week, and with the daily updates there have been a few site pages with bugs. This wont be affecting all profiles, as its usually something wrong with a specific profile like it not having location, so when the page loads and can't find 'location data' then it wont load the page.

If you encounter future error messages, it would be really helpful for you to include not only the error message but the URL of the page you are trying to view when the error message appears.

Hiccupx has fixed a profile error message bug earlier today, so hopefully this is now fixed for all profiles that could have been affected. However if you are still having issues, please let us know and give us the URL and we can take a look.

Thanks for reporting this to us.

Take care,
FF Team
6 months

Error message on photos

Hiccupx has been doing some work with the code, and unfortunately that means error messages. We have been spotting error messages over the site and fixing them as they crop up, its not a server issue.

I have viewed pictures this morning and not found an issue... However it could be a particular account of photo with an issue on the page. As well as the error message linking the URL to the page the error message appears on would be helpful.

Do let us know if this is still an issue.

Also in regards to response times to queries. We say 48hours to cover the weekend period. If we get messages late on Friday evening, we may not be able to check things until Monday. But messages forums and emails are pretty much checked daily otherwise.

You can always reach out to hiccupx, or the FF Team account or my personal account c00kie fi you feel things are urgent.

FF Team
6 months

Notifications and app

I like the idea of getting a notification to a forum . I do know you can set p email alerts for forum responses and you can do this by going to 'My Account' and editing the settings on this page.

FF does not have an app and there is no plan any time soon to develop one. This isn't because we don't want to move with the times but its just not feasible with hiccupx being the only developer for the site.

We do have some big improvements including new features and fixes for the site on the way in 2024. So keep an eye out for those, and as always any suggestions for features you'd like would be great, so keep your ideas coming!

FF Team
6 months

Should be a place to easly report scammers on here

Abuse reports are checked daily. This thread does not need to be updated when you submit a report.

This thread will now be locked.

FF Team
6 months

What can ff do to make you come here more often?

It'll be nice if people could hold their own private server in the chat room. Just like on Discord.

Speaking of the chat room. I don't like it when it constantly shows who joined/left. It's so annoying! I don't know if that could be disabled or not. I'm on mobile.

Just to let you know that you can disable the messages that show members have left of joined the chat room. IF you click on the settings button on the chat, you can untick this option (this works for both desktop and mobile)

FF Team
6 months

Should be a place to easly report scammers on here

We have had a few forum spambots recently, I have done a search for posts with links today and have banned the spam accounts concerned.

I check the forums at least once daily (Mon - Fri) although this is generally between 9am - 4pm GMT (UK) Most mods have access to manage all forums and access to issue bans which automatically remove all content from the site. So we do catch these users, its just a matter of time zones so some posts may be around a bit longer than we would like.

Maybe a forum post report button could be useful... It could save the user reporting the member a couple of clicks not having to go to the profile. I will highlight it with hiccupx and see what he thinks about it.

Thank you for the suggestion!

FF Team
6 months

Should be a place to easly report scammers on here

FF Team:
There is a report flag button on each profile and each piece of content.

When you click the report flag it opens a pop up for you to enter in details to pass onto the admin team so we can look into any issues whether that's suspicion that a user is a scammer, or if the user has broken site rules.

I will look into the usernames provided and remove all and any accounts that I believe are scammers. Thanks for making the forum post, but it is much easier to use the report flag on profiles and content, This is simply due to when we receive the report it links directly to the profiles and makes it much easier for the admin team to complete checks.

Thank you,
FF Team

Nova Prime:
ok i did that she has another account posted it to you guys . i can put you in contact with the person they are steeling the photos with

Hi just to let you know the abuse report has been deal with. Thanks for getting in touch!

FF Team
7 months

I upload a lot of photos to my premium

I usually have many photos and I would like it to be easier to upload them because sometimes I have many and I have to upload them one by one I would like that with one click I could upload them all or that I could upload 3 by 3 something like that is just a suggestion.

Great idea. Multiple uploads would be useful for members especially when they have a series of photos / photo set.

I would say that for premium photo's it is better to upload little ad often rather than uploading all photos in one go. This is so the premium photos can be seen in the gallery pages. IF you upload 10 photo's in one go, only the most recent picture will be displayed in the gallery page. So you are losing exposure of your premium pics by mass uploading.

Hope this helps!

FF Team
7 months
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