Most controversial food opinions

Sorry, all - Ranch dressing is overrated. (Not sorry)
4 months

Most controversial food opinions

I detest avocados. They’re like vegetable-flavored butter, and I am not the type of person who enjoys eating straight butter.

Ketchup and mayonnaise are not good condiments, they are ingredients with which to make much better condiments.

Second on avocado. They make me gag unless pureed up into guacamole. I'm not a huge guacamole fan, though, either.

Ketchup and mayo plus a bit of relish is Secret Sauce.
4 months

Were they trying to tell me to lose weight…?😅

When I got in my Uber the driver was an older man and once he started talking I could just kinda tell it would be one of those kinda inescapable conversations, where they just keep taking but he seemed nice. He begins by telling me what he had for breakfast then proceeds to tell me about his keto diet his son had gotten him into. I pretty much tuned out after hearing the word keto. But I just politely listened even though I couldn’t care less about all the ways he was cutting out carbs and sugar, to me it just sounds miserable.

Then he started to tell me about his fasting and how it does wonders for him, and the kilos melt off. He then started talking about his daughter and how she’s short and wide and how it done wonders for her. And then he starts telling me how I should try it! But I was literally just like “nah I wouldn’t be able to do it” and it kinda got left at that.

It took me until getting home to realise that perhaps he was trying to tell me something 🤣 it’s so funny because if I had have been honest I would have told him that I was currently on my way home to double dash kfc and dominos with sides and dessert. I’d say he probably would have been mortified 🤣

Ugh - you were kind to be polite and to listen. I find those conversations to be exhausting, because typically the talker fails to realize that they're being completely one-sided and exclusionary of the listener. (You're basically getting an enthusiastic sales pitch.)

Often it isn't intentional and I find that the talker isn't really all that self-aware - it's more of a mania that takes over because they are excited to share ALL of this information that they feel.has been helpful, enlightening, inspiring, validating, etc.

In these instances I try to do what you did - politely listen if they are being genuinely enthusiastic and trying to share a newfound passion (obsession). I might ask a few questions if I feel like it might be helpful or therapeutic for the talker to keep going.

But it's not easy, and hopefully you have a few polite ways to interrupt, redirect, or disengage - you were so nice to let them chatter on!

I hope that you enjoyed the silence of your home while you completely ate the OPPOSITE of everything he said. (Bwah-ha-ha-haha!!!)
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

This might be obvious but omg the power of cream cheese! It’s such a great fattening food, you can put it on literally anything and copious amounts too. It’s so easy for me to just down 5 bagels smothered in cream cheese and it equates to soo many calories. Just recently I put a whole block on a sandwich and it was divine. And then of course you can use it as a dip for making pretty much anything fatter. I just love it so much.
Its definitely going to start to make its mark on my belly soon and I don’t care! I want more! Let me know if there’s any other ways I should be using it that I’m missing! 🤤

My new "go to" is melted cream cheese with salsa, then mix shredded 4-cheese mexican blend into it for an amazing, addicting, and fattening Tostito dip. The salt, the crunch, the creamy salsa with cheese...
5 months

Photos in messages

How do you send a photo in a message ?

You gotta upload the picture to a site and then post the image address into the message.

Keep in mind that if you plan to post spicy pictures, you'll have to upload them to the internet. This is generally a bad idea.

I mean... what's the worst that could happen?

5 months

What ya listening to?

I just discovered Midnight Juggernauts and I am LOVING them right now. Some current replays:

"Into the Galaxy" - sounds like Talking Heads went Blade Runner

"Memorium" - right in that Cut Copy and Zero 7 sweet spot

"Road to Recovery" - Rewarding if you are patient - great for dancing while doing housework. Lol
5 months

What ya listening to?

Genesis - ...In That Quiet Earth

5 months

How to get soft puffy fat.

This might be counterintuitive, but... lose some weight? smiley

Hear me out - we tend to lose visceral fat more quickly than subcutaneous fat, so losing weight might help you reduce your hard fat and make your soft fat a bit more noticeable?

That's my unscientific, non-dietician best suggestion, though. I know that it doesn't quite provide a solution to your actual request, as it is less "adding" fluffy fat than it is "accentuating" it.

That said, you can also try upping your dairy intake - I've read a few scholarly articles that have been posted in these forums that seem to indicate that dairy fats tend to accumulate at a greater percentage of subcutaneous fat than do other types of foods.

Good luck!
6 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

This is one of the most academic and deconsteuctive threads - and I'm here for it.

I do think we've gone way off of OP's initial topic, but I'm interested and appreciative of the many different points and perspectives happening in here.

- How do we define consent with regard to individual's sexual thoughts about others?

- What is a fetish versus a kink versus a preference?

- What are our obligations for the protection of modesty/sentiments non-FF human beings?

Fascinating stuff, and not what I expected when I started reading this thread.
6 months

Have fat people ever asked you to touch or rub their bellies, and why?

I posted on another thread that one of my friends actually poked, jiggled, and squashed my belly after asking permission. I'm not sure if she has any feeder/FA preferences or if it was that she was genuinely curious and also amazed that her formerly thin friend is now sporting a noticeable tanker belly. I didn't get anything sexual from her - it was more like watching a person play with a stress ball or having fun with a jiggly water balloon.
6 months
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