Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Why am i into that...? 🤣
2 months

Looking for a strict feeder in nyc to keep my drunk and stuffed

What do they teach your classes on phylosophy? Im really curious!
3 months

Feeders turned feedee

I was also a feeder a few (3) years back. At some point i started having feedee urges tho, and i was trying to supress them. At some point i shared them with a lady i was talking with, and she pushed me down the rabit hole of gaining. My only regret is not being able to make any serious gains since then. Ive managed to put 15-20 kg (33-44lbs) of fat onto me. I have stopped exercising mostly, because i want to become weak, and ive been trying to get myself addicted so i wont be able to stop.

My wish is to be found by a feeder irl who will push me to gain for her pleasure! >.
3 months

Do i give in?

From another point of view:
A person's body can change a lot faster than their partner's preferences can keep up. Small changes are bound to happen slowly over time. That's just the process of aging and everyone knows that. If you're really in a long term, committed relationship then I think it's the responsibility of both partners to accept and account for this reality. No one stays young forever.
However, when you make the conscious decision to drastically change your body in a way you know won't be attractive to your partner, a person who you supposedly care about, I think it in some way violates the implied terms of the relationship. Nobody wants to sign up for one thing just to get the bait and switch later.
If I love my partner, don't I have some responsibility to at least try and maintain my body in a way that will be attractive to her? And of course there are any number of ways a person can change themselves, not just getting fatter or thinner. Drugs and alcohol are another way of destroying your body.
If you choose to put yourself and your own desires before your relationship and your partner, that's fine. It's not a wrong decision. But maybe you should talk to him first or simply end the relationship instead of leaving him stuck with someone he doesn't think is attractive anymore, forcing him to make the choice to leave or not.

If you've falen in love with somebody you wont love them despite their imperfections but because of them!
3 months

Unsure about my goals with feedism

Right now I’m kind of in an overthinking and over planning phase, and idk if it’s necessary but it’s stressing me out.

I’ve been on YouTube for 10 years, and I never had a speck of progress towards the success I desired. I started making memes on Instagram for the feedism community and it’s going really well! I then started YouTube feedism gaming, and that’s going really well too, much better!

My problem is that if I continue down this path, I might achieve only part of the success I desire (financial stability, being known in my community, sharing love and happiness within my community). I know there are YouTubers that are well known by more than just what their targeted audience is, and I’m afraid I’m limiting myself by focusing on something so specific that ONLY people within my community will understand. I’m scared not everyone accepts feedism and won’t accept me. It feels like the only reason to do it is to get money and views, and I want more than that!

This might just sound stupid, please don’t be mean or tell me to snap back to reality or something. I love this community so much and I want to do right by it.

Okay. What do you want to achieve?

I want to be able to comfortably afford bills and take care of my girlfirend and pets. I also want to do right by community and have a positive effect on my viewers (both of which I will achieve with time).

The achievements I’m questioning if I’m able to have are opportunities with this kind of career. Most people don’t really want anything to do with fetish or feedism stuff. I don’t want it to be impossible for there to be a chance of being offered special opportunities (ex: collabing with other creators, sponsors, movie premiers, etc.). I don’t think companies would want anything to do with me if I’m a fetish content creator.
I’m aware it’s very much unlikely this will ever happen, but if I chose my career to be fetish content, it might be just completely impossible.
But please correct me if im wrong.

Why do you want a fetish career?

What is the sublime object of ideology you're after?
3 months

Weight gain and self love

This can, and has happened to me. 😁

I know I'm older than a lot of people here, but I've had many years of struggling with confidence, with self-image, and self love. Therapy has helped immensely as have my SO and friend relationships.

But when I started gaining weight? At first it was bodybuilding, then bulking, and then a fat belly to show off at the gym... The freedom (and feeling I deserve) to eat whatever I want, the freedom to indulge in food and fetish, the confidence that came with my size and desire to display my body in a positive way? It's been priceless. My increasing weight wasn't the ONLY factor, but it's definitely been an important one.

