Negative comments hurt

Bejewler wrote:
So for the past.. well forever, I have always been thin. My family called me "Skinney Mini", always refered to me as beautiful and how I always looked so happy etc. (I weighed about 115-125)

Recently I have put on some weight (Now 145) and things have changed. They no longer call me beautiful, pretty, healthy, nothing. Everytime I see anyone in my family they will make a comment saying I need to excersise and to watch what I'm eating, and how "they can tell I'm gaining weight" Not to mention they talk about me behind my back.

Now I personally don't think I am anywhere near un-healthy ( I had eating problems that caused me to be very sick for the past few years and now I feel 2X better than I did before)but having all this negative energy around me is really getting me down. It's gotten to the point where I don't want to see my family (Minus my Mom), I don't want to go out in public unless I'm wearing baggy clothes, and I just feel un attractive.

I love my lifestyle but the way my family constantly reacts to me is really making me re-think my whole way of life. Does it ever stop? I mean the hurt that comes from once being " Their little princess" (their words not mine) to being "the unhealthy one who needs to smarten up"?

Sorry for the long post but you guys are the only one's who may or may not know how I feel.

It's possible it's coming from a place of concern from the rest of your family (if not respectfully communicated) or simply because of the cognitive dissonance this is causing. In their mind you are the skinny one in the family most likely, so to see that you're a bit curvier throws their perception of you completely out of whack. The best thing to do right now I think is to talk to them about it and make it known that while they might be trying to help you, their negative comments are hurtful. Kindly discuss with them that you like your body the way it is, your happier, and that the things they are saying are pushing you away from them, which you would hate to happen because you love all of them (a bit of an assumption their, but it sounds like you do care about them). Try all that and see how things go, communication is key in most problems.
11 years

"i'll 'convert' you...."

She doesn't sound very attractive and I'm not even talking about her appearance, if you're not interested I'd say either ignore her or upfront tell her that no means no. An interesting situation to be in though, just take it as a sign of your devilish charm and move on with your head held high.
11 years

Say no to fat jokes on tv!

Leto649 wrote:
I think he was more angry that Rivers jokes werent really jokes. Nothing is sacred in comedy- Just make it funny.

Pretty much this, people can joke all they want about anything and anyone, I don't see how this is different than a comedian saying saying a public figure is an idiot or some such thing. Though in truth they weren't that funny, and just felt mean spirited, I wouldn't expect someone to say something like that even at a roast.
11 years

Things like this piss me off!

Yeah, getting to very high weights comes with consequences which people need to be aware of before they decide to gain. Just because people wish that it were otherwise does not mean that the laws of physics no longer apply. I really don't see this as discrimination but as TheMarshmallow said, they really should have given her a refund.
11 years

Look at this utter rubbish!

They already do something similar to this in Japan: It took me a bit of googling to find an article on it because it'd been a while since I had heard about it. In any case it seems the focus is always on fat and not on health. Weight gain and diseases like diabetes are a symptom of a poor diet, not of fat itself, so when people target fat as the problem it's like trying to stop a running nose to cure the flu.
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

SilverRider wrote:

my boyfriend is apprehensive about having showers with me cus i have "no concept of how big i am" and he thinks i might knock him over lol.


Haha, this one made me laugh, tell him tough toenails smiley
11 years

Fat is a preference!

Heroin_Chic wrote:
Dude, freaking nailed it, high five

Internet high five, YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!
11 years

Fat is a preference!

Short Haired Jesus wrote:
Does anybody here get really angry when people say BBW'S and SSBBW'S are fetish's?

No there not!

There human beings with real feelings!

Not sex objects to fap over!

It just grinds my gears when a small percentage of the FA lifestyle abuses this and treats bigger women like a peice of meat.

You're trying to generalize and label people which is just not okay. You're essentially saying that because of my sexuality (and that of other fetishists), that because I not only have a preference for curvy women, but also a fetish that involves them, that I'm incapable of treating them as human beings. Anyone can be a person who uses others for their own needs, people who simply have a preference for fat as well as fetishists, and anyone can treat other people with respect.

People are going to objectivise those they find sexually attractive, women do it, men do it, it's part of how we work as humans. I don't know, and would never be able to know, every single woman on this site on a personal level. So yes, if I see someone I think is attractive who I don't know, my mind treats them as a sexual object, I still understand they're real people and treat them as such in real life (as people not objects that is). On top of that, you can't be seriously telling me that you sit there jerking thinking: oh he/she was so kind to me the other day, or they like the same band as me, that's so swell. You're thinking about what makes them sexually attractive to you and everything else be damned. There is nothing wrong with that so long as that's not how you are actually treating people in real life.

Do some people on here treat others poorly? Yes, but it's not solely fetishists, and being a fetishist does not imply that you are instantly a bad person. It's a part of your sexuality that you don't have control over and does not define you as a person. The solution to the problem is to bring people up to your level, not point fingers and throw stones. And on one final note, this is a fetish website that allows none fetishists on it. They do this to increase awareness of it and promote acceptance and understanding. If you have a problem with fetishes nobody is forcing you to stay, but you shouldn't be shaming them in their own home.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

So after talking to some people it looks like Saturday, June 1st is the date to go with. Unless enough people can't make it on that day, in that case we'll change it, so if that's a problem say so or forever hold your peace haha. We still need to decide on a place, however, preferably something that's 18+, we want anyone that wants to come to have the chance to if possible. As before, if people want to get drinks later that's fine. Write your suggestions here or send me a PM!
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

lc2 wrote:
- how many inches does your belly weigh?

What? Seriously, what?
11 years
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