You can eat & absorb 2.5x your calorie needs

I've thought about this question a bit more.

While not scientific, there were cases of those who ended up gaining SO much in a short enough time, to suggest the cap or ratio may be much higher.

Although many at that extreme size may suffer from lymphedema, a fate I don't wish on anyone since it looks unsightly and causes pain, but can also make the scale go up.
5 years


i’m new to this whole thing, forgive me; however, i was wondering if there are people into breeding? lately, i’ve been finding the idea of being stuffed with cock and then eventually swollen with a baby really enticing.

I'd like to have a kid or two one day.

I've also liked to see the progression of pregnancy. I have yet to see that happen as a result my seed, though perhaps one day.

I also very much enjoy, and even look forward to the very real possibility that she will be heavier, softer, and wider as a result of added pregnancy weight. If that's the result of my seed, that would be even nicer, sexier, and hotter.

Perhaps I will also gain some sympathy weight.

Realistically though, in real life this couldn't take place too many times, probably once or twice. I would also have to find the right woman.

Does this count?
5 years

Bmi. what's yours?

About 22.7-8.

Doesn't sound like much, but I'm proud of it. A little over a year ago the number was far too low, almost underweight.

I think I'd like to get heavier.
5 years

You can eat & absorb 2.5x your calorie needs

Interesting article. However, I didn't see mention of what studies suggested the calorie processing limit.

That suggests I currently can't eat over 4K calories in a day. Although so far, I have found it difficult to eat more than that. Normally, I have to resort to cream, or at the very least, half and half to hit that many calories.

Although, I know some have been able to expand their stomach capacity.

Still, does it really make sense that on the rarer occasions when I've been able to get 5K calories, that the extra were wasted? Then again, when I had a day like that, it's harder to eat lunch the next day.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

For me as as an enabler it’s simply a case of having to eat along, or at least get her going. So I’ve definitely gone up in weight. And then now when I look I think "well....that’s not bad.....I could see myself following her along" smiley

Based on the theory where if you eat a lot, others around you will eat more too? That sometimes works.

If everyone has a huge piece of cake, it will seem normal for you to have one too.

That's another reason why I may like to gain more. So I can eat a lot more and indirectly get her to eat more too.

There's also the fact, or at least I've observed this, that in most couples where the woman is heavy, the man is usually heavy too. It will be easier to start a relationship with a fat woman or watch her gain weight if you are heavy.

Of course, even if the man is the lighter one, just being around all that delicious, yummy, and fattening food, you're gonna end up snacking and eating some.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

One factor is the lack of being able to find someone who is actually into this, and not much reason to think I ever will.

But another is well... when I see how much fun some have with overeating and gaining weight, I wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end.

I also wanted to expand my knowledge on how to develop a more fattening diet, which would perhaps help me be more effective in making others fatter and heavier.

I don't really know how far I want to go with this, but I've gained a new appreciation for food that I didn't have before. I look forward to meals more than I used to. I'm slightly hungrier and crave fattier food, and when you're hungry, food in general tastes even better.

Now I kind of want to gain more, which will hopefully mean I will be hungrier so I can eat and taste even more food. Sometimes, I even feel sad when I start to feel full, because then it means I can't keep enjoying the taste.

To be clear, I still want a BBW or a chubby woman, or someone who wants to be, the same as before. But now I sometimes have dreams where we may feed one another, or have eating contests. Perhaps, we can share in the joy.
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

I've weighed in the low 130s all my adult life. I couldn't gain no matter how much I ate.

A few months ago I committed to heavy cream to reach my goal weight of 140. Reaching that goal was super exciting since I've never been out of the 130s. I decided 140 wasn't enough and to try to reach 150.

Well here at am now at 150! I'm loving my new pudge, but gaining 20 pounds of fat hasn't really been as drastic as I thought it would be. I can still see my abs and I can't really grab my fat, only feel some softness.

I've increased my goal to 160, but I'm afraid it won't be enough and that I'll increase my goal again once I hit 160. Will this chain ever end?

Maybe it's because you're very tall for that weight.

The chain may, or may not end. Probably will at some point, but when it ends depends on you.

I've kind of noticed that, too. Went from 125 to 130, thought it was nice but it didn't seem like enough, so I wanted to be 140. Reached 140 which was also nice, but it didn't seem like enough, so I thought 150 may be good. Now, I'm 150. I like the additional thickness on my limbs, and seem to developed a starter belly. This all took place over about a year.

As nice as it feels, I think I'd like to be even heavier. Another 20 lbs would mean I will become overweight, if I go that far.
5 years

Fat men in yoga pants

Men's leggings actually are for sale, but not popular. Spandex clothing for men are ridiculed and probably give most folks haunting mental images of Richard Simmons.

As for jeans, you may or may not have noticed that stretchy jeans for men are becoming more and more commonly sold. Express goes up to 44", which really means 46" at least, since they use vanity sizing for men.

Old Navy goes up pretty large too, and many of their offerings are also slightly stretchy.

Trying to find any that are pure cotton denim (not even 1-2% spandex like the previously aforementioned products) is getting harder, though not impossible.
5 years

Bailey's irish cream? anyone here tried it straight?

I wonder if it tastes good? I'm not posting this in the recipes board because I'm asking about drinking it straight, not mixed with anything.

Obviously, from a strictly calories per dollar point of view, it's not that great. But honestly, who's only going to eat food that offers the most economy in that regard? It's not very fun.

And like most folks, I do drink. It's classed as a "liquer" (below 80 proof, it's 17%/34 proof) so it doesn't seem like it would be too bad in that regard, but then again I can drink an "inch" of a 5th of straight bourbon pretty easily.

It's also supposed to be slightly sweet, but I'd like to hear from folks who have tried it. The entire bottle would be 25.4 fl. oz./750ml (a 5th) and about 2,450 calories.

Guess I hope it tastes like liquid sin but I have no idea. I guess I was inspired by another user here who has been putting on weight and at a certain point, she was drinking "boozy milkshakes" and seemed to be having so much fun.
5 years

Big military spouses

Having served 5 years in the Army, I can attest to this and hell, in training, it was even recommended to find a huge girl, lol

5 years