First time with heavy cream

I finally added chocolate syrup to mine and holy cow does it improve the taste! Definitely adding it to all my daily pints!


Swiss Miss hot chocolate powder seems to work and taste even better, though you have to warm it up so it blends. Use a straw to mix it pretty well.

The syrup seems harder to mix in.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

My chocolate shakes involved a quarter to half a box when I was trying to gain a long while ago. I'd be happy to share if anyone is interested.

Quarter to half a box of what?
5 years

First time with heavy cream

I'm downing a pint in like 20 min. The lactaid pills help keep me from "losing" it all later.

About how many pills are you taking? What ratio, roughly? 1 for each pint, or each cup?
5 years

Iso arlington area feeder or mutual gainer

How ya doin'?

I live nearby. I also haven't had the pleasure yet of actually meeting someone in person who I know is into this sort of thing.

I will also assume you'd like to spend some time getting to know me before any meetings in person.

I do have Kik, though since it's also for non-FA stuff too I don't feel comfortable posting it publicly.
5 years

Best fattening treats for weight gain

Ice cream is often easy to get down. Especially when it melts, it takes up half the volume so it's not that filling.

On that note, maybe all the pie you eat should be a la mode.

Most cheesecake I see in grocery stores is about 350-400 calories a slice and a pie is 8 slices; odds are you won't be able to have just one.

You can substitute cream for milk in recipes that call for it.

I know you asked for no weight gain shakes, but if you make super hot chocolate (use a cup of cream for a packet of hot chocolate powder), that's around 960 calories right there.

Probably more ideas too, although dairy fat seems to be a common theme.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Well, I would hint around saying I like I little meat on my girls or that a couple of pounds would look good on you. If any of them mad about it they look would look at me now and say �Damn you have gotten really fat, that�s what you deserve for fattening me up.�

Gonna make the wild guess that they probably enjoyed every last bite, despite the food being obviously fattening.

If I started to date, get engaged to, and marry a BBW who loved cooking I wouldn't be surprised if I end up getting a bit chunky from her cooking.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

I never really dating a full on Feedee, but secretly fattened my girlfriends, some gained a whole bunch of weight.

That's pretty messed up how you fattened up your girlfriends without their consent.

To be fair, using cream in the recipes he listed is actually pretty common, outside of the FA/feederism community.

Mashed potatoes, certain sauces, soups, normal milkshake recipes, etc. Why else would it be easily available in grocery stores? It's a common ingredient.

It doesn't sounds like he kidnapped them and forced them to eat it at anytime. Is McDonald's or Baskin Robbins secretly fattening up people? Common knowledge says certain kinds of food are often fattening.

On that note, I doubt it was really secret since it's pretty obvious if the food is probably fattening.
5 years

Side effects of heavy cream?

About how long after till the gain starts to show? I know it's diffrent for everyone, just curious when I might see it.

And I definetly sleep better after drinking the cream. Tempted to just make drinking it a habit. Especially if it makes me pack on the pounds!

Some folks mentioned a couple days, others have mentioned delayed gain effects a couple weeks later, but of course, YMMV. Think it depends on some other things, too. Either way, the calories need to go somewhere.

I assume the cream is in addition to your normal overeating, since the body still needs various nutrients and vitamins.

There's also a little something called "thermic effect" or basically the energy needed to digest and process the food. Fat is eventually/usually the most efficient, at about 3% if I recall correctly, and pretty much all the calories in cream is from fat, so drinking cream is basically drinking the weight on. It's the closest thing to a magic fat potion as you're going to get.

Still, don't think about thermic effect too much, just have fun with what you're eating and as long as you overeat enough, you'll gain.

Some have reported better results if eating something of your preference that's sweet either right before, during, or in the cream. For example, mixing a pint of cream with 2 packets of hot chocolate powder. Or having a late night dessert at about the same time or right before the cream.

I did briefly browse through some other posts you made. It can be hard to get used to the cream so if you think about having more, take it easy and only try a little more. Go back to the previous amount if you feel out of sorts, maybe try again later.
5 years

What would you think of a reinvention of cinderella?

Jagger is a boss:
I just wish they would do less computer/realistic animations and maybe make some more movies with the old style where it looked hand drawn even if it takes longer (but that's just me)

I don't want to say this will never happen, but there's a reason this is unlikely to happen again, primarily as a function of cost, because of new technical capabilities and expectations.

These arguments are listed from weak to strong.

Old televisions had lower resolutions than newer ones do, so the drawings were probably easier to make, as imperfections were probably less visible. Higher resolutions probably mean creating larger drawings. Larger drawings take exponentially more effort to create. If you're talking about old style watercolor paint for each drawing, any mistake means starting over. Even professionals can make mistakes.

TVs also used to be 24 frames per second, then 30. Old cartoons, every single frame had to be drawn by hand. Now, 60 is expected, with some content being 120. If you're expecting 60 FPS content, it would take twice as long as to produce the drawings and make the film. Same chronological time? Probably even more cost for overtime and very long workdays to make it happen.

This is probably why later cartoons usually have a more detailed static background with only the characters themselves, and objects they will interact with soon, are animated, to reduce costs or time to release.

Eventually, computer technology has gotten both cheap and fast enough for more CGI. I can almost guarantee that one graphic artist, with his very high powered PC, could do the work of I don't know how many full-time cartoonists in terms of frames produced. It's just cheaper.

For a long time, films had special effects whereas TV shows didn't, due to computer cost and speed, but now TV shows have them too, even for series where episodes are released weekly.

Now I'll admit, it's a different aesthetic, and it feels differently. This is why paper books (and even physical newspapers) still exist when e-books/PDFs/web sites are cheaper, why some folks still ride horses (albeit more for sport and recreation, and not for practical day to day usage) when motor vehicles are better in every way. Hell, why some folks will sometimes hand write letters when it's quicker to type and sign them. There's many more examples.

But, it just costs more to produce. Going forward, I don't expect many new ones to be released. The ones that are, I expect would come out of smaller, more independent studios for the more artistic aspect. I would be surprised if Disney and the like were to make any new ones.
5 years

Side effects of heavy cream?

Can't say I've ever experienced that.

Some have mentioned a delayed weight gain effect.

Only real side effects I've noticed are slightly larger arms, thicker thighs and calves, a larger butt, and a slightly soft starter belly that didn't seem to be there before.

Another side effect is shortly after the cream, if I drink too much of it at one time, I might feel a little drowsy so it's best to do that before going to sleep, but it sounds like you're doing that anyway.

These are the only effects I've experienced lately that I think I can really attribute directly to cream.
5 years