Can we get better verfiction


We already have a verification system why is the verification logo not more visible around the site

That’s a good point.
1 year

Soft feeding ideas

Probably my biggest comfy fantasy is having a feeder/feedee picnic outdoors, with a basket full of all their favorites, maybe some wine, compete with talking, joking and cuddling on the blanket out in the outdoors.

For solo ideas: I'm a feeder not a feedee, but even I like this: pamper yourself with snacks in the bath. I used to do this when I worked mornings, I'd just grab my breakfast and eat it in the bathtub, and it was usually something basic like a poptart or a toaster waffle, and I'd do it for time economy rather than enjoyment, but I did enjoy it. I would imagine myself somewhere fancier, with waitstaff or something to bring me my breakfast in the bath instead of the run-down apartment I actually live in, and sometimes...sometimes that got me through the fkin day.

I had a really lovely time with a friend many years ago feeding them strawberry ice cream while they took a bath. We talked and relaxed until the water got too cold and the ice cream had lost its magic. Not a bad way to spend an evening.
1 year

Is it normal

I'm 190 lbs and my appetite keeps growing the more it grows the more I eat and all I wanna do is stuff my face

And when in full I get hungry again an hour later

And when I have a bag of chips I just wanna sit down and eat all of them at once

Definitely not normal. And definitely don’t look at any of the other threads on here with people saying the exact same thing. All an illusion.
1 year

Weight requirements to be a bbw?

I think it’s a mental thing. It’s about how you feel more than any number or measurement
1 year

Imagine one shop

Yeah, I would like all sorts of weird vegetarian stuff plus handmade ice cream plus maybe a good buttered roll, plus an Indian buffet. And happy hour.
1 year

Imagine one shop

SSBBW Summer:
Full of your favourite foods and snacks. Everything you like in that one shop. Wouldn't that be great!

It would be a really weird shop but it would be great.
1 year

What would you think of a story where a fit gym girl becomes a roly poly butterball?

There are lots of stories like that. I don’t find them super interesting usually, because there usually isn’t a plot besides that, but they seem to be popular.
1 year

Therapist telling me to lean into a unhealthy lifestyle because it makes me happy

Maybe this therapist isn’t a good fit for you. It happens. Tell them what your concerns are.
1 year

Moderate change to recommended stories population

It’s my fault, I think. It was broken in the other way before (premium stories were almost invisible), and they made a change that broke the forums for a day and made it like this. I’m with you where there should be a middle ground. But sorry, it was my suggestion.
1 year