Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

I think people share too much about themselves and their fetishes online.
Doing videos because they desire attention or validation.
I never felt I needed validation from strangers to do anything in my life.
I think perhaps the BP movement has a subset of people that push too hard to make us all look like weirdos.
Social media is not always a good place to aire your laundry.

I do support the BP movement and learning how to love yourself no matter how large or small you are.

Now, this I can agree with as well. Everything doesn’t have to be public or mainstream. What you like doing in the bedroom ain’t nobody else’s business except you and the person you’re in bed with. Or communities like this where people can find their other half but that’s it. Stop posting everything on line all the time
1 month

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

Did I forget to mention that Big Pun and Heavy D literally died from being obese and yet to this day are praised for their music but again Lizzo was bullied into a weight loss journey? So she was promoting obesity but they weren’t? When they literally died from being obese??? Smh it’s infuriating

Interesting take on this topic, very valid points. But with Lizzo’s case her reputation has already been skewed by the allegations of her body shaming her own backup dancers, then with the weight loss then people got bad because of the somewhat hypocrisy.

I have also seen a similar story with Adele when she lost the weight even with being a voice towards being a positive influence for being more curvier at the time.

And I can see why because they try to preach about embracing imperfections and saying to not worry about changing to be skinny to met societal standards… and then when they lose the weight; that’s when people be like “WTF I thought you were confident?”. It seems like it’s a lot more tricky when it comes to balancing being an inspiration to plus size people and not getting carried away from negating your wellbeing. A little something that Olivasworld95 talked about from her weight loss video.

Actually, Lizzo was being body shamed years before the allegations. Mind you, those are allegations, there’s no proof she actually did anything of those things. It’s so bad that comedian, Corey Holcomb, a fat guy himself constantly ridicules Lizzo for her weight claiming any man that’s with her is “settling”
1 month

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

So, what I’ve observed back when social media was still in its infancy is the misogynistic double standards when it comes to being fat. We’ve seen it propagated in media for over 30 years how it’s acceptable to be fat as a man but not as a woman. Shows like Family Matters, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, King of Queens etc. where the husbands is fat but the wife is the bombshell.

And we can even look at music, same kind of thing. Biggie Smalls/Notorious B.I.G, Heavy D, Big Pun, Fat Joe, The Fat Boys etc. Why am I mentioning them, you may ask?

Because it’s mighty funny how when Lizzo showed confidence and being unapologetic about her weight, she was “promoting obesity”
But when male rappers literally base their rap persona off of being fat, they was considered the GOATS of their genre.

Lizzo, literally got bullied into losing weight but meanwhile, current rapper T. Grizzly faces zero criticism.

Body positivity and fat acceptance ONLY became an issue when women began to show confidence in themselves instead of feeling sorry for themselves.

Did I forget to mention that Big Pun and Heavy D literally died from being obese and yet to this day are praised for their music but again Lizzo was bullied into a weight loss journey? So she was promoting obesity but they weren’t? When they literally died from being obese??? Smh it’s infuriating
1 month

Fattening him up while watching my diet

I don’t know if some feeders here agree with me. I also experience it in real life in my friendgroup a lot: women that are so thoughtful of their own diet/excercise regime while they complete ignore that their partner is getting fat/are fattening him on purpose! Have you experienced that too?

I personally know that I am a feeder, super attracted to fat men and making them fatter. But sometimes I think it is crazy what different kind of standarts/rules I have for myself. For me it is really important so stay super skinny and fit, to workout everyday, be super active/healthy etc. The food i am cooking/preparing and feeding to others I would never touch. Also I would never want a partner to be as active/sporty. I want to make sure that they can be as lazy as possible (for example I would always get up to bring whatever).
And weirdly enough I also like if a partner checks that I am keeping my figure. For example that he would touch my stomach to make sure there is not a single bit of fat or that in a restaurant he would tell me to stop eating and than finish my portion.

Lol Oh I know this tune all too well.

Im certified personal trainer, and Men’s Physique bodybuilder. I get questioned all the time by for being attracted to fat men and women. Just because you are built a certain way doesn’t mean you are required to be attracted to the same build on another person. That’s madness. Muscles are on others are disgusting to me. And no it’s not crazy to hold yourself to a certain standard. And yeah, I know what you mean, I wouldn’t want to date someone who was ok with me getting fat either. I dated one chick that was surprised to see me eat junk food. Another chick, literally said “you getting chunky” when I bulked up to 206lbs. I wouldn’t even consider dating a partner who wasn’t attracted to a small waist and flat abs. It’s a waste of both of our time.
1 month

Double chins

Fat Lover Ftm:
I also love double chins! Asians tend to put on weight on their faces and many of them don't grow facial hair, so double chins are especially noticeable.

Hmmm I never thought about it like that before. But now that you mention it, that’s very true. The few Asian women that I walked past and found attractive definitely had double chins, even if they were skinnyfat. It’s just I don’t encounter Asians often because at least in my city, they tend to live in more upper middle class neighborhoods, and I’m too cheap to live in areas like that 😅😅😅
1 month

Double chins

Well it new to me but not so rare. I mean, all of sorts of affections are acceptable

That’s fair.
1 month

Double chins

That new, never thought about it. I’m more into bellies, ass and overall a big body, rather then focusing on double chin look

Haha wow, I guess I am alone out here. I’m kinda used to it I guess 😅😅😅.

One of the reasons I like it is cause the double chin never lies. If they have one, 9/10 they have a belly too. Even if it’s just a muffin top or some love handles. It’s a good indicator if they wearing baggy clothes to hide their stomach or if they only take face selfies on social media.

What can I say, I like body fat. I can’t help it lol
1 month

Double chins

Am I the only one who loves double chins?
I think they’re the most underrated and unappreciated part part of gaining, feeding and stuffing etc. They’re just as sexy as big bellies to me 👅

I'm neutral about them, but there are lots of people that love a double chin.

However, you'll never love them as much as this one guy who was trying to figure out how to get a fat graph so he can have as big a double chin as possible.

Lmao, yeh it really depends on how it looks on someone

Personally? I’ve yet to see a person who didn’t look good with one. Lol
1 month

Double chins

Am I the only one who loves double chins?
I think they’re the most underrated and unappreciated part part of gaining, feeding and stuffing etc. They’re just as sexy as big bellies to me 👅

I'm neutral about them, but there are lots of people that love a double chin.

However, you'll never love them as much as this one guy who was trying to figure out how to get a fat graph so he can have as big a double chin as possible.

I don’t even know what is so I’ll take your word for it
1 month

Sex while stuffed?

That’s actually a fantasy of mine to stuff someone, hug their belly, while going deep inside them. 👅👅
1 month
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