Highest weight?

My highest weight so far is 250-lbs. I'm looking forward to gaining fifty more pounds.

Bet you will look fantastic too
3 years

Highest weight?

My highest was 425 +or - a lb or so.
Got to the point where enough was enough.
Losing 50 lbs got me back where I wanted to be.
3 years

When you became fat, did people treat you differently?

It was comforting to see my ex's wife is no longer shapely and is well on her way to being a fat cow.
I mean that in the nicest way too LOLOLOL
3 years

Panic attack about kink

Kind of what happened when I hit 425 lbs.
I looked in the mirror and thought OMG am I really this fat?
Just standing and walking were a chore.
3 years

Being pregnant/pregnancy

Congrats on your 3rd you are so lucky.
I am so jealous.
3 years

Slowing metabolism

Don't take any medication if you don't have to.
If you want to gain don't be lazy and cop out by taking meds just start gaining on your own.
Gaining takes effort on your part and trust me its not easy you just have to want it bad enough.
3 years

Thigh chaffing

My thighs are huge too so I know what you mean.
Powder works pretty well for a while in the summer.
Chaffing is the main reason I wear pants most of the time.
I learned shorts under skirts trick years ago.
3 years

Bras for big titties

Another vote for Wacoal very good quality and a good quality bra is well worth the money.
They have some nice lace ones on their site currently.
3 years

Secretly experiencing a bbw gf fat

2 really great responses and very wise in how the topic was approached.
The relationship I was in while I had decided to gain was very positive.
We talked about it and its pros and cons and we came to a workable solution. He was all for me doing what made me happy.
He actually liked the fact I was getting curvy and said it looked very sexy.
With more weight on me sex was that much more incredible. Just my .02 cents.
3 years

Website rebranding 20/04/2021

Too much clicking this opening that to only get to another page where you have to click and scroll to get to where you want to go.
BTW if you make a comment then hit send it goes back to the first post and not your comment.
It goes back to the first comment on the first page.
Why does it do that? Pretty annoying IMO.
3 years