
Would you recommend these for everyday wear?

Oh yeah, seems to work out quite well for that.
5 years

Eating more and more

Getting chubby:
I know I did this to myself I wanted to be fat but lately I find that I am eating more and more even when I am not hungry is this normal now that I am big

I think it is normal to indeed crave not only more food, but fattier food as well. You may even find yourself dreaming about the next meal, if you haven't already.
5 years

College weight gain?

I’ve been wondering, since the next school year is rapidly approaching: does anyone have tips on how to maximize weight gain in college? Obviously, most colleges have all-you-can-eat buffets available most hours of the day, but any specific tips on how to best utilize buffets (and maybe which college jobs provide the most opportunities for free food) would be appreciated!

If you eat after you've been boozing, that'll make you gain. Allegedly, if drunk enough, the body will prioritize the calories from the alcohol, so the extra calories are likely to get stored as additional fat.

You'd also want to get into the habit of larger portions and as much dessert as you can stuff down your gullet.

Making friends with others who are chubby or plump, even obese will probably help too. Odds are, they would likely at least accept eating fattier food and more of it. Less judgment over that extra cookie, or slice of pizza.
5 years

Hesitant on weight gain

I like the feel of my fat, and I like to eat. I struggle with how I look though, and find that the people I am attracted to do not find me attractive. Therefore I fear judgement. If it was a perfect world, I would just not care and eat what I want and revel in my weight. I have been hovering for a few years in an uncomfortable place between caring and not caring how I look. This is my take on being hesitant. I hope it makes sense.

This makes perfect sense.

Although, it has gotten to the point where a 40+ BMI doesn't even really stick out much anymore.

I'm sorry to hear you don't believe you can find mutual attraction, whether this is real or merely perceived. I'm not sure what your standards are today, though if you have unreasonable standards, that could be part of it?

In most couples I've seen, heavier women tend to get together with heavier men. Probably a good thing. He won't be able to judge you for your size, and will probably also like eating, too.
5 years

What it’s like to go to the beach/pool with a fat belly?

... Also what do people say/think of you when they see your belly. ...

I'll admit I don't go to such places, but perhaps I can offer some insight.

I remember one time, back when I was a teenager, this friend of a friend, I saw her wearing shorts and a top that showed off her midriff. She was also plump and overweight. My father in confidence said he thought she didn't have the body for it, but he would never say so in public.

Of course, I thought she did, and I thought she was pretty cute, but I'm an FA who wants you to overeat, so of course I'm gonna say that. Sadly, back then I didn't yet want to admit to myself that I love heavier women who can really eat. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I asked her out on a date, maybe eat lots of pizza. Last I heard, she got married after college. Lucky man. He gets to enjoy her every day and watch her swell up from pregnancy, marriage weight gain, and eventually, the middle age spread will kick in.

I should also mention this was around a couple of decades ago. The U.S. has become considerably heavier and thicker since then. It's actually getting to the point that you'll stick out if you're really thin.

You would have to be very heavy to really stick out, nowadays.

I suppose some folks may privately be disgusted, but I get the impression this is less and less relevant, as America gets fatter every year. In fact, if current trends continue, the U.S. will reach majority obesity (BMI 30+) in '30 and continue to rise.
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Next time you should get clothes that are too big, that you can barely wear. Eventually of course, even those ones will become extremely tight.

I'd also recommend using a tape measure and keeping a table, with dates. You'll love the evidence of your arms and legs getting thicker and thicker.

good idea, i have plenty big shirts and stretch pants

i can feel my high waisted stretch pants grab extra tight on my belly after eating, snacking or drinking a lot and when i get up and walk i can feel my belly kinda shake forward and it scoots my pants down off of my tum.

i have to pull them up a lot i�m noticing, to put the band back where it needs to be

ugh now that i�m finally noticing this stuff it�s more encouraging for me to try to push it further ya know?

Indeed. I felt a nice sense of satisfaction when my thighs finally went past 20" around. Now I kind of want to get to 21" and I have less than a quarter of an inch to go!

I'm not sure how I will feel if and when I'm officially overweight.
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Next time you should get clothes that are too big, that you can barely wear. Eventually of course, even those ones will become extremely tight.

I'd also recommend using a tape measure and keeping a table, with dates. You'll love the evidence of your arms and legs getting thicker and thicker.
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Folks take to it differently. I prefer to use it in cooking, or for "super milk" (heavy cream + half and half, 50/50).

Though one poster here got almost addicted to it. Claimed to gain about a foot in additional waist size in something like 2 months. But he also went way overboard, to the tune of 2 quarts a day. Most folks would never go quite that hard.
5 years


Appreciate some help if possible concerning pants or shorts. When I put on anything due to 60" belly, shorts go under belly.....pants have to go under pants and they fall down all the time! It is kind a awkward to hold onto your pants when moving!! Gee, guys, girls any ideas ??

Like the previous reply, I'd suggest suspenders as well. You'd also want to avoid the clip type. The small clips with plastic teeth often slip off. The large clips with almost serrated teeth are much stronger, but will wear down the waistband.

Use the button type, even though you will have to install the buttons. Sewing them on is pretty easy, and all the supplies will be at a craft shop near you. Alternatively, a tailor and even some full-service laundromats (think the places that will do it for you, and even dry cleaning) can install buttons.

You'd also want to avoid the more expensive silk ones. Try to look for the kind that are elastic for the entire length. Something like this:
5 years

Other weight gain sites?

I talk to a few people on there that don't ask. It all depends on the person and how you treat them

Very true.

I've never attempted to talk to anyone through there, just repeating some common complaints I've heard from others about that place. Just seems like a pretty common theme so I tell folks to give it a pass.
5 years