Who was thin and got fat

Nice :-) Many an ex-cheerleader are on here with the same “gaining arc” after cheering days are over. Interestingly, I see more chubby cheerleaders at ballgames than ever before. The world is changing!

it's not just a kink, it's not just a lifestyle... it's evolution! smiley
1 year

How overweight were you when your belly began to touch your thighs sitting down

Trying to gain until my belly reaches my thighs when i sit upright. Its so fucking exciting to think about all the weight ill have to put on to achieve this. Ik its different for everyone but i kind of want some idea of how big ill be afterwards and how everyones experiences were when they first noticed this on theirselves.

i am not exactly sure, but i am guessing i was over 250 lbs.
1 year

Question for those who have gained on purpose

Let's say someone is on the fence about gaining. They already know the possible downsides. What would you tell them about the upsides?

In your own case, was there some event that decided you to start? What was it?

After you started gaining, was there some experience that confirmed you'd made the right choice?

If you're still gaining, what inspires you to continue?

this is a great conversation!

well into adulthood i was a gym guy, and it was a kind of lifestyle for me, as it is for many. some will call it being dedicated and disciplined, but really a lot of it just a routine. you just get used to it.

well into adulthood (i was 39 or 40?) i met someone who started to open my eyes to a different kind of lifestyle. i started to learn from her, the enjoyment of indulgence. food as pleasure rather than nourishment. while it wasn't a straight line, and there was some self doubt and angst along the path, what i learned eventually was that this other lifestyle brought me more joy than the gym grind i'd been following for decades.

that, to me, is the great advantage, being fat is kind of an ancillary perk (and sometimes an unpleasant consequence, but by and large it is positive).

getting fat also helped me discover my submissive side, i am not sure how that fits in. smiley
1 year

Other big guys have trouble getting it up?

when i read the title i thought it referred to an issue with achieving an erection... i can get it up just fine, it's just buried in my fupa even when it's hard.

for sure it limits the positions and amount of penetration that is possible, but to be honest having as big a gut as i have, that is limiting too.

but if you think penetration with a penis is the only way to pleasure your partner, whoa, you have soooo much to learn! smiley
1 year

Shows and movies

Arrested Development, Bobs Burgers and Schitts Creek are some of my favorites.

yeah, these are classics - i can rewatch any of these infinitely i think!
1 year

Emily became a fat artist

So, tada, I opened my very own DeviantArt for my very own deviant heart. I'm going to post all my romantic art, because I am a fucking romantic and you can't stop me. No, no, no.

you are a really talented artist! those pieces are really incredible.

do you paint digitally or do you use traditional media?
1 year

Eating fat ass

never doubt the power of anal stimulation - there are more nerve endings down there than just about anywhere!

anyone who has avoided anal play because they thinks it is gross needs to have a good wash and then dive in (gently!) and open their mind (and sphincter!). smiley

enjoy the discovery of this new realm of pleasure.
1 year

Shameless plug

really cool animations! you have a real talent. i especially liked the first one. animation opens up a world of possibility for feedism fantasies, it has always kind of surprised me how little it has been taken advantage of - especially with how many fa "origin stories" start with seeing a cartoon as a kid where a character got fat!
1 year

Helplessness- your take

when i get out of breath and have to sit down when walking, and when i can't reach to tie my shoes - that kind of stuff is not arousing to me as i am trying to get through my day. when i have trouble using a public rest room, or cleaning up after, definitely not hot.

when i am in a more relaxed setting, and i can't reach something because my big belly is in the way, yeah that can be a little hot, if i am honest.

on the weekend at the beach, i couldn't get up off the ground without help from amazingem. at first it was not hot, but when she started to tease me and tell me what a beached helpless whale i'd become, essentially asserting her dominance in a gentle way, then it became a more arousing moment.

so i think context matters a lot.
1 year

“damn, i’m fat”

I recently started making an effort to sit up straight in my desk chair due to shoulder and neck pain. Well, when I do that and scoot forward enough to comfortably reach the keyboard, my belly hits the edge of the desk!

my belly pushing me further away from the computer keyboard has been one of those big changes that i noticed, too.

that, and when my cursor goes crazy because a roll of belly fat is pressing the space bar without me knowing! lol
1 year
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