Other weight gain sites?

Feabie is just missing the forms like here but ya. It's mixed due to the people just like here as well. It's got a few things better than ff and lacks a few. Best way to do is see for yourself.

I'm mostly disgusted by those at Feabie (or anywhere else) who refuse to even talk unless being paid, like it's some sort of web cam site.

They can just fuck right off. If someone sells videos, okay but don't ask at every opportunity, and don't refuse to talk to those who will never buy.

I'm interested only in real connections.
5 years

Other weight gain sites?

There's also Dimensions Magazine which has a message board. No gallery per-se though you could post pictures in threads.

Hard to believe that in the 90s, Dimensions used to be the only game in town.
5 years

Best heavy cream and chocolate shake?

Going to do a heavy cream challenge thing with fatchance but I want to maximize my gain so I�m wondering if you have any advice on how to get the most gain out of it.

Also this will be my first real stuffing so I want to go all out and make it one to remember

Don't use chocolate syrup, it will be hard to mix. You can use hot chocolate powder packets though. One packet for each cup, so two packets for a pint.

A straw will make it easier too.
5 years

Looking for advice on how to get myself onto a more fattening diet/passive gaining

Basically I want to gain but I’m not sold on constantly doing stuffing sections and I’m still exploring how I feel about being fatter. But I digress; what kind of diet would you recommend so that I can fairly quickly put on weight without too much thought?

I'm not entirely sure if that's possible. The quickest results mean you need a LOT more calories, which of course means you'd have to eat a lot. You'd have to stuff day after day, and that's not feasible for most folks.

That said, there are small changes you could make to add calories. Any one of these alone won't make a huge difference but together, they can. Here's a few examples:

Cream and sugar in your coffee. Extra mayo on your sandwiches. Extra dressing and cheese on your salad (you always do need your vegetables, even if they come on a burger; delivery method isn't that important). Rediscover candy and cookies, snacking on them when you can. Something you don't have to refrigerate so you can keep it in the car. Try some extra butter on things that use it. I think you get the idea.

Enough small changes day after day will add up, and will be important to ensure you don't lose as you increase in size. In essence this is the opposite of the advice for weight loss of making small substitutions and changes to reduce calories.

You don't have to adopt all the examples I said, and there's countless more of these simple examples. You may find yourself adopting and preferring some of these. But if you don't like one, don't do it. That's when you have to use discipline, determination, and force yourself to do it. That will cause more burn out.

At least you're a pretty good size already, so you're already past the hardest and most difficult part.
5 years

Convince me to become a feedee

I think you have to want it. But you can try gaining a little and see how you feel.

It's also not a matter of all or nothing. Nothing says you can't keep going to the gym. You could just try to bulk up. Maybe lift even heavier weights while eating even more meat, and having more dessert.

You can still have fun overeating, if you do find it fun.

I've gained some weight lately, eating much more food. This experience has only managed to confirm, if not intensify a desire for a large woman who likes eating.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Just putting in my two cents; I've been going strong with the heavy cream diet since the beginning of may and have already put on 21lbs. This stuff is amazing. All I did was eat my regular diet of around 2000kcal, and throughout the day drink a quart of heavy cream mixed with nothing but chocolate milk.

I'm still skinny lookin', being 6'2 at 182lbs now, but this stuff is the magic key to reaching my goal of 220. And I can attest to former comments saying the weight goes straight to the lower belly, ass and thighs.

You can drink a quart in a day, day after day? Holy cow. Most folks would get sick having that much.
5 years

What are your thoughts on amazon wishlists?

It's a little tacky and it's almost like begging. I'm not inclined to get something for anyone I have never met in person. Maybe if you've been a friend of mine for a long time, but I don't need a wish list for that. In that case I would likely already know what you want, or need.

That said, if you post only a link in your profile and nowhere else, *and* you don't ever ask folks to buy you stuff off of it, it's not too bad. It's there, someone might buy you something.. most likely not. Just don't be obnoxious.

I'm also not particularly thrilled about Amazon in particular, and I try to avoid using it but I digress and I don't wish to derail this thread off of the topic at hand; whether you should post a link to an Amazon wish list in your profile description. This opinion I have expressed would actually apply to any online wish list feature, Amazon or otherwise.
5 years

Weight shot up by several pounds in a couple days but i didn't eat anywhere near that much?

Following up, but so far I think it may have been a little bit of water weight. The scale hasn't gone up in the past couple/few days, even went slightly down although with what I ate, that's not supposed to happen.

So perhaps I'm dropping the water weight slightly faster than any gain that may have occurred. I guess I'll have to see what happens.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Update on my 30 day binge. It's been a week since I finished, I'm up to 156 lbs (a gain of 6-8 lbs), 2" of new hip fat, and 1" of new thigh fat. I might still gain more from the "delay" for another week. But it definitely puts weight on you!

A side note, it also seems to have made me more tired? It's harder to get out of bed, which I don't mind since getting sleep is hard for me.

I'm very glad to hear about this!

Supposedly cream, and fat in general is supposed to have a low "thermic effect" meaning very few calories are needed to digest it and of course, get stored. At 3% it's the most efficient, though it's never that simple.

Perhaps you gained slightly faster than your body is getting used to it? Your legs in particular, as well as your arms have to build some more muscle to carry the extra weight. Don't worry, you aren't going to develop obvious tone and a six pack, the fat is going to keep that covered up. Always have to be a little careful, though. I expect it may return back to normal, assuming you keep up the same lifestyle and daily habits you have always had. I'm also assuming you get more than enough protein from other sources for the muscle... chicken nuggets, burgers, hot dogs, steak, sandwiches, cheese, and so on.

If it gets much worse, you could try going for some walks. It doesn't even burn that many calories... a single cookie will restore any calories burned from walking a mile and then some.

I'll admit I'm slightly jealous you can suck down an entire pint each day, day after day. Most I've really been able to do each day is 50% half and half + 50% cream, which in a pint is roughly 1,120 calories. Though maybe next time I'll try 3 cups with the same ratio.
5 years

Weight shot up by several pounds in a couple days but i didn't eat anywhere near that much?

This is bizarre. In the past couple days my weight shot up by about 4-5 pounds. I know I didn't eat anywhere near enough calories for that, because I count calories. Furthermore, clothes fit about the same as they did before. I even took various measurements again.

For consistency I try to weigh myself under similar conditions each time. In the mornings right after #2 (sorry if that's TMI, but that's often 0.5-1.5 lbs right there) and after coffee, but before I eat anything.

So where could the weight have come from, and where did it go? I doubt it's because the scale is broken.

The scale is digital so it won't lose calibration, and I've had it for over a decade so I know exactly how to start it up and use it.

I wonder if this will stick, assuming I continue to eat enough calories to not lose (and perhaps of course, then some).
5 years