Hints & tips - camera settings

Camera Settings

These days the cameras that are on your phone are just as good quality as a traditional camera. Whichever you are using to take pictures or videos, try and make use of the settings on your device. Here are some tips for which features to use and which to avoid...

Do make use of the camera modes - On your device there will be setting for portrait, sport, night photos and videos... These modes have pre-settings for White Balance, ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and lots of other features that would need to be in place to take pictures of good quality. They automatically adjust to your surroundings and subject matter to take the best possible shot.

Do take high quality pictures - Even though you are taking the picture on a small camera or phone. Some FF members may be looking at the website on larger devices such as laptops, PC's and TV's. So the more megapixels used the better to ensure the image is in focus when viewed. You can change this manually on your device. Please note that higher quality pictures and videos will take up more memory space.

Dont use the flash in the dark - This gives pictures a grainy look and, also overexposes the subject. Flash is best used in the day and used to highlight shadowy areas in the photograph. Pictures taken in natural light are usual best.

Don't zoom in - Zooming in decreases the quality of a photograph. If you want a close-up shot. It is best to have the subject matter closer to the lens rather than using the zoom. To maintain quality and detail, you may need to change to a Macro setting.

Happy snapping!
5 years

About this forum..

Welcome to the new content creators and viewers forum!

We have added this new section so members can discuss the content that is uploaded.

Discuss thigs like Hints & Tips about how to upload the best quality content.

Premium content & Earnings accounts.

Make requests for videos, pics and stories that you would like to see.

Share ideas and get those creative juices flowing!
5 years

Ff authors - earning accounts

Hi all,

We are looking to recruit some more authors as part of the FF earners account. Premium stories are proving to be quite popular and would love to have some more of you on board.

FF earners account enables you to earn money from the content you upload. Write the stories as you normally would and mark the content as premium. If a member the upgrades to view your content you get a percentage from the upgrade.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

If you are interested, just go to the commissions page and get in touch fantasyfeeder.com/about/commission

(FF Team)
5 years

Reported scammers - new 3 strike rule

Strike 1

Report received from: onkko,, thenext476@aol.com

Report regarding account: Misfit22,, staralaeddine18@gmail.com

Details: FF team email received - I know you probably get more than your fair share of reports of scams and people conning others out of their money. But I would just like to inform you that one woman on this site who goes by the profile name of Misfit22 (Brittnay Alaeddine is her purported name) is telling men (me in this case) that she would very much like to visit them but can you spare a couple hundred dollars for gas money (through Zelle and her email staralaeddine18@gmail.com), and then there is food money and then there are repairs of the car. She successfully scammed me out of about $300 before I realized that she was lying. She even claimed she had already driven to New York but was now in an undisclosed hospital and needed more money. I would say this person is a pretty sophisticated criminal from the way she operates and may be working with a gang or perhaps with a boyfriend. I hope at the very least you will ban her from your site. Please inform me of any action you decide to take. Thank you. BL
5 years

Reported scammers - new 3 strike rule

New - 3 Strike Rule

We seem to get a lot of emails on the team email account regarding scammers. It's difficult to deal with these as the scamming does not take place on FF, but FF is used as a hunting ground for potential targets.

Obviously we need to protect members of the FF community, so we have decided to implement a 3 strike rule. If a member is reported for scamming/ soliciting 3 times by 3 separate FF members we will ban them from the site.

Actions to take once a scamming report has been made..

1. Advise the person who has reported the incident that the member has been added on the moderator forum to keep an eye on the account.

2. Message the potential scammer advising them that a report has been received about their account. If we get further reports of this nature about them then they will be banned from FF. Remember 3 reports are required to be banned

3. Make a post on this forum including the details below:

Is this strike 1,2,3.

The person who reported the issue.

The user accused of scamming.

Any other details you deem relevant.


Template messages

Hi (username),

We have received a report that this account has been used to scam / solicit from other members of the site.

While we can not control who members speak with, or how they interact with each other off the site, it is FF's responsibility to keep the site a safe space for our members, so we take reports of this nature very seriously.

Please be advised your account has been added to a watchlist. Further reports of this nature against your account may result in being banned from the site.

(FF Team)


Hi (username),

Thank you for getting in touch regarding (username of accused).

Sorry to hear that this has happened. We have a watchlist for users that are reported as scammers or soliciting on Fantasy Feeder. (username of accused) has now been added to this watchlist and any further reports of this nature on the account will result in a ban.

We want to make FF a space that is safe and enjoyable for all our members. People that are here to take advantage of others are not welcome. However, we do need to be fair and it is difficult to take action when it is one persons word against another.

