How to make my gf fatter

So where's the problem and is she ok with increasing her weight?

I'd suggest some variation in her diet first off because there are more than likely some nutrient deficiencies if that is her diet and it is prolonged for a significant amount of time.
10 years

Fit guys and fat girls

I can think of numerous reasons why this could happen. The first and foremost one would be projection. If you think about it, fit people generally have to reduce their amount of calories, fat and sugar intakes. Psychologically, a fit person could be projecting this want to go against this restriction onto their significant other. Because this post is more about fit guys into fat girls, I'll stick with that. Guys have it tougher than girls when it comes to body image. I mean the construct for guys is around 6 foot tall, usually tanned and anywhere between 190-210lbs of muscle if not more, and most annoyingly, damn near hairless. I mean if you think about it, a fatter or heavier woman can be deemed "acceptable" for a number of reasons. Her extra weight may disperse favorably, even now there are ad campaigns for "average" or "plus-size" women, and for men...nothing except muscleman. So guys get it on both ends really. There's no plus-sized guy campaign or save the beer-gut initative. There's muscleman and being strong and fit. Plus it's typically (not always obviously) what a mate is looking for.

Additionally, I touched on this. Should a woman gain weight, guys typically tend to follow the bigger is better rule on one fashion or another. So a lady with a bigger belly, breasts, booty, legs, etc. is a good thing. Also, genetic memory tends to have men or at least notice women with wider hips and adequate breasts as these are requirements for good child bearing supposedly since caveman days. Can't really be sure because there isn't really a way to test genetic memory.

And it pains me to say this because it's a stupid reason, but for some reason men think that fatter women may be easier to lay or control or whatever than thinner women. But as most of us on sites like this one and Curvage know. That is not the case. there are plenty of fine, confident and independent bigger and gaining ladies out there.

My biggest reason for liking bigger women are the curves, or rather, I'm not attracted to skin and bones or overly thin women. I've never ever found them attractive. I've found women with curves more attractive and that they tend to fit into more of my particular kinks.

As for being a trainer or in the health field (studying to be a nutritionist, which makes me even more of a dangerous feeder lol) and wanting to see a woman gain weight, it could go either way. I'm all for being comfortable in your own skin, and being or becoming more healthy. However, there are some women that should not lose too much weight. It can be dangerous first of all. We all know about the ballerina stories. But physically, the ladies start to not look as attractive. Maybe it's because I look through feeder-colored glasses. LOL

I do wish proper nutrition was taught to children and people in general. With that a lot of people would be better off. Of course then my job would be obsolete. LOL Regardless, I person should always feel good in their skin. If they feel it's +50 lbs. or -50 lbs. I don't mind, I'd love to help. As for helping a client gain. I love it, perhaps even do a little secret feeder or encouragment stuff, unless she was already a feedee. Then forget that stuff, to the buffet after work and when's our first stuffing session gonna be.
10 years

Stronger than your man

lovableplump wrote:
I'm fairly strong (140 bench) but not very dominant. I often wonder if there are guys on here who are interested in muscular fat women like me.

There are. I'm one of them. smiley
10 years

Love to be teased

I love doing the humiliation and teasing if the lady good with it. I find that calling them fat greedy piggies usually does it for them, as well as, describing how much more weight they're gonna gain or how fat they'll get.

Additionally, the type of sub/dom play that Ariday is talking about, I absolutely love. Nothing hotter than a woman begging you to make her climax in mind-blowing screaming ecstasy. smiley
11 years

Secret feeder riff

That's not a half bad idea BigBrownCutey. I was thinking somewhat along lines of a split or multiple personality type sort of story. Like the main character that one of his personalities is fattening women up and another personality is performing bon age and things like that on these fattened ladies as well. And eventually he starts to see some things start to happen to his girlfriend as well as notice some other signs.smiley
11 years

Secret feeder riff

armrest wrote:
The first rule of Fat Club is: we do not talk about Fat Club.

What's Fat Club?smiley
11 years

Secret feeder riff

I was struck by a sudden idea for a secret feeder story. I've never read anything like this but here's my idea:

Secret feeder stories usually involve a person or people in the story being fattened up by someone. But I'm thinking that we twist it in a literal sense. My thought was to have the protagonist suffer from a split personality. The two personalities would be just that, two halves of the same whole. Only, the mild-mannered "normal" day personality wouldn't know he had a split personality and that his split was fattening and breaking down women for "his" fat farm.

What do you all think? Any ideas or advice would be much appreciated.

The Demolition Man
11 years

Girls you knew that got fat?

I have a friend that has put on quite a bit of weight. It's a little funny because her sister was always the chubbier one growing up and now she's really thin. Part of my friend's problem is medical though. She has had to fight off some bone deteriation stuff and that is very limiting on one's movement. Hence growing body.

The other is my girlfriend. She was 160 when we met and at one time was 270lbs. Her knees need some work done on them so doctor's orders for weight loss. Still she's down to 245lbs which is still plenty big enough for me. X-)

The last thing I want to mention is that I love going to a party school and seeing all these new students or students who are busting into the party scene. Watching them balloon so fast is awesome. LOL
11 years

Role play secretely fattening

luvschubyangels wrote:
Looooove this fantasy, a favorite. "Am I putting on weight?" "No, no, baby of course not." LOL Putting fat and lots of extra calories in food, like pouring half a bottle of olive oil in pasta sauce. Even setting back the scale. A touch of an evil feeder. LOL A great RP, but would love to do it in RL.

But how would you know it's being done to you and would it still be hot?
11 years
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