Cant move

I moved your original thread from general here so you don't have to start over. smiley
13 years

Being recognized!

No, but its something I think about alot.

Usually its wondering how I would react, would I be too embarassed to acknowledge or would I feel stoked like a rock star? lol

I think it would be pretty cool, just to find someone else outside of online who is into this stuff, as long as they don't come running over to me screaming "OMG ITS MAXIMUM FROM FANTASY FEEDER!" smiley
13 years


I don't dream as much these days but had one a few days ago where I was in a toy store looking at all the cool new toys which I didn't have yet and getting them all together to buy and getting all excited to take them home and play... and then I woke up and realized it was another of those damn teasing dreams. >.<

Although, at 21 yrs old, I guess I should be dreaming about chics rather then toys, but these were some awesome toys man! smiley
13 years

I love this vid

Why does his clothes grow too?

And why does he stay in proportion instead of becoming a shapeless blob of fat.

lol the science of fat fantasies smiley
13 years

Confessions pt. 2

Ikissedagirl wrote
7. I want to be loved.

I think everyone wants to...

<3 #14 smiley
13 years

Why do -you- gain?

Because I feel sexier fatter.

Unfortunately though, there is alot of other factors in life which make the decision to gain more complex then doing it cause it makes me feel sexy.
13 years

Advice on getting a gf to gain

Since you are talking about marriage, i'll go easy on you. Cause truth is, this is really something which needs to be sorted out before you make a life commitment to someone.

Talk to her about it, be up front and honest, speak from the heart, how you feel and how it relates to her.

Whatever you do, do not marry this girl until you are both clear on where you stand on this subject, if its not meant to be, its not meant to be, but its better to find out that now then half way through a marriage and you end up resenting each other.

Good Luck.
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

ana wrote
Please don't steal my lunch money.

I now have a powerful urge to steal your lunch money...
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

chubbyhoney wrote
The 'piece of meat' guys really offend me and I'm sure they're the reason why many women end up leaving FF.

Yup, although sadly, such treatment isn't restricted to online fetish sites...
13 years

Fat suits

chubbyhoney wrote
I think the difference in our thoughts here Max, comes from me seeing something you think of as a positive thing, as a negative thing with regards to size acceptance.

I guess you're right, I don't think it is completely positive, just better then what it was, but even that is still pretty bad when you put it in perspective.

In regards to the sexuality issue, i'll admit that i'm not as familiar with it as I am other things, however, as far as it has come, I think it needs to be something which is seen as "normal" in mainstream media, before I believe it has accomplished something significant. Sexuality is still used as a plot or story device, if someone is gay in a movie or tv show, it tends to be a major element of the story rather then "This is Jack and here is his bf Glen, now onto the real story."

Its the same as with size, people on screen should just be accepted as homosexual or fat, there should be no need to justify having such a character outside of the fact that they are as normal a part of society as anyone else. If anything, movies without people of different size, race, gender or sexuality should be under scrutiny as to why they felt the need to exclude part of society.

juicy wrote
The big difference between us and all the other issues is that we have the numbers on our side. We need to find a way to say out loud, in public, what we always bang on about here: most people in the US are fat, and other industrialised nations are catching up at impressive, though varied, rates. The world is fattening. We are not just a 'minority'.

Now if only we could figure out how to ACT like that and demand equal space, both figuratively and literally.

I disagree, while there may be a larger percentage of fat people when compared to other minority groups, not all of our numbers are happy to be on our side. As much as you'll get a thin person complain about having to see a fat person on screen, there are larger people who agree with them, either as a result of peer pressure, or honestly not thinking of themselves as something to be seen.

In this aspect, we're fighting ourselves as much as we are society. Its not enough for most people to be fat, especially when governments will decree it as an "epidemic" like we are a plague which needs to be wiped out. We need to show the world that fat is as normal a variation in humans as tall or short or black or white.

I think this is what we should be focusing more on in the fight for fat acceptance, not "there are lots of us so you got to put up with us" it should be more "There is nothing wrong with us, we are as normal as anyone else so stop making out that we are some blight on humanity"

Sorry, I think i've kinda derailled this thread, maybe we should make a new one focusing on the whole fat acceptance fight? lol
13 years