Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

Anything new happening? Still seeing her?
7 years

"too thin"

Saying that someone is too thin, and saying they are too thin for their preferences, are two different things. It is rude to say that someone is too anything. However, people are allowed to have their preferences. But people should be civil about stating their preferences.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

I don't see why everyone is so pessimistic about this. Finding someone with a very strong physical attraction can lead to something serious. And even if it doesn't, it can be a lot of fun. People are more willing to bend if they really want the relationship to work.
7 years

Gain from medication?

Not all people get all side effects from medicines.
7 years

Helping non feeders/feedees understand

I think it is usually best to keep feederism a secret from one's family and friends. You can just make statements that you are happy fat, but you don't have to say that you are gaining on purpose.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

I would keep it going. If it works out, and you can't come to some agreement or compromise on the live for today thing, then at least you have a friend and a F*** buddy. It sounds like she wants to gain more weight,
7 years

How to really big people go to the toilet?

OK, you get a bigger toilet. But how do you reach to wipe when your legs and belly are covering the front of the toilet?
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

I think this just goes to show, as has been discussed on other threads, that once you gain weight, it is unlikely anyone will lose it and keep it off. There are both physical reasons, plus the enjoyment of eating anything you want.
7 years

Nobody wants to meet me (feedee)

Could it be that they don't want to meet someone who is married, even though she is in an open marriage?
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

It depends on the situation. Did you sort of drift apart, or was there an argument and real reason for breaking up? If you are both single and looking, there is no reason why you can't give it another try. It can work out, especially since you have the FA/BBW connection now. Physical attraction is an important start to a relationship. If you keep dating, your non-physical connection will either keep it going, or will bring it to an end. Good luck, and keep us updated.
8 years