Decline in fitness

I used to be a sprinter and hurdler in school and represented the school in county long run tournaments as well.
Fast forward to now, and I haven’t left the house, aside from to buy essentials, in more weeks than I can count. Could I even make it over a hurdle?
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

My tolerance for it has lowered recently. I'm integrating it into other things like my coffee and breakfast foods to tolerate it better.

That’s a brilliant idea!
4 years

Any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?

Honestly, no. Fat being taboo is kind of what gets me off.

That being said, I know full well that fatness is damaging to everyone, fat, thin, and in-between. I wish we could keep the taboo but ditch the discrimination.

Yeah, my word choice definitely wasn’t the best there. You put that much better.

My, mistake. In that case, yea, normalize the heck out of getting huge smiley

Normalise me lol!
4 years

Any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?

Honestly, no. Fat being taboo is kind of what gets me off.

That being said, I know full well that fatness is damaging to everyone, fat, thin, and in-between. I wish we could keep the taboo but ditch the discrimination.

Yeah, my word choice definitely wasn’t the best there. You put that much better.
4 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

I'm pretty happy with my size for the moment, but I could be persuaded to blimp up a bit more if it helped a gal reach her goals.

I’d love to catch up, and honestly welcome every bit of encouragement along the way. I’ve always been envious of other girls curves, as well as attracted, but only recently set myself free to enjoy pursuing my own (hence my low target weight, to begin with) but, having always been the thin one, I relish not being.
4 years

What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

I have the same problem and I hate it. I want to have the same capacity and appetite that others do.

I’m working up to that, and starting from one ‘meal’ a day it will take some time, but focusing on the result will put pressure on yourself, enjoy the journey, every step/snack of the way.
4 years

Fatter i get, the more feminine i feel.

Well fat is feminizing. The more fat you have, the more aromatase you have. The more aromatase you have, the more of your androgens get converted into estrogen.

Yes, but how much fat would you have to have, for the estrogen to stop erections and shrink the boys?

Small amounts can be used as a contraceptive, but 6 or more months would almost invariably have a permanent effect.
You should speak to a health professional before taking anything hormonal, there are a lot of factors to consider and I can only speak of my personal experience with HRT, which WILL differ.
4 years

Any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?

We can all work to make this a reality, I remember a time not so long ago that I was too scared to stalk about this, but things are changing (and so am I).
Supporting artists representing the cause really gets people talking (Beth Ditto and Tess Holliday for example), and when things stop being taboo, they become normal.
OK, maybe a simplistic breakdown, but I think it makes sense.
4 years

Fatter i get, the more feminine i feel.

I dont have any urge to wear bras or panties but as my belly and boobs have grown i've been having more pregnant fantasies. When my belly is stuffed full and firm I love to rub, cradle, and admire it in the mirror as if there is a baby in there

I’ve gotten a weird urge/wish that i could breastfeed someone, or vice versa. Especially the bigger they are

Is there any way of stimulating a hormonal reaction to ‘fool’ the body into producing milk (progesterone? estradiol? Not a scientist, sorry)
I associate curves and femininity so I’m pretty thrilled to see mine growing, starting to find peace in myself and my relationship with food.
4 years

Would any ladies be down to wear a fat suit?

i’d LOVE to do that!!! i’d really only need like 60 bucks everything is way cheaper on amazon[/quote]

What do you need?
4 years
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