Heavy cream not working

Been on 500ml of heavy cream and 500ml of peanut butter smoothie for about a week now.
Losing weight does this take time to kick in?

It's been my experience that yes, it takes sometime for your body to process the fat. Seems their is a delay of a few day, it's very sneaky. Shows up when you are least expecting it.
6 years

Fat boy humiliation


I like to remind him when he's too fat to do something.

What are the things that he's to fat to do? I love it, when my wife/Mistress makes a comment like that. Reminding me of it, and how far (much) I have gained.

Not so much not allowing as pointing out that he's too fat for some things to be enjoyable. A few weeks ago the family wanted to go on a short walk. I knew he wouldn't be able to walk that long without getting tired and hungry, so I put my hands on his sides and belly and pointed out that he was too fat for such a long walk, that he would get tired, hungry, and generally unhappy. He had much better stay home and wait for us - cook us something.
Things like that - pinching a little of his fat and telling him it will be too hard for him - delight me.

If my penis was not so buried, you would see a rise out of me. I love this!

Go ahead....pinch my fat... I dare ya!
6 years

Fat boy humiliation


I like to remind him when he's too fat to do something.

What are the things that he's to fat to do? I love it, when my wife/Mistress makes a comment like that. Reminding me of it, and how far (much) I have gained.
6 years


Jobs for growing male feedee, any thoughts? Looking in the NoVa area....

Something that would encourage gaining, perhaps under the suppervision of a feeder.
6 years

Whey protein powder for fat gain?

Dear god you'll get fat as fuck. Be careful for real. I know plenty of people who take to much and work out hard. Big muscles but moobs and a belly that makes men look like girls and if they don't work out at all just a blob. For real you'll gain big weight

How does protein powder work? Could you recommend a brand, and amount to take for the blob "effect".
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

For me the worst is in the bathroom. Trying to reach around my enormous belly to get clean,bending over. This fetish is taking over my life. Can't stop gaining weight,I love gaining n being fat.

I agree, my arms seems like they have gotten shorter and my rear much bigger and softer.
6 years

Movement changes?

The little man takes much longer to do things than he used to. Also, he complains of fatigue when made to walk more than a few blocks. When he cleans he has to get down on his hands and knees because he can't squat or do anything like that anymore.

I find myself doing the same thing, or just out right setting down on my fat arse when ever possable.
6 years

Gaining challenges

Try never leaving the house - preferably not even leaving the bed. When I was fattening up my fiance early on, I took us to a hotel where I ordered him room service while I was out hiking. I discouraged him from getting out of bed, just ordering him food. By the end of the week-end I don't think he had been out of bed more than once or twice.

How did you discourage him from leaving the bed, and how do you know that he ate everything, if you were out hiking? Interesting that you used "early on" makes me think that this was only the start, and that now he can not leave even if he wanted to.
6 years

How to put on weight?

Keep pushing yourself a little bit more.
When we went out to eat I always ordered two extra dishes. He went from barely finish one to finishing all three.
Dairy, carbs, meat, sweets. Let them become the base of your diet. Also, I suggest a little rest. Now the butterball takes a nap after lunch on Saturdays and a little rest after we eat out.
Slow down or cut out activities. Elevator instead of stairs, car, no hiking, running, or excessive movement. Walk slowly and ideally, even if you aren't tired find a place to rest, to get into the habit of cutting your movement in half.
Eat a heavy snack before bed, like a big bowl of Mac and cheese. It's also helpful to eat a big breakfast. At one sitting, my bf begins his day with a big bowl of museli with yogurt and granola - almost 2000 calories right there.
It may sound silly, but using bigger plates and flatware can help, because they deceive us into thinking we've given ourselves a smaller portion. Get a large popcorn at the movies, and you will eat it all. For breakfast I filled that large bowl with two cups of yogurt. It still looked small. It changes your perspective.
After a certain point it will simply be too hard to lose the weight. Somewhere between 20-30 lbs added, he lost the ability to lose. He'll never be thin again. It takes 21 days to establish a habit, and habits are what determine weight. Good luck

I love this!!!

It must be very "Hot", for you to have had a hand in
In adding those 20-30 lbs and establishing habits.

Question: I'm at around 300 currently, do I still need to gain in order to reach that certain "point"? How will I know that I have reached it?
6 years