Eating healthy and gaining?

OnyxStar wrote:

Olive oil can be tossed with nearly any pasta, its a better type of fat, but only 50 cals less than vegetable oil

I believe olive and vegetable oils have the same calorie content? Agreed that the olive oil is healthier though. And as Evie Gainer says, coconut oil is also a good choice in terms of being better for you than vegetable oils.
10 years

Fit guys and fat girls

No_Limit_Soldier17 wrote:
TheCannibal wrote:
No_Limit_Soldier17 wrote:
Has anybody ever seen a couple of the other way around? As in a fat guy with a fit girl?

Yep. I can count four or five couples from high school off the top of my head.

Were the girls in high school actually FIT though? Like they were athletically built and have some muscle tone, maybe a little mass?

I take your point, and at first I thought, hmm, he's right, I've never seen a "bodybuilder" type girl with a fat guy...

But then I thought... since when did I EVER see a "bodybuilder" type girl in real life? The nearest we ever get is pictures of Jodie Marsh in magazines!

Way fewer women than men have bulked-up or noticeable muscles - firstly because it's not that accepted by mainstream society as a look, so fewer women adopt it; and secondly because women don't bulk up as easily as men, we have to work really quite hard to get muscles that properly show.

So my guess is that there may well be plenty of physically "fit" women partnered with fat men but those women may not - unless you know what's under their clothes or how much they can lift - look different from slim or medium-build women. And "buff" is only one kind of fit - there's plenty of marathon-running, yoga-practising, cycling-mad (etc) girls out there who probably just look slim at first glance.
10 years

New say something nice thread!

Everyone's favourite ginger - and never a cross word with anyone.
10 years

Scale obsession?

OnyxStar wrote:
Does anybody else weigh themselves 5000 times a day even though you know it's kinda pointless for a true weight?

I find weighing myself erotic, particularly when I watch the needle swing upwards and am "shocked" to see I've put on weight.

I've never understood the mantra that you should only weigh yourself once a week because weighing yourself daily gives a misleading impression because of daily fluctuations. What if you weigh yourself at the end of a week and happen to be massively fluctuating that that time? As a result you might come to completely the wrong conclusion about the effects of your consumption/exercise that week. My weight can fluctuate 3 or 4 pounds or more. If I'd gained nothing but was randomly fluctuating upwards by 3 pounds because of (eg.) water retention, I would get completely the wrong impression. And it would be another week before I found out. Whereas if you check daily (or as often as you want) you can recognise a fluctuation for what it is.

My scales obsession isn't really weighing myself constantly though - it's more to do with liking the humiliation of being bluntly told I'm too fat. So I love fancy scales like the ones doctors/gyms have - with sliding weights on a pole. Those are often used when someone else weighs you, like a health or fitness professional. I love the idea of being weighed and told I'm too fat, or being weighed in a public situation so everyone can see my embarrassment.

10 years

Hey moving to london

Zaftig QT wrote:
What's a good neighborhood to
Live in?

Good restaurants?

Good big girl clothes and fashion shopping?

Ohhhhh that's a really hard question to answer.

London is like a series of little villages all linked together. So each individual area will have its own bars/restaurants/shops. It depends on your budget for rent!

Unless you've got an unlimited budget you probably won't want to live bang in the centre. Most affordable places probably start in Zone 2 (see an underground map for zones). The further out you go, the cheaper, but the longer the travelling time to get into the centre of town.

People who come here for the first time tend to find it really frustrating that most journeys in London from one area to another on public transport take at least 45mins to an hour or more! So if you're going to be working/studying it's a good idea to live locally to where you've got to be each day unless you want to spend hours commuting.

From having lived in the following places I can say you'd find affordable rents, lots of lively shops, bars and good places to eat: Bermondsey, Brixton, Clapham, Waterloo. Those are all in South London and it would take you 30-45 mins by tube or bus from each to get to Oxford Street (West End/Central London) where there's loads of clothes shopping.

I'm sure other people will have recommendations for areas in North/East/West London too.

