Update on fat is healthy findings

Anything new on this research which confounded the fatphobic medical establishment?


I don't want to burst your bubble, but could this just be wishful thinking?

In terms of overall quality of life, I'll say that a BMI in the high 20s/low 30s doesn't seem to have a meaningful impact on that, though.

Other than twats who fat shame anyone larger than a size 10 of course, but I don't really seem to see that as much anymore.
5 years

Gaining at college

I may also want to add that when it comes to making new friends or discovering new activities, you may want to seek out activities that don't focus as much on aerobic activity, then perhaps try to become friends with the heavier students there, ideally ones who also like eating or like activities that are more likely to include eating, or could.

Going bowling? You can probably get pizza or hotdogs there, for example. Maybe give the running and jogging activity a pass, but maybe there's one about cooking. I think you get the general idea.

Ever noticed how volleyball players, at least the women often look a little chunky?

If you're going to a regular university, try to take advantage of opportunities to meet new folks. I looked at your profile, and you'll be the same age as most of the other students, at least ones who may take day classes. This is something that folks who attend college late (if at all), or attend a 2 year community college first will miss out on.
5 years

Gaining at college

It's a little hard to answer, since I can't know for sure if you live the stereotypical, "traditional college student" lifestyle in a dorm, or the lower middle class apartment living lifestyle that seems more common.

If the latter, I think general advice you see on here will be very helpful, since it assumes you go to a grocery store to purchase and prepare your own food.

Regardless of which lifestyle you have, college is probably an unprecedented opportunity to fatten up and gain weight, which will likely never occur again. This isn't to say you can't gain weight outside of college; in fact that would be most users on this web site. But it's more challenging, since you will have far fewer opportunities to eat yourself into a food coma. While college can potentially need as much time as a full-time job, you will have much more flexibility regarding when you do your work. Most will never have this kind of flexibility ever again.

Even if you do live the former lifestyle (i.e. in a dorm) there's a lot of details that are unknown. How does your meal plan work? Do you have a buffet? What kind of food options do you have? Any dessert?

What small appliances can you have in your living quarters? I heard of one university that prohibited coffee makers in the dorm rooms; I don't know why... potential sudden surge in electrical load in the morning? If so, I don't know how *anyone* got their asses into gear in the morning.. maybe they drank caffeinated soda. But, I digress. Either way, I think you need to provide us some more information.

I would expect there to be some sort of late-night/nearly all night pizza joint or diner or something, that folks may go to on the way back after house parties. I've heard that food you eat after drinking heavy is more likely to turn into additional weight.
5 years

Mixed feelings about gaining

I'm sure there must have been many prior threads of this type, but I have to make one.

So, I've gained a good bit over the past year or so, 20-25+ lbs.

Does it make sense that a few times I've wondered, "What the hell am I doing?" Have I really gained this much?!

Yet at the same time, I've learned to really love triple burgers, larger dinners, more dessert than before, and so on. A good way to end a weekday seems to be either to eat lots of candy washed down with half and half, or one of my fat shakes (pint of cream + flavor syrup). Or to eat large sandwiches. Damn, I'm already dreaming of a Jimmy John's sandwich with extra cheese and mayo right now.

I sometimes wish I wasn't close to outgrowing the bigger clothes I got to accommodate my initial weight gain, or that I'm now considering going to the jeweler to add a little size to my jewelry. But at the same time, I kind of DO like it. If it wasn't for my parents (who oddly enough haven't said anything yet), and to a slightly lesser degree some current financial considerations (not begging here), I sometimes to often think I'd like to get much larger.

I'm still as much of an FA with some feeder tendencies as I was before, or perhaps even more so. I know that if I continue down this path, I will likely not just want, but NEED a BBW. A big sexy BBW foodie.

As much as I may not want to reach 170, then 200, then 220ish, at the same time I kind of also DO want to. Does this make any sense?
5 years

Best time to weigh yourself?

Bloaty boi:
What's the best time to weigh yourself, so that your weight is the mos relevant?

Right after you do #2 but before you eat anything. This assumes you do #2 shortly after wake up, of course.
5 years

Vacation time just to eat?

This would be interesting. Slightly different but many report gaining weight on a cruise with all the buffets, often without even trying, pretty much just because there was always virtually unlimited food around.

So being into feederism, I think going up at least one clothing size is almost a guarantee.
5 years

How to start

Quick way is wieght gain shakes. Amazon has a couple brands that are 10,000 Cal per serving. Just drink one of those a half hour before bed. It will turn into pure soft blubbery fat. It will also increase your hunger during the day. After a month make the shakes with ice cream to increase the cal. I used this method to put 40 lbs on a woman last year. Only took a lil over a month. Not everyone will gain that fast though. Good luck

Could you link to a couple examples? I have yet to come across any quite like that.

Just some that claim 1,200, 1,250, 2,000, or even 2,500 calories a serving, which sounds like a lot until you realize just how BIG those servings are.

Seems like cream mixed with some kind of flavoring (like Torani syrups) may be the best for something drinkable that's calorie dense. Add half and half as needed if the cream seems too thick.

Some folks are able eventually upgrade to just cream, which is pretty much the densest liquid dairy fat there is that you can still drink.
5 years

Need suggestions for all-day stuffing

I dunno if I could tackle 12 pancakes right out the gate just yet, but I do like the sound of five thick ones smothered in butter and syrup with a side of an omelette and bacon for breakfast! Maybe I could do half heavy cream and half full milk too.

That sounds delicious.

You may, could probably upgrade to 50% heavy cream and 50% half and half. I don't even bother to get regular whole milk anymore.
5 years

Can “weight loss” shakes help with gaining?

The Boost and Ensure are also used for helping underweight patients gain weight, I don't know where the weight loss thing came from, as they're pretty much just liquid candy.

Probably because of SlimFast drinks.

I think the idea is to have perhaps just one, in place of a meal. That it would be all the calories you have.

Of course that's never gonna work. You'll probably go mad from hunger and binge.
5 years

Noticeable difference???

Here, try this bmijs.is.tuebingen.mpg.de/en/body_masses/get_data -- it's a BMI visualizer

I haven't seen that one before. I usually liked this one:

bmijs.is.tuebingen.mpg.de/en/body_masses/get_data (there's a female version too)

You probably want to keep the exercise number at 1 or 2 (just normal walking around, carry stuff from errands, work tasks, etc.). I do like how you can also adjust inseam, since it may be slightly off.

If you set and lock one slider, the rest of the unlocked sliders will move automatically. In addition to height and weight, it might also mean guessing something like.. how much to gain until your waist or ass is a certain size.
5 years