Ask the girls/women!

chubbyhoney wrote
Oh come on boys, it's not rocket science! Just talk to us like we are normal human beings without asking 'what brings you to FF?' Why is that so hard? It's like you want us to write ourselves a bunch of icebreakers so you can pick one and send it back to us! And I'm not gonna smiley

You suck. smiley

But yeah, human beings are hard to talk to as well, I think this is more about my general shyness then anything, a cool chic just happens to make the problem worse. smiley
13 years

Fat suits

Hmm, I get where you're coming from, but I just don't see it changing all that much.

For the record, I'm not a fan of Hollywood, the vast majority of what it produces is "safe" stuff, as was said, movies which are certain to make money and be successful, they don't even care about the story any more, much less the morals or examples they are setting.

As such, I think we should focus on the positives, however small they may be.

Not that i'm saying give up on larger goals, just that Hollywood is a difficult beast to tame, and it only tends to change when the rest of society does.

Issues such as race and gender have struggled for equality on the screen since film started and only got somewhere decent in the last 40 years or so along with societies changing attitude. Sexuality is another issue which struggles to be more then a joke in movies, yet the fight has only really started along with the societal movement, and they still have a way to go. Size is behind all of these as its only become well known recently. 10 - 15 years ago the average person would not have known what size acceptance even is, yet its becoming more present these days and will continue to in years to come. Once society is able to better accept size as just another difference in humanity, then it will be more realistic to expect Hollywood to reflect the same.
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

Awesome stuff ladies, I was worried at work that I over stepped the mark with my bluntness. smiley

chubbyhoney wrote
Come on Max, you're more intelligent and creative than that!

I think i'm gonna frame that, but just so you know, for all my intellectual grandstanding around these forums, it all turns to mush when it comes to talking with the fairer sex. smiley

Picking up on Munchkins question, I'm pretty bad at rambling and being long winded, yet it seems no matter how many questions or how long the pm is, i'll only ever get a few lines in reply. This seems to be as obvious a sign as any that they aren't interested, but its still pretty disheartening.

*sigh* Someone needs to work out how to bridge the gap between Mars and Venus. smiley
13 years

Fat suits

chubbyhoney wrote
Maximum wrote
As a gainer though, I find the best way to have a well known actor play a fat character is to adopt the Bridget Jones method. I know Zellweger fought hard to lose what she gained, but she still gained as opposed to wear a fat suit, and I think that is an incredibly bold thing for an actor and a woman to do in this day and age. smiley

I know I'm going slightly off-topic here, but what a huge shame that gaining a small amount of weight for a role is considered a bold and brave thing to do, it says so much about Hollywood's/the world's view of fat people.

Renee Zellweger is usually skeletal and you can see every bone, muscle and sinew on her fragile-looking frame. She usually looks dangerously underweight to me. Then she gains a couple of stones to play Bridget Jones which take her to a 'normal' weight for her height and she looks like dynamite! Yet everyone is talking about how she 'piled on the pounds' and 'fattened up' when she's done nothing of the sort. That scene where she walks into a garden party poured into in her little bunny outfit, the camera lingering on her bunny tail as goes, she looked fantastic! Then as soon as filming is finished, she goes back into starving and exercising to force her body back to that unatural shape. But if she'd stayed 'fat' (ie: very attractive at a 'normal' weight) she probably wouldn't play the leading lady again and get relegated to the 'fat' best friend roles. How very, very sad that such a powerful medium can constantly promote thin as beautiful and desirable and fat as completely unattractive and undesirable. It's so boring and I'm really tired of it.

I agree, mostly anyway lol. I always hoped that she would realise how sexy she is at that size and just not bother to lose it, she is so skinny normally that it is really unattractive when compared to "Bridget Jones".

I also agree she didn't really get fat, more like borderline chubby. But you really shouldn't get down over the fact that the world is like that.

Hollywood is what it is, and like it or not, it dictates alot of societal norms. Sure its not such a big deal for us the gain she did, but for the rest of the world it is and its small steps like that, which lead things in the right direction.

