Plus sized elf anime adaptation

OMG - YESSSSS! Thanks for the heads up - I had no idea this was in the works!
6 months

Reunion fun

That is a sweet story! It also sounds like you have a pretty cool group of friends.

NGL - it was awesome. I'm hoping to be noticeably bigger by the next time we hang out.

I feel really lucky to have a good group of friends who can be authentic and can catch up after all this time.
6 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

I think that the loneliness that we feel is a reflection of a larger issue with humanity - that we mistake conversation with connection. Social conversation can LEAD to connection, but if we feel we have walked into a big room with people who share our interests and then don't immediately bond with someone, we get this feeling of "what am I doing wrong?" and "why are all of these other people seeming to interact with the group but not with me?"

It occurs on a lot of social media sites, and I think that part of it stems from a process of posting our own thought and then expecting others to respond, validate, or endorse it.

The benefit of a site like this is that there is a singular common interest that we all share, so you have at least a start with the process of connection, but TRUE connection only comes after you find mutual interest, engagement, or purpose with someone else's passion.

So maybe try posting about random stuff that you are really excited about, and keep updating your thread like a journal? If some other soul sees that it is a topic that they enjoy, then maybe you now have TWO conversation points with which to make a connection?

Sorry you're feeling lonely - we all feel this way from time to time. Just know that you aren't the only one going through these types of feelings, and look for ways to make conversation first - and then connection.

Good luck! If you feel like chatting about something, you can always drop a message!
6 months

Partner gaining (on accident?)

From what you've told us, you have been open amd honest about your feelings and preferences. At this point, you will have to let them make their own choices and then be supportive either way.

It sounds like both of you could be having some mutual fun - go with the flow and trust that they are just enjoying the ride with you.
6 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me, it's when someone grabs the ultimate self-power and deliberately fattens themselves up because they want it.

To me, there is NOTHING hotter than a person intentionally modifying their own body of their own consent and accord - willfully stuffing themselves and gaining with the full intention of being fatter and fatter.

It's like the post above - when a person who has conformed to a body expectation (other's or their own) for so long finally decides to openly rebel against that expectation to the point of extreme.
6 months

Advice for accepting fetish?

Quiet Cow:
I can relate. While I am miles better than I was, I still have moments like what you described. It can be complicated when you have this kink, but have internalized messages that go against it. I'm also very new in body acceptance and accepting my kinks. What helps me is taking selfies and video of myself and not trying to hide my fat. Another thing that helps me is to really get acquainted with my body and treat it lovingly--making sure to touch my belly in a nice way, not in a judgemental way. Thinking of myself as a fat person--instead of a skinny person "trapped" in fat body--has helped too.

This is such a helpful post - I especially appreciate your last point, as it can be a struggle to avoid self-judgment if your physical body is larger and chunkier than your mental static image of yourself. Thank you for sharing this advice!
6 months

Polite things people say

I posted this elsewhere, but during the Christmas holiday gatherings, various members of my family asked me if I'd been working out because I was "looking solid". Lol

I've been feeling anything BUT solid - the squish is real, y'all. smiley

Another one has some science behind it - telling someone that they have put on some "happy weight" when in a relationship. Apparently there have been a number of studies in which the data demonstrates a tendency for people to gain a bit of weight when in a happy and stable relationship.

For me its the inverse: I'm not fatter because I'm in a happy relationship... I'm happy because my relationship is making me fatter!
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

This was the first set of holidays in which my gain was unmistakable. My mom asked if I was working out because I looked "more solid" - lol.

I literally ate EVERYTHING put in front of me. Cookies? Yes. More pie? Yes. Would you like to finish off those last three pancakes? Yes.

It was so hot - I know that they must have been fairly curious about what was going on, but they kept putting food in front of me to see when I would tap out. I didn't tap out. Lol
6 months

Foot care?

Okay, so I USED to be able to easily get up close to my feet.

Recently as I've tried to do some basic foot care, though, I'm finding that the belly is just not letting me get as close or as flexible as I could in the past.

I'm still pretty flexible in general, but the chub is acting like a wedge between my upper thighs and my chest - I get out of breath (things you don't expect as you get fatter??) trying to squeeze myself closer to my feet.

Any tips from those who can identify with this issue? Nail care, callus care, etc.
6 months

New year!

Happy New Year to all!
6 months
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