Yet another cream diary

I started feeling a heavy chest it must be a sign of progress😉

This weight was too much, too fast for him 😟
2 years

Yet another cream diary

cream gains❤️❤️❤️❤️

How much cream is he taking? I've just started a cream and sugar gain myself

Was at a quart a day

Great gaining did he notice any changes in himself heavy chest harder to breathe, pains

Yeah! He said it felt like a weight on chest all the time, and he stared to wheeze
2 years

Yet another cream diary

cream gains❤️❤️❤️❤️

How much cream is he taking? I've just started a cream and sugar gain myself

Was at a quart a day
2 years

Yet another cream diary

cream gains❤️❤️❤️❤️
2 years

Yet another cream diary

273 this morning. But 56 in hips!!!!
2 years

Yet another cream diary

WHOAH what??? 20lbs in less than 2 weeks? That’s prodigious. So impressive! How’s he feeling?

(How many days have passed? On my end, it doesn’t give a specific time for your previous post, just says it was 1 week ago, and I dont know how this forum handles rounding)

Honestly he says his joints are hurting a bit and I had to have been back off, even though he says he doesn’t care, and just wants to get fatter. So eager to please.
It has been about 10 days

Some of that is probably fluid retention. I bet he's been eating a lot of salt. That will bloat you like nothing else and wreak havoc on the joints. Don't be alarmed if he suddenly loses a bunch of weight.

I keep waiting for his weight to drop, but never seems to. I think all this cream is doing something to his estrogen levels because his chest is up 3 inches as of this morning.
And still at 275
2 years

Yet another cream diary

WHOAH what??? 20lbs in less than 2 weeks? That’s prodigious. So impressive! How’s he feeling?

(How many days have passed? On my end, it doesn’t give a specific time for your previous post, just says it was 1 week ago, and I dont know how this forum handles rounding)

Honestly he says his joints are hurting a bit and I had to have been back off, even though he says he doesn’t care, and just wants to get fatter. So eager to please.
It has been about 10 days
2 years

Yet another cream diary

Day 12: 275!!!!
2 years

Optimal marcos for gaining fat

Do you mean Marco's Pizza? I was confused there for a second.

Can't say I ever tried them, though. I remember they were started by Family Video and they were initially located only next to Family Video stores. They offered things like optionally pickup video rentals that were about to expire. Don't remember if they also delivered video rentals but probably not; can't ensure availability.

I'm also not sure what you mean by optimal, because there's more than one way to be optimal.

Perfect cost optimization likely won't include any kind of takeout food at all, not to mention would be very boring and you'll burn out fast.

Maximum calorie optimization may not include takeout either, and you'd also burn out and get bored fast from the lack of variety.

Even if you mean within the constraints of what Marco's Pizza offers, I might still tell you to not worry too much, because you'd otherwise get bored.

I'd say just to have fun, go with what tastes good, can ideally eat a lot of, and make sure to keep some variety so you don't burn out.

Unrelated but, still moderately jealous of your boyfriend's ability to consume so much heavy cream without seeming too full or having to use the bathroom too much.

Oh no I meant macros, as in macronutrients. And yes, he loves the cream. We found that have a glass of sweet red wine with the cream drink (really just a few tablespoons of sugar, a shot of espresso, a splash of a flowered syrup and a cup f cream) really does help to aid digestion as I recall someone writing in here
2 years

Optimal marcos for gaining fat

Anyone want to come up with a diet plan for us?
2 years
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