At any rate, an actor willing to gain several real pounds for a role and look like a normal person on screen does more for fat acceptance then films like Shallow Hal and Big Mommas House do, i.e. using fat suits.
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

Xutjja Plag wrote
I can't think of anything better since it's all outlined in my I-Seek-U and elaborated on in my blog. My personal feeling is if someone isn't willing to take the time to read a bit about me, then I shouldn't feel obligated to waste my time answering their asinine repetitive questions. Though I often do for whatever reason unbeknown to me.

Fair point, but I find it hit and miss to be honest.

Weesha wrote
WEll, maybe something along the lines of,

"Hey, i saw on your profile that you have a boyfriend and are looking for friends. So, if i'm wrong, are you an FFA? What do you hope to find here? I personally came here just to chat..."

Some how I can't see this working, lol.

The point is, that guys don't really care what they are saying at first, they are just looking for an ice breaker and "what brings you here" seems to be the logical one since this isn't the kind of site you just join for the fun of it.

Granted it may already say why you are here on your profile, but I find that removes my ice breaker and so I don't bother with that person cause how else am I gonna get a convo started if I already know the basics?

Thats why I like these girls who do profiles and say "ask me" and stuff along that lines, its like an invite to an open pm, rather then the others which are like "this is me and what I want, if its not exactly what you are and want, then move along."

Not that i'm trying to bag on any of you lovely women, I appreciate the help, just trying to show you where us guys are coming from. smiley
13 years

Fat suits

As I said there, I like them.

However, I also agree that it is silly to use them in movies when there is so many perfectly capable fat actors.

I think though, it is a more delicate issue then we realise. As an actor, I can imagine someone being told they are hired because they are fat could not be the greatest feeling if they aren't already secure in themselves. Most actors want to be hired because of thier skill and talent, even if thats not how it really works.

I know people will say that its no different to hiring someone cause they are tall or short or thin or different skin tone. But I think the film industry has this idea that rather then try a hit and miss approach of finding a comfortable fat person to be the butt of jokes in a movie, they'd rather just get a well known actor and make them up.

The same thing tends to happen with old characters these days, although to a lesser extent of course.

Personally, I think they are a poor way to portray fat people (not that fat people are portrayed well anyway.) But I also think they are a good way to show people what its like. Maybe i'm just fooling myself, but I can't see how one can spend time in a fat suit and then go and slag off fat people, I even read an article once where Paltrow went out down the road in the suit and was so shocked and disgusted at how she was treated that it left her in tears.

As a gainer though, I find the best way to have a well known actor play a fat character is to adopt the Bridget Jones method. I know Zellweger fought hard to lose what she gained, but she still gained as opposed to wear a fat suit, and I think that is an incredibly bold thing for an actor and a woman to do in this day and age. smiley

tl;dr: Fat suits aren't the problem, they are just a way of avoiding the real problem, the treatment of fat people on screen.
13 years

Tron star likes being heavier

Interesting, I did notice he didn't have the stereotypical buff body when watching it today, but i'd hardly say he is fat or anything lol, if anything it was like a normal body.

Good movie too, but I really should have watched the first one before hand rather then go off what Kingdom Hearts 2 taught me about the original. smiley
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

I demand you girls provide a better alternative to "what brings you here" if you are so sick of hearing it! smiley
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

katia wrote
Maximum wrote
katia wrote
I just ignore inappropriate or boring messages, it's not a big deal.. But guys, if you want a response, tell me something interesting and be a bit nuanced. If you send me something like "Hey whats up" or "I want to see you get fat" and thats the entire message, I'm probably not going to respond... I do like compliments and esp longer messages that express something thought-provoking, best yet, tell me something that will help me further explore these fantasies. I'm not sure exactly what this might entail, that's up to you to figure out. Be unusual, be intelligent, and be fun!!! smiley

Gentlemen, start your PMs! smiley

lol, perhaps I shouldn't encourage this...

Oh, should I stop then? It was going to be such a nice long PM too... smiley
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

katia wrote
I just ignore inappropriate or boring messages, it's not a big deal.. But guys, if you want a response, tell me something interesting and be a bit nuanced. If you send me something like "Hey whats up" or "I want to see you get fat" and thats the entire message, I'm probably not going to respond... I do like compliments and esp longer messages that express something thought-provoking, best yet, tell me something that will help me further explore these fantasies. I'm not sure exactly what this might entail, that's up to you to figure out. Be unusual, be intelligent, and be fun!!! smiley

Gentlemen, start your PMs! smiley
13 years