If you're new to London it's often helpful to find somewhere to live that's near to a tube (underground) line. I prefer buses myself, but for newcomers it's easier to navigate this huge city by reference to tube stops.

If you have a look on the Events forum, you'll see that there are BBW club nights (BGP, Indulge) and FF-member-organised pub meet-ups quite often in London. These tend to be central London so that people from all areas can access them reasonably easily.

If you look on the Large Lifestyle forum, WannabePrincess (Debz) has posted a thread about places to buy Plus-Size clothes. There are fewer shops in the UK than in the USA stocking bigger sizes so a lot of us tend to buy online. There are high-street (chain store) shops for big girls here but I can't think of any particular area apart from the West End of London which has many of them together in one place.

Hope that helps & welcome to London in advance!
10 years

Online feedee/feeder concept

I would offer a slightly more nuanced view than Down the Donut Hole/Xutjja's.

My personal opinion is that the "feeder" doesn't have to purchase food/have food delivered to the "feedee" but can encourage and persuade that person to eat more than they would otherwise do/eat different things/eat so that they gain weight. For example, if I were a feedee, I would feel very uncomfortable accepting food gifts from someone who has less income than me. To me, being a feeder doesn't mean you have to have the means to lavish food on another, you just have to be psychologically attuned to the mutual goal of making/persuading/encouraging the feedee to eat/get fatter. The feeder can instruct the feedee what to eat, ask them to eat it at a certain time or in a particular way, or to eat a prescribed quantity. They can encourage and persuade the feedee to eat more when they're full. All that can be done online no problem.

I would also personally say that you can have a feeder/feedee relationship via text/k*k/IM without necessarily being on cam or on video chat. For me, the written word is quite powerful/erotic/persuasive and someone typing can be just as "real" as someone saying words or seeing them eating on cam.

I would take the view that even if there is no video-chat/cam, it's not just role-playing if the actual food is being eaten/weight is being gained. It might make it more real for some people to see it happen on cam, but I don't see why a text only, or text-and-photo-only (or emailed videos) feeder/feedee relationship or playdate/series of interactions can't be real feederism/feedism. I would imagine most people would enjoy a mixture though - an online feeder/feedee scenario could have a smattering of cam, text, email, sometimes real goodies delivered if you want, documented weigh-ins, lists of food consumed, etc.

It's whatever you want to make it.

Meeting up and stuffing them with cakes/being stuffed with cakes is obviously even hotter though. LOL.
10 years

Like/dislike calore counting?

Nah, too much like maths homework.

Which is odd, since numbers in other contexts I find irresistible. Like waist measurement, weight, graphs illustrating gain, etc. I even find weighing scales (for your body, not food), tape measures, calipers, etc, erotic objects. But calorie counting has never turned me on at all.
10 years

Any tea addicts around??

My favourite at the moment is Russian Caravan. It has a strong smoky flavour and aroma. It's a blend of lapsang souchong and oolong. The story goes that the tea would be brought back from China along the silk routes by caravan (as in the long processions of traders with camels, not mobile homes haha) and the tea would take on its smokiness from the campfires along the 6,000 mile journey. I love the romantic images that conjures.

Either loose tea in a pot, or - my new favourite method - little empty tea sacs that you can fill with loose tea leaves and dunk. Unlike with tea bags (which are made with the dry skanky dust left on the factory floor), loose-leaf tea is good enough quality to use the leaves twice, so you can double-dunk.
10 years

The pie appreciation thread

Chicken and tarragon pie
Fish pie (served with with peas, obv)
Raised game pie (I can't believe no-one's said good old pork pie yet! But game is even more delicious)
If crumble counts, apple and blackberry (with extra thick crumble topping, and served with custard).
10 years

What is my fetish called?

showyourfattummy wrote:

I'm looking for a divorce and replacement with a woman about 5" 6" and 250-290 lbs with very big natural bosoms and under 50 years old.

"Divorce and replacement"? I'm sure they'll be queuing up after reading that.
10 years
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