I’m going to move this to the feedback forum so it gets the right eyes on it and keep testing to see what’s going on
1 month
tried it, no luck :/
if you can take a screenshot of what the screen looks like before you save it might be helpful. You’re sure you’re copying 13,000 characters and not 13,000 WORDS, right?
1 month
Did you try adding or deleting a character or two after you paste but before you hit save?
1 month
I've copy and pasted from a google doc of around ~13,000 characters, but it won't copy past the 500 mark or so when I hit save
So are you sure you’re making new chapters and not trying to paste into the description box? A new chapter has a 20,000 character limit
1 month
I've copy and pasted from a google doc of around ~13,000 characters, but it won't copy past the 500 mark or so when I hit save
Let me test that thanks
1 month
Hi - hoping to ping some mods, the FF story creation is bugged and won't save more than ~400 characters, which then isn't enough to publish the story. Anyone had any luck posting or is this just a me thing.
Can you describe exactly what you’re trying to do?
1 month