At the end of summer...

Hmm, not off the top of my head, and i'm pretty good with stories lol.

Was it on here? I remember a guy version and he became like his uncle, big, fat, smelly, gross lol, wasn't really my type of thing.

There was also a female one with an aunt and she got into the whole thing from feederism to lesbian relationships.

If you can give me more details, like Author (hopefully lol) or how long ago you remember seeing it I may be able to find it, if its on here at least.
13 years

Whos your favorite admin???

Thanks for the appreciation all, but ultimately, I gotta agree with Alice, no need to play favourites and make people feel good/bad.

Good to know our work isn't unnoticed though. smiley
13 years

Someone please explain my boyfriend to me...

hypokrisy wrote
I just don't know how to approach certain things. Like when he says he's fat do I say I like your fat or no your perfect or I don't know!!!??!! It's very confusing... I don't know how to talk to him about weight, and all of that.

I'd respond with things like "and?" or "so?" Obviously he is saying it to get a reaction from you, you should try play it back on him and see if he will say what he clearly wants to but is waiting to see how you react first.

Did that make any sense at all? lol :S
13 years

Photo poses and/or positions... what's your favorite?

BlutEngel wrote
Faces not photos of a chest.

Or any other part of the body lol.

As for poses, the whole sitting crosslegged thing I think is best, you get to see it all, thighs, belly, breasts, face.
13 years

Are you still attracted to thin girl?

A similar thread which seems to be better worded, i'm locking this one to prevent further embarssment/conflict. smiley
13 years

Any feeders feel guilty they don't like their gain?

I know exactly what you mean. I don't hate my gain, (which was mostly intentional) but i'm really not a fan of how my face looks now, not to mention when I get self conscious, my weight tends to be one of the first things I think I should change.

It is quite an experience, getting and being fat (especially when you were originally quite thin), and really puts another perspective on the desire to fatten someone else up, because you get to see first hand all the positives and negatives which come with it.

Having said that, its not so much guilt I feel any more about wanting to fatten a girl up (although there was definite initial guilt) but more so empathy with what exactly I desire and why its not as glamourous as it appears in my fantasies.

In this respect, i've decided that I would never force (openly or secretly) or try to convince someone to gain for me who wasn't interested. Some people think that once they get someone gaining they'll grow (pun intended) to like it even if they didn't at first. Having gained, I see how much trouble I have with liking it myself now so its insane to think someone else would like it if they just did it.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem, there are other girls and guys out there who do want to gain, of course they aren't immune to the second thoughts, but they can and are willing to make the conscious decision to gain weight without someone elses input. My advice is to find such a person and you can both enjoy that which gives you both such pleasure and satisfaction.
13 years

Someone please explain my boyfriend to me...

sounds like a classic closet feedee/fa who is torn between his desires and what he thinks is "right"

Maybe you could try setting his desires free? Introduce him to this whole world which you already know about. smiley
13 years

I have found the cure!

although I can appreciate the humour, the troll was dealt with, so things can move on, there is no need to keep this stuff around, so i'm gonna lock it, people can read and enjoy your joke, but this is the end of it. smiley
13 years

How would you like your belly

large, soft, round, maybe I should just link a pic of my "dream belly" lol
13 years

3 questions for feedees

1. 165
2. 300 (not actively gaining atm.)
3. 300 (cause mobility and health would still be an issue, if they weren't though, 1000lbs sounds good smiley)
13 years