Can i ask a bunch of naive and pretty personal questions? 😅

🤣 Sure, I can choose not to answer if I'm uncomfortable with anything. Here, or in a private message?

I hope theyre gonna be okay enough! Okay, so... How do you percieve confidence, self image and self love? And also, how do you know these things have improved? How do you percieve the difference between the before & after therapy?

Also, how do you percieve that freedom? What do you feel is the difference before you started and now? And the same about the feeling that you deserve it. How do you percieve its before and after difference, but for this one im also interested to learn why, if that makes sense. Why do you think you deserve it? Why that wasnt the case previously?

These are my questions. Now i admit they sound very interogative, and thats because im asking to learn! (which is what an interogator does too 😅) i just hope theyre not too... cruel?
4 months

Weight gain and self love

This can, and has happened to me. 😁

I know I'm older than a lot of people here, but I've had many years of struggling with confidence, with self-image, and self love. Therapy has helped immensely as have my SO and friend relationships.

But when I started gaining weight? At first it was bodybuilding, then bulking, and then a fat belly to show off at the gym... The freedom (and feeling I deserve) to eat whatever I want, the freedom to indulge in food and fetish, the confidence that came with my size and desire to display my body in a positive way? It's been priceless. My increasing weight wasn't the ONLY factor, but it's definitely been an important one.

Can i ask a bunch of naive and pretty personal questions? 😅
4 months

Weight gain and self love

I have read some weight gain stories where the character went on a journey for self acceptance , self worth and self love through their own weight gain. I see myself in some of those stories. Can that really happen in Real life?

Kind of, is the answer, and it depends a lot by how you go about it.

Im really curious on what people mean with self-acceptance. And i must admit that altho im naive about it, i nevertheless find the notion a little bit absurd. So if you could enlighten me on that i would appreciate it a lot.
As for self-worth i find it completely ridiculous because its a gross simplification of human nature. Saying "people are worth x" is like saying "People are good" or "People are bad" its a vew. Nothing more. It doesnt reflect the complex reality. We can certainly do a far better job at.... measuring ourselves. Now, if this is done for different reasons, say confidence, its even more stupid. Because it automatically asumes that people need a lie to feel confident enough to do something. No, they need help. And our society doesnt provide even that. If there is any other usefullness in self-worth please explain it.
Also im really curious on what you mean exactly by self-love, because if its something that happens through weight gain... Isnt it possible that its (lets say) self-desire instead?
4 months

Does anybody is here because wants a relationship?

It’s so hard to connect with somebody here. I mean, does anybody really wants a relationship?

You will certainly wont find the love of your dreams. (because... FF is not a dream)

What there is, however, is a possibility to find someone who you will enjoy talking with, and possibly build an irl relationship out of it. But thats not destiny, written by gods. There isnt something that guarantees this will happen. Its a possibility nevertheless.

I know for myself i certainly want a relationship, more than anything, but there are no girls from Greece here.
Sadly i have never managed to even interact with one, ever! 😅

Which sucks but thats life. The question is, what you do with it?
4 months

Feedee regret

They are worse than human garbage, bordering on being truly evil. There are obligate predators, people like serial killers that are driven to do evil, but in the same way that I'm driven to eat chocolate or maybe someone with tourettes is driven to tick. As a society, we need to remove them, but their "evil" is overblown.

Then there are facultative predators and opportunists, people that do evil because they think it's fun and their bored or because it is moderately easier than something else (or, tbf, because they had it modelled for them by other people in their lives, friends, parents, etc.). People that intentionally cause pain and damage and are not "unwillingly" evil. Those people are truly among the worst humanity has to offer, imho, and I'd say the group you describe falls in that category.

Morbidly A Beast:
I don’t think its accurate to say fat women are vulnerable

Oh thats actually irrelevant! The point Munchies tries to make with this is what ideas these people have, of women! This is kind of the status quo ideology, that "women are weak and men are strong" and that "fat is Weaknesses".

Regardless of if these are true, thats the ideology, thats how people percieve things.
4 months
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