Oh boy, publicity

I've always marveled at people here who don't accept that this IS a very odd thing in most people's eyes.
It's not exactly normal, and would obviously seem very bizarre to someone who wasn't into it.
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Fawkesy wrote
Fawkesy=Fawkes the phoenix so ^5 for the Potter reference.

I always assumed it was a funny spelling of foxy
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

mine is now my first name.

it used to be just a semi-random sequence of charachters (abcdedcba), because when I originally signed up, I thought I'd just be lurking.
13 years

Looking for bbw to roleplay with

what do i do if i want to post in this thread?
14 years

Chat room quotes thread

I noticed we didn't seem to have one, so i made one.

Post quotes from the chat room that are amusing or awesome.

FAGAINER: i wish there were more girls who liked bigger men. so hard to find
RubyRipples > FAGAINER: well firstly try putting a hyphen after the FA part of your name and before the G
14 years
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