Tips to be a good encourager / feeder

I'd say incorporate it more into your love life (if this is with a SO), and make it more of a game than a chore.

Two ideas I have:

1. Incorporate food into your sex life to help spice things up and help both of you enjoy it more.

2. Take him/her out often to eat if you can as romantic dates.

That's all I've got/can think of at the moment. But yeah, I could imagine you just have to make it fun for the both of you rather than having it as a one-sided thing, and your feedee will definitely put on the weight ^^.

After typing this all out, it seems like I'm not really adding anything to what people already know now that I'm thinking about it. Oh well!
7 years

Do people actually waddle?

From my understanding, the larger a person gets the more mass their body has to accommodate. Normally, our natural body structures aren't meant for walking with three to four times its usual weight. Therefore when a really fat person walks, the body has to waddle in order to accommodate the shifting mass and not fall over.

Furthermore, you'll notice waddles a lot more in people whose legs get pretty fat. All that extra padding causes a bit more frictions and leg spread, which makes it a bit more natural feeling to make a slight waddle.

As for penguins, I believe they waddle just due to their very short legs haha. You'll notice that sometimes, they'll actually just hop forward randomly as a way to compensate for their extremely short legs.

But yeah, so waddling is caused by a mixture of a heavier load causing the body to shift to accommodate it, and extra padding causing the legs to spread a bit. Causes that leaning back and forth motion that traditional fat person waddling entails! smiley. Hopefully this helped! If any of my info is wrong, hopefully someone can correct me haha.
7 years

Reasons behind your name?

Might have posted in this thread before, not sure. But anyways, I'm a big video game nerd so I wanted to have it in some way in my name. Then I realized how cheesy it was, and decided to make it cheesier by making it sound like some kind of super hero haha.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I signed up for Feabie right when the site first went up. Within a week or so it became very clear that the community was quite passive aggressive and hostile to each other. I haven't been on there in A LONG time, but I'm not thinking it has gotten any better due to these comments.
7 years

Top 5 favorite, fattening foods/treats

Fun thread! My top 5 are:

1. Chicken Alfredo - I love the taste of anything alfredo, not to mention it's fattening as hell.

2. Cheesecake - It's such a rarity that I have it, but I could go through an entire cake in one day if I had the chance.

3. Milkshakes - Sooo many different varieties and flavors, can never go wrong with it.

4. Five Guys Burgers - If they weren't so damn expensive, I would probably have died from an overdose of them by now. They're soooo good and it's 840 calories for a cheeseburger!

5. Pizza - Just like milkshakes, there's so many varieties that you could never get bored with it. Plus it's easy to eat so much of.
8 years

Help for a beginner

London Calling:
Thanks for all the answers!

Another quick question: what's the general opinion on mass gainers? I'm UK based so imagine that US products like Carbo-Gain and Ensure Plus aren't readily available, but I've heard good things about carb based gainers w. Malodextrin.

Anyone recommend anything?

I've seen plenty of gainers mix them into shakes in order to speed up their gaining. With those gainer products, they only work the intended way if you exercise, that way the protein helps build muscle. HOWEVER, if you don't exercise, I believe it gets turned into fat smiley.

Just a word of warning, I do believe those powder gainer tubs are very expensive.
8 years

Four temperaments quiz/test

Just tried it out myself. Melancholic!
8 years

Favorite fast food joint too pig out at?

I don't think all Five Guys have milkshakes. I was unaware this was a thing.

Yeah, I checked their website and it's not listed under their menu. Must be a local thing for me.
8 years


I love/hate weighing. I probably weigh myself more than I should, but I hate seeing the number drop a few pounds due to just daily fluctuations. However, when it does go up, it's a massive turn-on!

Numbers along with noticable growth is awesome to me smiley.
8 years

Belly drop

At around 270 lb, I kind of had my belly hang, although not massively. Definitely a really nice feeling when you change over from pot-belly to full on hanging fat smiley
8 years
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