Any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?

While this isn't really happening in an explicit sense (in that everyone is literally trying to fatten you up), in a way it's already happening as it is. There is no explicit, widespread encouragement but it's pretty much nearly normal and will be, very soon.

If current trends continue, and there's little to no reason to think it won't at this time, in '30 the American obesity rate is expected to reach over 50% amongst all adults. In some demographic groups, it's already over 50%. The OP is in New Zealand, but I have reason to think this is happening in most developed countries and many developing countries as well. However, I can only really speak authoritatively about the U.S.

Child obesity also continues to rise, and fat kids are more likely to become, and remain fat adults.

Here's a few things I heard of, trends, and observations I've made.

New York City, as well as any large city with a train, subway, or tram system occasionally has to repair or upgrade the equipment. A few years ago, when they last ordered new ones, they ordered seats that are wider. Clearly, they are expecting most riders to be heavier and have larger butts and will for the entire service life of the new train cars. As this is at great expense, I have no doubt this was considered carefully.

Let's look at new cars vs. older ones. The front bench seat is almost all but gone, in favor of bucket seats that are often such that you can't have 3 in the front. The back seat usually still includes 3 sets of seat belts, but I almost never see anyone use the middle seat, ever. Even one passenger in the back seat is pretty rare.

No one likes the middle seat, and it onyl gets worse when on average, everyone is wider.

On this note, consider booth seats in restaurants too. I almost never see 3 in a side anymore, only 2 tops.

I can almost swear portion sizes in restaurants are often larger too. You see advertised serving sizes when you look at a nutrition facts label, but ever notice how they rarely match up with what folks actually eat? Some manufacturers have started to include information about the entire bottle or package, but most haven't. A lot of times folks may also just go ahead and provide larger portion sizes for other folks too.

If sufficiently thin enough, some folks might comment.

As recently as a little over a decade ago, I never saw plus-size mannequins in stores. Now I see them all of the time. Some brands have had to increase the range of sizes they offer, so Lane Bryant and Torrid have competition they didn't use to have, at least for the female US size 12-20 range. In some places like Target or Wal-Mart, there's marketing materials about how any size is good, but others just offer them just because. Some brands haven't seemed to have gotten the memo, but it's only a matter of time until they do. They can either face a declining market every year as everyone gets fatter and there's literally fewer potential customers, or offer the extended sizes.

At this point, if you're really skinny you're the one who's more likely to stick out.

I'm sure most users of this web site have likely, at one point or another watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" which was released in '93. It was in rural town, somewhere in Iowa of all places, I think it was. One of the scenes near the end involved his supposedly morbidly obese mother who was fat shamed when she left the police station, after demanding they release her younger son.

Thing is, if you see that scene again, you would see that while she would still be larger than most folks, folks of that size are just common enough nowadays that almost no one even talks about it anymore.

Anyway, my overall broad point is that it's either the point where it's actually normal, or it's pretty close.

However, there will still be some demographics that won't have a 50% obesity rate. However, broadly speaking it's more and more acceptable everywhere.
5 years

Fashion for men

Suits are also a bit awful, and I use a vest as well.

I have sometimes wondered if I might not have to pause or at least slow the weight gain down a bit because of this, at least in the near term.

Here's a thought. Other than jeans or certain other lower cost trousers and bottoms, there's usually some extra material you can use to expand the waist area by a couple of inches. Getting that adjusted is typically cheaper than new ones.

Though I can't help but wonder if the tailor would start giving you weird looks eventually. I can't imagine many tailors are FAs who like weight gain, though imagine if they were.
5 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Some examples here:[/quote]

Am I the only one who finds most of those posts hard to believe or possibly farfetched?

At the very least, the ones about being 600+?
5 years

Gaining tips

I am new to all of this. My boyfriend and I met because he loved bigger girls but now he wants to get big too. Any tips I can use to help him gain quickly? Thanks!

Depends partly on how large he is now. But there's pretty much always ways to gain more. If you would like, I could share some of my experiences. Has been pretty effective, and also impressive given my previous and now current size (125 -> 150) and that was without any outside encouragement.

How long have you been together? It's been said that a wise BBW either appreciates a fat man or learns to. More often than not, he ends up gaining weight. That dating, and especially marrying a big woman is very likely to be a very fattening experience.

Although that isn't to say there aren't ways to help that along and speed up the weight gain.
5 years

Playing with your significant other’s belly while they sleep?

I actually sleep on my 2 feedees bellies when we sleep.

so yeah

The same one who claimed one of them died on you, but somehow after you quit FF and you came back, he magically came back to life?

Sorry but I think you're full of crap.
5 years

How to heavy cream?

a pint, first time at once, failed, then second time,, I would have it 1 cup at a time, twice a day, still failed.

Maybe try one cup at a time, either mixed with half and half or something else to flavor it.

Or even just half and half at first (which tastes like creamy milk, since in essence that's what it is), switching to cream later. Half and half seems to be as easy to drink as milk (only it doesn't spoil anywhere near as fast, probably because it's ultra pasteurized) and a pint of that is 640 calories.

If you eventually try to have more, maybe then only increase it by a small amount, say 1/2 a cup, and try to keep that up for awhile and you'll hopefully get used to it, before then trying to increase it again?

I think consistency may be key here. One or two days where you had a pint, while it is an extra 1,600 calories that day, isn't going to do much on it's own. But an extra 800, five days a week? Then if you can do that for weeks, it starts to add up.

Another thought, if it's the taste and consistency, is to use it in recipes that call for any kind of milk and it often won't even change the taste that much. Not sure what effect that would have on Macaroni and Cheese, but I know it works well in mashed potatoes for example. I don't know if you like soup, but cream is also an apparently somewhat common constituent component of many soup recipes.

I hope it's not just you, but so far I think it might have just been too much at first.

When I went from 125 to 150, even though I'm not even fat by even non-feederism standards, I already crave slightly more food and slightly fattier food at that. So perhaps you'll get used to it in time.
5 years

How to heavy cream?

How much did you drink each day?

When I've tried in the past it usually worked out better to start off with smaller amounts and slowly increase it. Although I haven't been able to have a pint or more every day for weeks on end without breaks.

Not sure if it's the only factor, but I suspect it's a good part of why I'm a good bit thicker than I was just a year ago.

I almost wonder what would happen if I could drink a pint, or even just a cup every day for weeks on end.
5 years

Gainer vs feedee

What would be the difference? Is there even a semi-official definition?

I suppose if the qualifier is that a "feedee" needs a feeder to force overeating. Although, I don't follow this definition.

I think a feedee could want to gain even without a feeder. Or at the very least, I see many self-identified feedees who gain even without a feeder yet hopes to find one.

I have also yet to see a self-identified gainer who would turn down feeding, but perhaps isn't looking for a feeder in particular.

Perhaps this is the distinction? The desire and vested interest in finding a feeder?
5 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I'm 2 weeks after 10 days of heavy cream and I've gained about 10 pounds.

It's not as much as I would expect, but it's propably due to my metabolism.
But I gotta say, heavy cream is pretty effective.
I'm relatively new to this and I'm starting to get a nice, soft belly.

How much cream each day and about how many daily calories on average besides? 10 seems like a lot!
5 years

Eating more and more

I have sometimes wondered at which point you won't have to try and make yourself eat more, but instead your appetite has increased to the point where you have almost got to keep eating, and extra pounds come on very easily.

Can you even anticipate it, or do you just realize it one day, after that already happens?
5 years