Capital district ny/northern catskills group?

So it seems 8 was too early? A couple people showed up closer to 9, shall we shoot for 9 next Tuesday? Or is there another day better for everyone?
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish


P.S. Shoutout to the young lady with something to the effect of "don't message me if you're 30+, that's just gross". Glad you liked my pics (about half dozen of them), stay tuned šŸ˜˜

Iā€™m going to assume this is directed to me.

You were one of the people who mentioned age, thereby inciting my response, but the ps wasn't for you. Actually, I just realized a typo...the quote was on her profile. After I looked at her profile she peeped and liked a bunch of my pics. It just tickled me. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
2 years

Capital district ny/northern catskills group?

Awesome, it looks like we have some interest! What say we meet in the USA chat room on Tuesday night 4/19 at 8pm and see if we can come to a consensus on a time and place?
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish

Some of these answers are making me want to ad "ageism" to the list. Maybe I'm touchy because I just turned 50, but a lot of people seem to make a big deal about age. More than is necessary IMO.

We're all adults. If you find someone with similar interests, why not say hi and see if you hit it off? Maybe you meet a friend, encourager, mentor, ally or yenta? (If you're looking for any of that, and not just sex) Why limit yourself? I have met a few ladies in their 30s that I have an awful lot of fun with, I assume they do too since they always greet me or drop an email when they don't see me around. Hell, I even have some guy friends who are younger that I talk to regularly that are fantastic. Give folks a chance, it will make the site work better.

P.S. Shoutout to the young lady with something to the effect of "don't message me if you're 30+, that's just gross" on her profile. Glad you liked my pics (about half dozen of them), stay tuned šŸ˜˜
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish

One of the most interesting things to me about feederism is the diversity of it. There are so many different ways to experience and enjoy it: worshipping or shaming, mixing it with other kinks, etc. As much as I enjoy that , I can't stand it when someone insists you share their taste/practice. Examples are folks who ask your limit then insist you want immobility, continue to call you piggy even though you've said barnyard isn't your thing and stuff like that.

People who insist all conversation revolve around fat, eating, etc rather than having actual get to know you conversations bother me. Yes, it's the main reason we're here, but I'm a person too. Also peoples whose conversations end after " hi, how are you? " Really? That's all you messaged for? Why bother?

As much as beggars (no offense to legit models and sexworkers, there is a difference and we should all learn it) are an issue, it's also annoying when people assume every woman on here is one. I have never asked anyone on this or any other feederism site for anything, but have been approached and spoken to as if I had or was about to.
2 years

Capital district ny/northern catskills group?

There seems to be a ton of feeders, feedees and fatties in the NYC area but not so much to the north. Would anybody in the above mentioned areas be interested in getting together first for group chats and eventually in person meet up at a restaurant?
2 years

Stuffing aftercare?

For me, snuggles with those belly rubs and praise is always nice. I have a hard time seeing my own growth, so pointing out how/where I'm getting bigger is also nice...sincerely or in a teasing manner, either way works.
2 years

Fat camp

I fully šŸ˜ support this initiative!

Hopefully deep within the mountains woods with a nice snow melt fed lake or an excluded beach front (or island) away from prying eyes...

What sort of amenities would it have?

I'd hope for wifi!

Everyone will have their own lazy boy, with one of those table you can put over your lap, in front of a huge tv, food is served to you drive in style through an app.

I like GingerGiant's thinking and Curious Amy's interior design. It's giving me visions. Who wants in on the kickstarter?
2 years

Does getting fat manifest feeders?

Over the last few months I've put on another 15lbs, and my overall gain is becoming quite visible. And it seems like it makes people around me want to feed me.

A couple I know have put on some weight over the last couple of years, her a little and him a lot. They take me out to dinner or have me over and cook for an army about once a month. If I stop by they push snacks- candy? chips? I can turn on the fryer and make you mozzarella sticks? She gave me some t-shirts aand hoodies the other day that are too small on him but give me plenty of room to grow, saying they'll be good for fall.

Lately a coworker of mine has been bringing me treats, buying me lunch, suggesting I need chocolate or to try some new snack. I think he might be trying to make me fatter. He showed up the other day with 13 king-size candy bars insisting I have one and left the other 12 stacked on the desk we share in front of my seat.

Has anyone else experienced this or am I losing my mind? As you get bigger do you find people offering you more or extra helpings?
2 years

Begging of gluttony (fit to fat)

So...halfway there, how's that working out for you?
2 years
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