Do any guys want a female body ?

Not all fat women have big breasts and hips. And it takes a doctor to find the right combination of female hormones and anti-male hormones, which may or may not work.
8 years

Hating fat people?

Some people feel better about themselves, by putting other people down. Fat is the last safe form of prejudice. If someone posted something bad based on race, sexual orientation, etc., they would be banned. So, they attack fat people. But the attackers are the pitiful people.
8 years

Help me with a theory...

I don't think you can generalize. Some people like larger women, some don't.
8 years

Helping non feeders/feedees understand

Generally, large size women do not wear maternity clothes. While I am sure you can find some mom and pop company who will make them, that is not an item that is made commercially. Large pregnant women just buy larger sizes. I'm not saying it is right, but that is the way it is.
8 years

Weight gain causing menstral pain?

Have you been checked for PCOS? It messes up the period and causes weight gain.
8 years

A questions about weight - bbw & ssbbw

Generally, the clothing industry considers size 14 and up a BBW and size 28 and up a SSBBW.
8 years

Ass weight gain

You gain by genetics, not by what you eat.
8 years

First date

Someone can list all of the rules...walk slowly, no booths, no armed chairs, have a large car, etc. But the best thing is to discuss it with her. No one who is super large likes surprises if it might put them in a bad situation.
8 years

Why are you on ff??????

I have been with BBWs most of my life, but they all hate being BBWs. I find it very interesting to see BBWs who want to gain.
8 years

How to get a double belly?

Clothes follow the shape of the body. The body does not follow the shape of the clothes. It's genetic.
8 years