Growing my boobs.

I know of a woman who gained several hundred pounds, and she still had A cup breasts. It is all genetic.
8 years

My boyfriend may be a secret feeder.

You may not have told him about being a feedee, but maybe he has picked up on it non-verbally. Or perhaps he has seen you here or talked to someone who knows you. Or maybe he is a feeder and has not told you, just like you have not told him about being a feedee.
8 years

Weight gain since being a member ff

Kristal you are so sweet I'm glad we are friends

I came back to FF in 2014 just to browse after a big weight loss and now I am just a hair bigger than I was when I left the first time so yes just being here makes me gain,LOL
Well I am a compulsive overeater so thats the main reason but being here does help not to feel alone.

Fat or thin, you look great. Is the weight on your profile current?
8 years

Plenty of fish

I was banned from the site because I mentioned feederism.
8 years

Fatting wife??

Four years of heavy cream and eating a lot of junk and only 63 pounds?
8 years

Self-concious women

I see this is an old thread that someone brought up. The answer is simple. Women who like being fat are proud of their stomachs. Women who hate being fat are ashamed of them. She is not into being fat and showing it off.
8 years

Finding a date or feedee

You should know that there are 10 men for every woman on this site. So, the odds are not in your favor. But some men have found someone here.
8 years

Erectile dysfunction

Men who are fat tend to have more estrogen in their system (manboobs with real nipples, not just fat deposits) So, I would think that might have something to do with it.
8 years