My zoo visit

Hello? Zoo visit? I have a new laptop and am back onlinie obviously...hope u r doing well.

Everything is great, we are still dating smiley[/quote]

Tell us more please. Has she mentioned her weight? Have you? Is it getting serious?
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

I wear a bra sometimes, but I am a small 38B. I don't need one, I just like them.
8 years

Experiences with wearing girdles

Girdles have gone the way of floppy discs. You never see them any more.
8 years

Fake profiles

What is it with these super thin women, who post absolutely nothing about preferring large people or wanting to become large, who just type something like contact me or skype me. I think they just Google dating, and stick up a generic profile. Are they trying to scam people, Spam people, or something else?
8 years

Waitress i have not seen in a long time really gained some weight

You could say something like your wife won't come here because she is afraid of gaining weight, but you would prefer if she did gain weight,
8 years

My bf is into feederism, i'm not

He assumes you are going to change your mind and get into feederism. You assume that he is going to change his mind and stop being into feederism. I'm sorry, but this is doomed.
8 years

Let make babies and get fat😉

The only problem, is at the end you get stuck with a baby. Makes it harder to gain when you have to run after a little one.
8 years

Do any guys want a female body ?

Actually fat stores and produces estrogen. People may argue the scientific part of how it works, but the bottom line is that fat men usually have more estrogen in their system, as do fat girls (who usually hit puberty earlier). Some manboobs are just fat deposits, while others are true feminine breasts due to the higher estrogen.
8 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I think it is funny when people love the people on one site, but hate them on another. It's pretty much the same people. The difference is how the web site is run. On FF, they do not allow begging for money, on Feabie they do, which is one difference. Each site has its own strong points, as far as what is available, and what is free vs. what is available for members. The best thing is to enjoy both sites, and ignore the people you don't like.
8 years

Starting skinny?

A while back, I started a thread if anyone had gone from thin/average to 400-500 pounds, and did not get any yeses.
8 years