I would advise you to not communicate with the account further. Please be careful going forwards, and err on the side of caution if you interact with any other members who act in this manner. Please report anything you deem suspicious, so we can take further action if

Thank you.
(FF Team)
5 years

Hints & tips - how much free content?

How much free content should I upload?

It is completely up to you this one, however I would recommend posting free content regularly on a weekly basis to keep your profile present and at the top of the listings in the sections.

Why upload free content at all?

Uploading free content means your profile remains accessible to all members. They can see your uploads and based what they see, may upgrade to see your premium content.

Free content also allows people to use the Follow feature meaning when you then upload new or premium content these members are notified.

Free uploads should be treated in the same way as your premium uploads, i.e. ensure its of good quality. This will entice people to view your content and potentially upgrade.

Although we dont require that you do sets like other websites. You can consider doing set type photo shoots. You can then separate this into free and premium content such as..

1. Upload a picture and video that was taken at the same time. Add the picture as free content (You can even add a title and description that you have a video that goes with the pic) and then upload a premium video.

2. You could upload a 60 second video as a trailer in the free content section, and then upload the full video as premium content.

Tip: You can promote that you have uploaded content by messaging in the shouts or chat. There is no harm in advertising your content and building up rapport and a profile with members, just ensure you do not harass member to upgrade.

Remember: What you want is for people to click on the premium content to upgrade. So you are wanting your free content to be a taster of things to come, not the main course.

Happy uploading!

5 years

Hints & tips - how often to upload?

How much content and how often should I upload?

Ideally, if your premium content is pictures and videos, you should upload on a weekly basis. Doesnt have to be every day but we would recommend at least twice a week. You only need to upload 1 photo or 1 video at a time. You dont need to upload sets like models on other websites do.

You can go about this in a couple of different ways..

Take the photos at the time you want to upload.

Or you could do multiple photo and video shoots in one session, then upload this content over a period of time. This may be a little easier if you struggle for time. If you opt to do photos and videos in batches, try an make the content different from each other so it doesnt appear they were taken on the same day. Get creative and mix it up a bit.

Why upload so often?

Regular content uploads rather than bulk uploads every now and again are more effective.

Frequently uploading, shows your active on the site and your content is easily viewable in the picture and video sections and giving you a high profile. If your profile is more visible due to uploading regular content, the more clicks and potential upgrades you are going to get as a result.

Please feel free to discuss below and add comments and tips of your own.

5 years

Hints & tips - landscape / portrait pics & vids

Landscape / Portrait Pics & Vids

When uploading content, we want to ensure that it is of the highest quality. Something to bear in mind is the aspect ratio that conforms best to the FF site. This will ensure your pictures and videos make the most of the page layout.


When you upload a picture to FF, its converted to a standardized width. All photos whether landscape or portrait have the same width on the site, with portraits also converting the height to ensure the image is not stretched and distorted. This is for conformity on the site and makes the pictures section more aesthetic for viewers.

Do note that small files are stretched to ensure they fill the page dimensions, but this will make the image blurry and distorted. You want to upload the highest quality picture you can to ensure this doesnt happen.

** The Ideal Photo size has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (mega pixels can be increased higher the number the better the quality but keep the ratio at 4:3) This can easily be changed via settings on your device. **


In the video section, the standard width setting is also applied. However, because the layout is set to landscape every video is the same size on the page. If your video is portrait, it will shrink the dimensions to ensure it fits on the page. This will then add black border to fill the remaining space. Which doesnt look great and makes your video smaller when viewed.

To make the most of the layout you want to ensure that your video is set to an aspect ratio that will take up the most space of the video layout set on the website. This is easily done by changing the settings on your camera or phone.

**Ideal video size has an aspect ratio of 16:9. Please see below how the different aspect ratios would display your video on the site. **


** Please note that the image above has been cropped to show the amount of black borders dependent on the aspect ratio used. Your video will not be cropped when uploaded so you need to ensure you select the correct setting to fill as much of the video space as possible.

Knowing the technical details above will help you upload in the correct layout, ensuring the picture and video can be viewed at the highest quality, which in turn will lead to more clicks on your content.

Please feel free to discuss below and comment.

5 years

Fantasy feeder surveys

Hi all,

Just so you are aware, we have sent a new survey out today. This has been sent to the members of FF that upload stories.

If you have the time please check your emails and junk/ spam folders and fill out the survey. Looking forward to hearing your feedback soon!

5 years

Becoming a bbw model

Please accept my apologies, I've now fixed the issue and emailed you a reply.
5 years