
i have that theory on beards and beta-studies (nerds) smiley
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

laser wrote:
foxglove wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I'm glad everything is so black and white for you. sentiments exactly, lol.

When I read this sort of 'average opinions' I get quite sad.
Of what the society have made of us!

En of how much we, thick ones, helped them by accepting that peer-pressure.

Is this the opinion you should expect on FF, where everyone claims to be super-proud of own fat-rollies? No. What can men expect from the rest of the world, then?

It seems that I, that have open meaning of own and othermen's fat, and am not hiding preferences, should almost be ashamed of being so, here. Sort of upside down world.
Is this the message?
12 years


Is facesitting some sort of angellust? Does it have same effect?

/just currious/
12 years

Hilarious sex

WitchyMcFottykins wrote:
for me sex is something lighthearted and silly, I don't take it that serious and in a way I enjoy it more then..

same here...

This one was not sex, just attempt to have one, but I still think of it as funny.

I was freshly in-between the relationships. So there was that new guy on the beach party (which was mostly moon-lighted and with a small fire, no other source of light). As the time passed by, the atmosphere and alcohol did they work. So we started making out in the dark. And then decided to look for some more privacy.

We walked to my home, also through the dark, sporadically stopping to kiss. Next we went into my appt, still in complete darkness. I just put my computer on, with some psychedelic screensaver playing the 'special effects' - that was all the light.

And then was my first ONS about to happen...
Half way to it he said he has to go home. I thought *wtf?* and continued. Than he said that he would like nothing more but to stay, but still has to go home, otherwise his parents will go mad.

Than I had my first lucid moment that night, haha, and turned the light on. I asked hem: how old are you? He said: 16. Next week.......:o

He was ca 10 yrs my minor and I didn't even notice smiley.
I still remember thinking: No way, this sort missjudgement happens only to guys, not girls!
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

geekybibabe wrote:
As for being able to delete your profile anytime -- sure, but that's no guarantee the information in it hasn't been saved somewhere. Have you ever seen the Internet Archive?

That is a big true. That's why I said: delete it if you cant cope with it. Or don't put it.

I mean just a wrong persons' pressure on PrtScr and paste in Paint - and there goes your privacy...:o

btw., That is a whole new subject: privacy abuse and members as 'sitting ducks' here on the site.
If you look at it that pessimistic way - you shouldn't do anything, ever - there's always some risk involved smiley
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

Sorry if I made a wrong impression. The intention was not to lecture. Just to simplify the logic. As I simplified my own life. It is kind of relief eversince.

2 ppl I share household with know about FF. It would be a miracle they don't, since I leave my comp everywhere, and am automatically logged in, so therefore they can see it just passing by.

Further than that few colleagues and close family members know about my standpoint regarding food, if not about the site itself.

The rest just didn't ask the right question yet haha... smiley
12 years



and than

all sorts of bacardi breezers

with good food goes good wine: red or white, fruity or dry, prosecco, champ... you name it on occasion - all good
12 years

Your next holiday?

Does city-break counts?

Antwerpen, Belgium
over 1 week smiley

Good food smiley
good beer
good people/company

what more can you wish for...?
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

foxglove wrote:
I'm just contributing to the debate. I understand the OP saying he doesn't know what to expect. I have a dilemma about whether to leave up a face pic I recently posted because of the concerns I outlined. Yes of course it's my responsibility (did I say otherwise?) but I'm aware it has its own pros and cons.

Then maybe you should delete it. Because you don't have a peace with it.(All odds of you being actually recognized put aside.)

And as to whether my worries are overrated - I know a woman on here who posted body-only shots, got identified by a colleague who recognized her home in the background, who proceeded to blackmail her, demanding sex and money.

The right question is:what did that college do on this site himself???

This for sure is not a situation anyone wish to happen. But, you're gonna be blackmailed only if you allow it. I do not see other way to explain it but to describe my own situation. And that is: I accept myself fully as 'round' or you can call me 'fat' person. By all means. There is no force on earth that can put me on diet, no matter what. Being here on ff is part of own acceptance. In that sense: nothing can come out, that already isn't out. (No skeletons in the closet).

When you put it that way I am very poor blackmail target smiley.

I guess it depends also what profession you're in, and mine is very stuffy. And as for my profile being deletable - yes, but what's been seen/read can't be unseen. It's a matter for the individual to decide but we all have different personal circumstances to take into account.

I am 'self employed', but for big part I also depend on others to be placed on different locations. If me being who I am can jeopardize how much work I'm gonna get - the hell then, I don't want to work with them either! And would rather choose to change professional network, than to have to hide. I mean this is how discrimination works.

But I allow that people have different meanings and feelings on this subject. And that some people want to keep it private. In that case - act private and do not put on internet anything that can influence your RL.

It is all about making choices in life.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

foxglove wrote:
My concern is that I fetishise my own shape and like stuffing boys, and post about it in here. Nothing to be ashamed of, but I just don't really think my colleagues or people who hire me to do a job, or my family really need to know about all that. Although my Gran would be fine with it. I think you've seen it all by the time you're 92.

I do not completely understand your worries. You placed the photos and created the profile by yourself. there is a little bit of own responsibility implied by that act. and since the profiles are very 'deletable', so to say, any moment you wish - I think your worries are a little bit overrated.
12 years
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