Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

I'm still relatively new to this world so I do feel a bit of shame when questions come from family and friends. Although I'm the feeder in my relationship, so my poor husband has to deal with most of the concern/nagging.

Aww bless him, sounds like he deserves a sweet sugary treat for being good.
And I think I do too.
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I've put on about 35 pounds since quarantine started...... Nothing could have been more of a dream come true than an excuse to stay inside and overeat and be lazy in the name of public health

This is the best holiday ever!
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

So, as you'll guess by my profile name I am a personal trainer. Now, in my country gyms have been closed since the 13th of March and they will reopen next Monday (if the government allows us).

You can't imagine the great amount of people who have contacted me because they have gained A LOT of weight. Like, one guy who is in my kickboxing class who came for a training session in the park and he looked huge (he did have a slight six pack and some muscle, but now he even had moobs).

So I was wondering, have you seen much change during these days that we've been at home, not being able to go out?

I put on during lockdown, then I started to realise I was putting on, things didn’t fit right but I couldn’t tell why or where I’d gained.
And that was it, after being a feeder it seemed that the tables had turned.
I have a belly now, my bras feel like they have a purpose and I notice wobbles in my arms and legs, almost like they’re waving hello.
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

I used to, I always liked bigger girls but would take a fair bit of flack for it from peers. I remember a particularly cruel ex-friend singing ‘what’s that coming over the hill’ when he saw my then-partner. His mates joined in, it was awful! I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.
Back then I was so scared of what people thought and how cruel they were that I was thin for camouflage and had a dangerous habit of not eating and was so unhappy, I knew it had to change.
I’m so glad it has, I’m not ashamed any more, and those comments in the street don’t have the effect they want them to any more!
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

Just about 5 years ago, a weight about lbs 145. Not my skinniest, I know. Then I went up to lbs159, lbs 190... now after quarantine I’m almost at lbs 270. My tights are massive, my gut is huge, I have a double chin now and I get out of breath very easily.

Is it bad that I’m totally jealous right now? I just started out, made the decision to stop worrying and starting enjoying, and have been so much happier for it.
Just thinking about those big tights (and big panties to match) is wonderful, a tantalising glimmer into the future, will be an interesting shopping trip.

I had to get new underwear :0) For the past 3 month I was working at home and spent most of my days in a bathrobe. I noticed how fat I had gotten when I could not tie my robe anymore, that's when I climbed on the scale! Luckily my sister is obese and lent me some of her skinny clothes (size 16-18)
Problem is, I will probably be working from home for several more months and I feel the weight gain is taking a toll on me. I have difficulties getting up, it is hard to catch my breath and my skin stretches painfully. However, I cannot stop eating!

It’s great that you had your sister to help. Skin stretches?
I’m not big on exercise, I sit in front of a computer at work, but I used to walk there and back, but now I’m not and I feel out of shape, going to the shop earlier was the first time I’d left the house after days of just enjoying myself and it started to hit me-nothing would hide my belly, I could feel new jiggles, I definitely wasn’t getting the same looks I did last time.
I think a couple of weeks, I might be able to get a last round out of my workwear, but a couple of months and nothing I own will fit, but not knowing is hard to prepare for.
I was a 10-12 before lockdown, before putting on and before I knew how much I loved it. I know I’m not any more. But I also can’t stop.
4 years

Looking for a naughty but nice girl who wants some chubby encouragement

Bored with regular people but also over crazy drama. Looking for a naughty yet nice girl that is curious about feeder and weight gain fetish to tease and please encourage. Not interested in extreme fat gain just a little naughty softening up, let me take you out for something fun that’s more than just food.

Like a girl that is just starting to show lockdown effect? Blushes a little when people *poke* fun of her belly? But just loves those naughty treats...
4 years

Fat clothes

Leggings have been brilliant, nice and stretchy, not too thick in the heat either.
But tops are a struggle, constantly riding up.
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

Just about 5 years ago, a weight about lbs 145. Not my skinniest, I know. Then I went up to lbs159, lbs 190... now after quarantine I’m almost at lbs 270. My tights are massive, my gut is huge, I have a double chin now and I get out of breath very easily.

Is it bad that I’m totally jealous right now? I just started out, made the decision to stop worrying and starting enjoying, and have been so much happier for it.
Just thinking about those big tights (and big panties to match) is wonderful, a tantalising glimmer into the future, will be an interesting shopping trip.
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

At my lightest and most unhealthy, I was 104lbs in my early 20s. For most of my life I've been slim, small, athletic, or fit, depending on the favourite term of the time. At my *brief months* of highest weight I was a nice 177lbs and lost it soon after. (Long story) Most of my life I've hovered between 120 and 140lbs, and I'm 5'4", not tall. LOL!

This year I turned 46. (How did that happen? LOL!) I put 20lbs on, and I'm approaching 165 these days. People have noticed my muscle and belly gains. smiley I'd like to see what 180 feels like and see from there... smiley I've never liked being "small" and I'm changing that!!

Never too late to turn things round, I’m totally on the same page.
On the bright side, I hear it’s easier to regain than initially putting on.
I’m nowhere near my target but there are little details that remind me I’m not as thin as I was, they give me a boost as does the encouragement around here.
4 years

Need some motivation?

I’ve been eating all day, worried I might run out of space...
4 years
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