What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Grew up skinny in a town of fatties. Always felt ugly, puberty hit. I filled out and started trying to gain. Then after one very lazy summer my weight exploded.

This is almost like a fantasy of mine. To move to a town where everyone is 300 lbs + and find myself adopting the lifestyle and getting just as fat without even realizing.
2 years

Male sbhm cam models

There are tons of guys that do this in the gay scene, though they use the terms chub and superchub over there.

The reason you don't see as many guys doing it on the straight side of Fat Admiration is because there simply isn't a large enough audience of women purchasing that type of content. Even in general, men are more likely than women to seek out pornographic pics/videos of models so when you combine that with the additional niche of fat, the audience just gets too small.

However I find that those who are fat-sexual can still find enjoyment from seeing same gendered folk get fat. Maybe it's less of an attraction to the person and more so what has happened to them (or the idea of it being you in their position).

I'm bi so I happily get to enjoy both worlds of fat and it's pretty great.
2 years

Best food hacks?

My list of food hacks!

Bacon Chicken Cornbread Casserole

Poutine-style Short-Rib Tater Tots

7-layer Dip Burrito Bowl

Fried Cheesecake Rangoon Bits


Holy crap this sounds mouth watering, how do I make poutine style short rib tater tots?

In fact I'm gonna need instructions on all of those if you don't mind 😅
2 years

Comparison photo project

You should share your comparison photos! (if you want to)
2 years

Best food hacks?

Tbh when I made this thread I was just thinking about what tastes good more than what's fattening.

Like dipping Oreos in peanut butter.
2 years

Discord server?

When posting an invite link, make sure it's set to not expire or otherwise people won't be able to join if they catch this thread too late
2 years

Best food hacks?

What are the best food hacks you know?

An example would be something like the McGangBang custom sandwich at McDonald's or maybe dipping your food in a Frosty at Wendy's.
2 years

Fat camp

Love the idea of going to fat camp for the summer as a fit/in-shape person and coming back an obese person with permanent bad habits 2 months later.
2 years

Psychological conditioning

I've done some conditioning like this with a Dom. He slowly worked on adjusting my habits and mental associations with food. I went from only liking to stuff if I was already turned on by this fetish to compulsively binging at least once a week. I became very addicted to eating large amounts of food and would even have to go on runs to the store late at night if the urge struck me. I tried to get control of my eating a weight gain numerous times but the habits were very strong.
I spoke with my Dom about taking a break because I was gaining more than I wanted. Not having someone to push me did make it a little easier to change my eating habits back to something more normal but the urge is still there even 6 months later. I don't think it will ever truly go away and I know that when I decide to start gaining again it will come back with a vengeance.
The biggest difference from before and after the conditioning is that I used to have to actively try to gain and now it's the opposite. It takes a lot of self control to eat normal amounts of food which makes it a constant struggle not to gain more weight. My relationship to food is completely changed.

That is incredibly hot.

How did your Dom make these changes to your habits and relationship to food happen?

How long did it take for the changes to cement?

Would love to hear as many details about the process and your experience as you're willing to write about!
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've started my experiment with lactose free heavy cream this week (actually technically whipping cream because we don't have heavy cream in most Canadian grocery stores).

I assume it being lactose free won't matter much as lactose is a sugar and whipping cream is already fairly low in lactose anyway.

So far I've been drinking 1-1.5 pints a day (473-700ml) and I haven't seen any gains. Today is day 4 so I've had about 4.5 pints so far. I usually eat a piece of chocolate with it to promote an insulin response.

I'm eating around 3000 calories a day for me which is definitely a surplus.

I'm skeptical of the supposed delayed weight gain and subcutaneous fat gains, I'll believe it when I see it. Just gonna keep chugging cream until I actually notice myself being fatter.

Secretly hoping the delayed gain is true and by the time I start to notice it and stop drinking, I'll end up getting way fatter than planned.

Plus side is that I absolutely love the taste and thickness of it!
2 years
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