Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Love them, so much fun! I have always loved them on women and then, when gaining, I found a big surprise to also get them, I wonder how large they will still get. It is especially fun since my female feeder is totally into very large moobs. She voiced the desire that mine should get larger than hers, and well, hers are large ;-)
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

... It won't hurt you if you do it in moderation. Make sure that you mix it by 50% at first and start by drinking a cup a day. Then double, triple, etc, when you feel like you can.

Well, that is the problem isn't it? If he is considering to drink pure fat (like olive oil), it is not about moderation at all, it is about rapid weight gain. And then the bad effects will be manifold, if they are still there (as far as I know the truth saturated fat is bad for you, unsaturated is good still holds) I want to gain weight fast myself and wish I could trust cream, it is much more fun to drink, and bacon (love love love bacon, could eat it by the pound) but I don't since I don't want to destroy my health doing it. I think everybody has to do this decision for themselves, I don't want to risk it, as I still want to gain quite a lot of weight and as far as I know, if your arteries are clogged up and you are having your first heart attack, there is no going back, they don't just unclog themselves.
Now I don't pretend I know all the answers, I don't know if olive oil is much better,but at least at this point science says: Yes, it is.

Now to answer the original question:
I'm currently doing 50 ml per 12 h and it has fattened me up quite a bit, it makes every meal into a super fat bomb.
The trick is to not go overboard and drink a lot of fat, since the stomach just can't digest it.
To know for sure how much you can digest? You will know by:
1. If it comes out undigested, that is too much.
2. If it makes you puke, same.

Yes, olive oil is pretty nasty to drink, I found the trick is to take a little swig of it, and then very quickly flush it down with something like orange juice, so you don't actually taste it, works really great.

Now 50 ml is a pretty large dose, so start with something smaller, like 10 ml or 25 ml and see how your stomach takes that. It takes some getting used to digest that much fat, so you might have to let your stomach getting used to it.

Again, it works much better taking small doses over time than one big one.

So now I just wish that one of you guys could show me that cream is healthy and does not have any ill effects if one drinks it by the cup, because I like it much more.

And then we could maybe use that roseto effect that I described in another post and do a big feeding camp where we all support eachother and form a community, because a close knit community seems to have a very healthy effect on the heart.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

Olive oil is unsaturated fat whereas heavy cream is saturated, also olive oil has more calories, some 900kcal / 100ml whereas cream much less than that.

If the old medical "wisdom" is still true, saturated oil causes heart disease (through clogging up your arteries), while unsaturated does not do that.
But that is if you look up the standard wiki pages and webMD about it. Does anybody have some new articles that show that this is not true anymore, that saturated is safe now?
What about if you take a lot of it?

I'm asking here about facts and studies, articles and concrete links, not "I think it is this way", because we are all at that stage right now, not knowing exactly what is fact.

There is factual truth though about that sometimes it does not matter if it is saturated or not, it won't touch or hurt your heart. The rosetto phenomenon gives me hope, as it shows that if your heart is happy and well emotionally, it won't get sick, even if you subject it to "unhealthy" fats, please see here:
8 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi, Markus here, (aka Rubens_Feeder) feeder, feedee and mutual gainer from California, originally from Switzerland, looking for friends and like minded people, helping you gain and fattening up for your pleasure ;-)
I'm a passionate writer and have written tons and tons of weight gain stories of the more extreme type on my website, I wish I could post the stories all here, but I cannot double post everything.
Wishing to make friends IRL.
8 years

Can't modify any pictures

Thanks so much, for some reason now the upload and erase buttons appeared again.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Feeling my fat (or the one of a feedee) grow really fast and being scared of gaining too fast, but then getting so hot about it and wishing it, because I know that is what I want.
Getting stretch marks as a badge of being a feedee or seeing a feedee get them because she is growing so fast.
8 years

Can't modify any pictures

I can't erase or upload new pictures, I don't have a button for it anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
8 years

Fat people might live longer than thin people

Not a surprise to me. I mean, especially the BMI is a really dumb hare braided idea that is hardly scientific, the damn thing gives totally wrong and misleading conclusions half of the time and should not be used any more by anybody.
But in the end, gaining weight and getting fatter is a natural process, the body does it naturally and it used to be a survival advantage. Somebody that was a little fatter would survive a hard winter with crop failure, while a thin person would starve to death. So makes sense, but of course flies into the face of the current culture of fat shaming, fat hating and size discrimination.
8 years

Negative affects on the children of gainers?

I think that you can also be a perfect role model of somebody that is fat and happy with it. Don't worry about bullying, as people usually get only bullied if they seem weak to others. Sadly, it is a decrepit and pathetic human tendency to kick people when they are weak and down and can't fight back, so people with low self esteem often are the target of attacks, but if you have high self esteem, feel great about being fat, (as I have noticed from my own gaining), they will be wary and polite and be careful not to say anything untowards, because they know that I know something they don't. They are probably thinking "hmm, he is really fat, but hmm, he does not seem to have an issue with it, he seems confident and high self esteem, I don't want to mess with somebody like that"
Because making a comment to a strong person like this, they (like I would do) would just laugh out loud and say "oh yes, you might think something like that, since you don't know better!" And they do know that they really don't know what they are talking about when the berate a fat person, they are just following the crowd or what they heard in the media or whatever, they parrot something, they don't really know. I on the other hand have been thinking about fat, being fat and other being fat for over 15 years now and so I DO know what I'm talking about. But as I said before, if you come over as sure and carry your body well, stand by it, don't hide your belly or whatever, they will pick up on it and they will respect you, don't mess with you and your children will also pick up on it, they will see the powerful aspect of being fat, the taking up more space than others. And everybody knows, deep down that a fat person can just sit on them, and the would suffocate and could not move. Being large is being powerful.
And about the childeren? Well, they will just take that as natural, they will see that other children will make fun of other fat people, but will notice that their father is not in that category, that he is fat but that it is no issue and one thing that I have heard about children over and over is that they love the fluffy large posture, they see what a fat person is, that being fat is attractive, without the societal baggage that many grown ups have.

Because a feedee does not just accept being fat, the outright LOVE it and are a unwavering beacon of size acceptance.

The children might just grow up with a much more natural attitude towards fat and being fat, having no fear or anxiety about it.

Also, before somebody labels you unhealthy and you believe it yourself, go check with your doctor. If your blood pressure and your blood work is OK, then you are healthy, no matter what weight you have. It is a fallacy that you automatically have to be unhealthy because you are big.
I have had a the feeling so far with female feedees that I have had, that some of them are naturally fat, they tend to gain and that nature favours it and that this is the reason that they are healthy.

Also, I guess it matters how you gain, if you eat high quality food or low quality and eating the most atrociously bad fast food, total garbage quality, something that you can't even call food, can be an issue.
8 years

Need to start when living with parents?

Unless your parents are overweight too and love to eat. My mother might be a feeder, as she loves to see me eat and also to cook for me ;-)
I have gained quite a bit but she does not seem to connect the dots and it just happy that I'm happy.
My parents are not massively obese and watch their weight and eat high quality food, not crap or fast food, so their health is good, even though they are big.
I think there can be different ways to eat food, they seem to eat it because they enjoy it so much and are gourmets, it is not a compulsion or anything, so that might be the reason they are more positively inclined towards it.
So just wanted to give you a nice example that not all parents will be hell bent on making you feel bad for gaining.
8 years
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